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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×

Can't even load software

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Never seen such unfriendly software...
I used quick start guide, using explorer 10 with Java version 1.8 and get error. This is crap.
I'm at this page
and get "keep this page open" with a little box that says "Error" and the error box says
Java Plug-in x86
Using JRE version 1.8.0_131-b11 Java HotSpot Client VM
User home directory = C:\Users\wgi
c:   clear console window
f:   finalize objects on finalization queue
g:   garbage collect
h:   display this help message
l:   dump classloader list
m:   print memory usage
o:   trigger logging
q:   hide console
r:   reload policy configuration
s:   dump system and deployment properties
t:   dump thread list
v:   dump thread stack
x:   clear classloader cache
0-5: set trace level to <n>
I had high hopes for this system but if you can't even get this software set up... not so sure. any advice?



Don't use the web browser.  Use the applet.  The web browsers/java mix is troublesome.  The link above by giesen is the applet.  Download the applet by going to the URL above using a browser and then run the downloaded file.  It will install the applet on your computer and put an icon on your desktop.  Double click the shortcut on your desktop once installed and it will automatically find your ISY and let you log in (provided ISY is on the same LAN as the computer)


Or, if you don't know your ISY address, use this link:




This assumes you just bought a new isy which i believe is shipping with 4.5.4 firmware.  You can use the 4.5.4 applet regardless of what your isy has loaded on it.  Once you get the applet installed on your computer, you can open ISY and see what firmware it is running by going to help/about.  As a newbie, you should run 4.5.4 as it is the current official firmware version.  If your isy isn't running 4.5.4, it should automatically prompt you to install it.  If not, you can download 4.5.4 here http://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/19961-release-454-is-now-official/ and manually install it.


There are newer firmwares but they are in alpha and beta and you might not want to go there as a newbie.  It is up to you.  The 5.x firmwares have added a bunch of new features that are nice, but again, up to you as you may encounter bugs (though unlikely since bugs on 5.0.10 seem to be pretty much for the esoteric.)


Well it seems like no computer on my system can recognize the isy box...Maybe a bad isy box


Now I need to figure out how to return and get my money back... Such a disappointment.


I did get an email back from UD support wich said the on line info that is available is not correct and sent me another link, which also does not work.


Don't know why this community puts up with such poor support from UD.


I guess it will be left in the dust in future HA because most people will not put up with this poorly designed GU even it if it is supposed to work...


Anyway, thanks for the few responses of help


Couple of very basics I would start with:


PLM serial connection to the correct.port on the ISY

Ethernet port connect to your router with a working cable

Verify the lights on the front of the isy light up correctly on power up and status is good post boot.


Then, use a network diagnosis app like Fing (Free on iPhone) to map your network and find the ip address of the ISY to make sure it is getting an address assigned. .


If it doesn't find the ISY it may be bad.


Was there no quick start guide in the box? (A serious question, since I've had mine for many years, and no idea what it ships with today or even what it shipped with when I got it!)


How did you wind-up at the page you linked to? Google search? That page is for a long-obsolete product. The company is not responsible for your inaccurate Google search!


If somebody sold you an ISY99i as a new product, return it, or at least try. Because if they sold you an ISY99i as new, that was a fraudulent act. (And so if they sold you a long-obsolete product as new, ya think they are going to give you your money back???)  The 99i is no longer supported, and the firmware is no longer updated.


The current product is the ISY994i. And, in fact, they offered (and still offer) a GENEROUS upgrade discount. Pretty-much the best hardware upgrade offer I've ever seen, AND you get to keep the old one! (Which brings me back to... did somebody palm a used, obsolete device on you as new???)


The company also has some of the BEST tech support I have ever encountered in the industry. Did you attempt to contact their tech support?


It is true the the Java-ness of the UI is almost certainly the single biggest user complaint. Nobody could have predicted the turn of affairs that has Java ejected from all the major browsers now. So, if you follow old documentation, you will be misled into trying something that will not work. I do think there are lingering references even in the current documentation that really needs to be expunged. And, really, that plugin page really ought to just read "Java plugin no longer supported"! (But... it does still work, just so long as you use an old browser that still supports a java plugin, so I suppose they don't want to make life unnecessarily difficult for those that DO have old browsers and are set in their ways...)


Please confirm what model you have.


P.S. This is a user-to-user support form. There is no reason to use the foul language and the nasty attitude. Though it is a user-user forum, the CEO of the company does drop in (DAILY) and he's a really nice guy who bends over backwards to solve people's problems. Even if you are nasty about it.


Was there no quick start guide in the box? (A serious question, since I've had mine for many years, and no idea what it ships with today or even what it shipped with when I got it!)


How did you wind-up at the page you linked to? Google search? That page is for a long-obsolete product. The company is not responsible for your inaccurate Google search!


If somebody sold you an ISY99i as a new product, return it, or at least try. Because if they sold you an ISY99i as new, that was a fraudulent act. (And so if they sold you a long-obsolete product as new, ya think they are going to give you your money back???)  The 99i is no longer supported, and the firmware is no longer updated.


The current product is the ISY994i. And, in fact, they offered (and still offer) a GENEROUS upgrade discount. Pretty-much the best hardware upgrade offer I've ever seen, AND you get to keep the old one! (Which brings me back to... did somebody palm a used, obsolete device on you as new???)


The company also has some of the BEST tech support I have ever encountered in the industry. Did you attempt to contact their tech support?


It is true the the Java-ness of the UI is almost certainly the single biggest user complaint. Nobody could have predicted the turn of affairs that has Java ejected from all the major browsers now. So, if you follow old documentation, you will be misled into trying something that will not work. I do think there are lingering references even in the current documentation that really needs to be expunged. And, really, that plugin page really ought to just read "Java plugin no longer supported"! (But... it does still work, just so long as you use an old browser that still supports a java plugin, so I suppose they don't want to make life unnecessarily difficult for those that DO have old browsers and are set in their ways...)


Please confirm what model you have.


P.S. This is a user-to-user support form. There is no reason to use the foul language and the nasty attitude. Though it is a user-user forum, the CEO of the company does drop in (DAILY) and he's a really nice guy who bends over backwards to solve people's problems. Even if you are nasty about it.

I suppose I am a bit frustrated with this. Purchased the isy994i and the smarthome PLM directly from Smarthome last month. I have a large number of insteon devices and have been lurking here.


I went directly to universal-devices.com/start for Quick start menu and followed links embedded in these files. The only "qick start" guide was a single piece of paper that referenced me back to the aforementioned link.


I think you are correct in that the biggest issue ( other than getting it started) is the Java app, since it is getting killed off. This is why I am a bit leery of spending the time and effort to convert and go down this path with ISY. I do not use apple products and was using mozzilla and chrome... both of which do not support Java any longer.


While the "tech support" may be great, I'm more interested in not really needing "tech support" at all... Not that I'm lazy, but I want my system to be seamless and work in the background and to set and forget it...


I do not need to automate my home to the nth degree but wanted to have a bit more stability and robust HA than the insteon hub I am using ( and it functions surprisinging well) along with Alexa. I have numerous dots scattered arounf the house and have gotten used to not even using switches anymore but have the Alexa dots to handle most Thermostat, lighting  and scene needs.


Eventually I 'd like to integrate some more features such as outdoor video and door locks but I have stand lone systems that are app driven for now.


It seems to me that this Java based GUI is going to be left behind and unless ISY is planning to upgrade away from this dying platform, it may be best for me to return and refund this and wait it out a bit more. I think I've got less than $200 into this ISY and PLM and it seems that the efforts to get this working are fleeting, at best


I suppose I am a bit frustrated with this. Purchased the isy994i and the smarthome PLM directly from Smarthome last month. I have a large number of insteon devices and have been lurking here.


I went directly to universal-devices.com/start for Quick start menu and followed links embedded in these files. The only "qick start" guide was a single piece of paper that referenced me back to the aforementioned link.


I think you are correct in that the biggest issue ( other than getting it started) is the Java app, since it is getting killed off. This is why I am a bit leery of spending the time and effort to convert and go down this path with ISY. I do not use apple products and was using mozzilla and chrome... both of which do not support Java any longer.


While the "tech support" may be great, I'm more interested in not really needing "tech support" at all... Not that I'm lazy, but I want my system to be seamless and work in the background and to set and forget it...


I do not need to automate my home to the nth degree but wanted to have a bit more stability and robust HA than the insteon hub I am using ( and it functions surprisinging well) along with Alexa. I have numerous dots scattered arounf the house and have gotten used to not even using switches anymore but have the Alexa dots to handle most Thermostat, lighting  and scene needs.


Eventually I 'd like to integrate some more features such as outdoor video and door locks but I have stand lone systems that are app driven for now.


It seems to me that this Java based GUI is going to be left behind and unless ISY is planning to upgrade away from this dying platform, it may be best for me to return and refund this and wait it out a bit more. I think I've got less than $200 into this ISY and PLM and it seems that the efforts to get this working are fleeting, at best


You are way over thinking this.


The java is just the console.  The ISY does not run on Java, only the screen you use to view it.


Just download the java applet and install it on your computer.  It has nothing to do with chrome or any browser.  It is a java program, not a plugin to a browser.  Just forget about uasing a web browser with ISY, it doesn't matter.  I never used it even when it did work.


Read my post 3 above, that is all you need.  Again . . .let go of the web browser concept.  The java applet is not being phased out . . . it is a java program that relies on no one else's cooperation, not chrome, not ie, no one.  It would only go away if Oracle decides to make it go away, and that isn't happening any time soon.



I went directly to universal-devices.com/start for Quick start menu and followed links embedded in these files. The only "qick start" guide was a single piece of paper that referenced me back to the aforementioned link.



Now that you mention it... I was a new user last November and I can definitely tell you that the universal-devices.com/start page was as AWFUL then as it is today.


/rant ON


You know it's bad when the section called "Quick start" does nothing to actually get you started except refer you to "Quick Start Guides" halfway thru... and then when you click that link there really are not instructions to get you going...


I also had alot of trouble creating my UDI account to register my ISY etc..


Someone at UDI desperately needs to fix this. go to your /start page and just pretend to be a new user that just ordered product for the first time and got the box and followed the link on the piece of paper.   ITS A HORRIBLE NEW CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE.  


Also not very straight forward documented for the average user: getting a self-signed certificate (or any certificate) installed so that they can access from the internet.  I remember not realizing that the "dashboard" was not "admin console"  I spent forever looking for updated documentation.  I eventually caught on ADMIN CONSOLE is not DASHBOARD.  Beyond that frustration, I have more knowledge about certificates going into this than the average person probably does, but I still struggled getting it done.   [sIDE NOTE: I really hope you will automate that process using Let's Encrypt free certificates and the Let's Encrypt API for installing and renewing certificates automatically.  It avoids security warnings for using self-signed.]


One start item suggests watching videos.  I don't watch videos... period.... for various reasons some of the most important of those:  the learning is not self paced and is often too slow for me, or the opposite, i spend to much time backing up to be able to watch slower were someone is clicking or what they are doing,   I also am usually not alone, so I'd have to use headphones to avoid audio pollution for others.  Anyway suffice to say if the videos make it easier to get started that point is lost on me, because I simply do not watch videos period. 


Just my 2 cents but it would be better to have a step-by-step Qucik Start Guide, focused on EVERYTHING the user should do EXACTLY step by step for the first 60 minutes after the box is open and they are plugging in, hooking up, and connecting for the first time.


Beyond that a Frequently Asked Questions section is always good, Particularly if it gets updated with new questions that are recently being frequently asked and not previously included. 


/rant OFF


MRCW, ISY/UDI are definitely not for you. It should be quite easy to return your unit back to SmartHome. If you are having any problems, you are welcome to send your invoice to sales@universal-devices.com and we'll help you get a refund.


MrBill, thank you for the feedback. Can you please let me know what else you were thinking of having in Quick Start guide above and beyond what's in here? 



Please note that this is quick start guide. The comprehensive user guide is also on the Wiki. 


With kind regards,


Now that you mention it... I was a new user last November and I can definitely tell you that the universal-devices.com/start page was as AWFUL then as it is today.


/rant ON


You know it's bad when the section called "Quick start" does nothing to actually get you started except refer you to "Quick Start Guides" halfway thru... and then when you click that link there really are not instructions to get you going...


I also had alot of trouble creating my UDI account to register my ISY etc..


Someone at UDI desperately needs to fix this. go to your /start page and just pretend to be a new user that just ordered product for the first time and got the box and followed the link on the piece of paper.   ITS A HORRIBLE NEW CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE.  


Also not very straight forward documented for the average user: getting a self-signed certificate (or any certificate) installed so that they can access from the internet.  I remember not realizing that the "dashboard" was not "admin console"  I spent forever looking for updated documentation.  I eventually caught on ADMIN CONSOLE is not DASHBOARD.  Beyond that frustration, I have more knowledge about certificates going into this than the average person probably does, but I still struggled getting it done.   [sIDE NOTE: I really hope you will automate that process using Let's Encrypt free certificates and the Let's Encrypt API for installing and renewing certificates automatically.  It avoids security warnings for using self-signed.]


One start item suggests watching videos.  I don't watch videos... period.... for various reasons some of the most important of those:  the learning is not self paced and is often too slow for me, or the opposite, i spend to much time backing up to be able to watch slower were someone is clicking or what they are doing,   I also am usually not alone, so I'd have to use headphones to avoid audio pollution for others.  Anyway suffice to say if the videos make it easier to get started that point is lost on me, because I simply do not watch videos period. 


Just my 2 cents but it would be better to have a step-by-step Qucik Start Guide, focused on EVERYTHING the user should do EXACTLY step by step for the first 60 minutes after the box is open and they are plugging in, hooking up, and connecting for the first time.


Beyond that a Frequently Asked Questions section is always good, Particularly if it gets updated with new questions that are recently being frequently asked and not previously included. 


/rant OFF


I understand your thoughts and largely agree (though I have mixed feelings on the video thing, yes they often either are way too slow or way too fast, but at least they avoid that mystery step that so often written docs don't include).  The issue, as I see it, is that UDI spends damn near all their resources making the code better and not so much time making the docs better.  This is what happens with a niche product that is as aggressively improved as ISY is.  The constant evolution of the ISY (and the products ISY interacts with) evolves and the docs end up being a hodge podge of old and new.


As a seasoned user, I would prefer they spend their money on the product, not on the docs.  However, perhaps better docs would result in more users and thus UDI having more money and thus both better docs and better product.


The app admin.jnlp does not work.  I have been using an ISY994i for several years, but never had trouble until very recently.  I think it has something to do with browsers no longer recognizing add-ins.  Java warns that Firefox 52 no longer used add in.


I have no problem accessing my ISY, but can't access the admin console.  i tried running admin.jnlp but get an error message from Java "Unable to launch the application."  Details provided are below


com.sun.deploy.net.FailedDownloadException: Unable to load resource: http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/4.5.4/admin.jnlp
    at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.actionDownload(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.downloadResource(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.updateFinalLaunchDesc(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Main.continueInSecureThread(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Main.access$000(Unknown Source)
    at com.sun.javaws.Main$1.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Universal Devices needs to get on top of this if it wants to stay in business.



I went directly to universal-devices.com/start for Quick start menu and followed links embedded in these files. The only "qick start" guide was a single piece of paper that referenced me back to the aforementioned link.




Wow. Is that ever a bad quick start guide! 


The first problem is... it's not a quick start guide! It's a jumbled random kitchen sink of links. It starts off with Amazon Echo/IFTTT Integration, then moves on to ZW series, neither of which should be featured prominently (or at all) on a quick start page! Buried in the middle is a link to the real quick start guide, which is an index into a Wiki page. While it does lead you through installing the admin console, there's absolutely no mention of the need for Java, what version is required, how to install if not already installed, etc. It does implore you to clear your Java cache, at which point the user probably will realize they need some version of Java installed...


Sit somebody who has never used an ISY with a computer and an ISY, and a knowledgable person. Record everything starting with "what do I do first". It would be best not the refer to the existing material. Do it from the ground up. What we have is 10 years of randomly-ordered folklore. What is needed a a real step-by-step (some pictures would be nice...) from opening the box to up and running.


Once that's done, put it in the box. Not just a link to the quick start guide, but an actual quick start guide in the box. Of course, it may then not be perfectly up-to-date, but that's what the link is for.

  • 2 weeks later...

MrBill, thank you for the feedback. Can you please let me know what else you were thinking of having in Quick Start guide above and beyond what's in here? 



Please note that this is quick start guide. The comprehensive user guide is also on the Wiki. 




I meant to come back soon after the Holiday and reply to this and frankly forgot.   I was just reading this post above and realized that you are missing the point.


Keep in mind the piece of paper in the box says:


"For step-by-step installation and configuration guide, please point your prefeerred browser to:



There are some other general links on that same piece of paper, but not the link you give here in this thread... to find that we must go on a HUNT!.


ok so we down the above rabbit hole and head to http://www.universal-devices.com/start as instructed.


When we get there the MOST IMPORTANT thing we see is


Amazon Echo/IFTTT Integration!


which probably isn't what we are looking for at that point, after all we just un-boxed the ISY.  But we say "Oh goodie, the next section is called


Quick Start:


Now there is a bunch of stuff about making certain Z-wave is active... wait tho -- I don't even know how to do the things listed here yet, because I haven't yet gotten to the....{wait for it..wait for it...} "quick start guide" yet.


Next we find the link for "Please start with our step-by-step Quick Start Guides" 


Wait that's were I thought I was already???  but that link does take use to a page were we can eventually find: http://www.universal-devices.com/docs/production/Quick%20Setup%20Guide%20994i.Rev%207.pdf


that PDF in fact needs to be updated at this point tho, and skip the "if you want to use your browser" portion.



So yes, the on-boarding process needs to be reviewed.  I also lead you directly to the point you need to be at in this point.  How many places do we click or try to find before we get to that pdf?   The www.universal-devices.com/start page MUST be the first page you want the user to see, NOT A MESS they have to figure out.


(edit to add:)


Also note that as you scroll down on the /start page: 


Java and Admin Console are only required for configuring ISY. For command/control/cameras using any browser or mobile device, you can simply use ISY’s Web Interface by pointing your browser to:

- http://your-isy-ip-address e.g.

- On Windows Systems: http://isy


Which I believe is out of date.


One of the most common mistakes I see is where people have the plm plugged into the network port. The other is when they have multiple networks and the ISY is plugged into 1 network while their computer is connected to another.


To be honest, outside of the problems you're having, if you are looking for an easier system, the ISY is definitely not for you. I will readily admit, it not for the every day user who is happy with setting everything up on an app and it just works. If that is something anyone is looking for, they should settle for something basic like the hub because there is a learning curve that you probably do not want to deal with.


The ISY is not trying to be the controller for the masses. There are so many other simpler systems out there that already do that. They are building a system for those discerning individuals who desire more than simple. While that may mean they won't sell millions or take over the market, it does mean they have a loyal group of users who will stand by their products to the end instead of jumping from ship to ship


One of the most common mistakes I see is where people have the plm plugged into the network port. The other is when they have multiple networks and the ISY is plugged into 1 network while their computer is connected to another.


To be honest, outside of the problems you're having, if you are looking for an easier system, the ISY is definitely not for you. I will readily admit, it not for the every day user who is happy with setting everything up on an app and it just works. If that is something anyone is looking for, they should settle for something basic like the hub because there is a learning curve that you probably do not want to deal with.


The ISY is not trying to be the controller for the masses. There are so many other simpler systems out there that already do that. They are building a system for those discerning individuals who desire more than simple. While that may mean they won't sell millions or take over the market, it does mean they have a loyal group of users who will stand by their products to the end instead of jumping from ship to ship

So you apparently think that new users should have to run down a half dozen outdated wiki links before figuring out how to do what they wanted. So far, I have found it more productive to just try different things until I get the results I desire.



So you apparently think that new users should have to run down a half dozen outdated wiki links before figuring out how to do what they wanted. So far, I have found it more productive to just try different things until I get the results I desire.



Right, same here. 


Just to amplify the thought here, what must happen with a Quick Start page, is that it must get the new user to the "Hello World!" moment, that is, in this case where they have accessed the admin panel, added the first device added and can turn a light on and off. Hello World!  As it is you have to go exploring rabbit tunnels of out-dated documentation to get to that moment.  The point that UDI is missing is that they need to sit down and unbox a new unit and pretend they KNOW ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and follow their own instructions.  They must start at http://www.universal-devices.com/start just as they are instructed, then NOT using any knowledge they might have they must follow the instructions and click links just like a brand new user would doing.


Additionally, at some point I had somehow figured out to 'File > enable Internet Access [iSY.]'.   I thought everything was working fine. I added a certificate exception in my browsers.  I understand 'why' the security warning exists because its not a known certificate authority,  I already had a DYNDNS service for another reason. I thought everything was good to go.  I was actually out of the country and using measured wi-fi when i started getting the warnings about not being able to use the out-of-box certificate anymore. (I don't remember the scenario exactly).  But never did I know that important step of generating my own self-signed certificate and replacing the out of box. Finding that out was another wade thru of outdated documentation, and eventually figuring out that the Dashboard was different than the Admin Panel and that i needed to be using THAT.     Therefor, this configuration should also be a part of the "Quick Start Guide", the only way a user finds what to do is when the warnings start that the out of box certificate is about to expire.  As in my case, that might not be an opportune time to "fix it"  (Even better use Let's Encrypt and update FREE certificates automatically via API)


I know more by far about networking/ports/routers/certificates/dyndns's/etc. than most people. I can't imagine how the average user gets their own self-signed certificate installed.


Far from the case. The fact that the author states he doesn't want to fight with something and just wants it to work simply means the ISY is not for him. If he's this frustrated getting it up and running; what do you think will happen when he starts having issues programming? Since he is already frustrated where he is ready to return it and walk away, then he probably will not want to deal with programming it to run his devices. As such, the ISY would not be for him


The ISY is not some cloud based app system. It is for those who are willing to put the time and effort in learning it and using it. Of course, I'm not denying that documentation can be better. To be honest, I've never used any of it. I researched the ISY and forums before I got started and that was enough for me. He already said he's been lurking on the forum. Depending on how long and what he's looked at, all of the info he needs can easily be found. It's also being willing to take the time and effort to familiarize oneself with how things work.  


As far a programming goes, the ISY994 is not to difficult to program. The hardest part is figuring out how to do things and what to ignore in the ISY wiki. In the mid 80's I wrote a few programs for myself in Turbo Pascal, but that was about the end of my programming. I have written some pretty extensive  excel spreadsheets so even at my advanced age I do remember some things.

Anyway, if someone could prune the no longer relevant portions out of the wiki it would help newbies quite a bit.



Judging by the sheer number of posts where people need help with programs, I'd say the wiki would be a minimum problem.


As a test, I had my girl hook up an ISY last night. After reading the forums for 15 minutes she was able to get to the admin console using her computer which never had any ISY stuff on it. As I stated before, the wiki needs work but if one took a few moments to read, it can become much much easier


I've found the google has the wiki indexed better than the wiki's own index.  Google does a descent job searching the forums too.  For example, I often need things like the variable substitutions for emails.  Google puts it as the number 1 result in a fraction of a second.  Drilling through the wiki menus . . . well, not so fast.


My first post but I have used first my ISY 99i and now ISY 994i for may years without needing to post to the forums. Lots of great help here with no need to ask. I feel that the ISY is the ultimate in home automation software for Insteon.


That said the original poster is right! The way I ended up here today is that yet again I can't open the admin console... but I expected that because I upgraded to the latest version... and the Admin console never works after doing that. Java updates break things also. I had this issue when I bought my first isy99i and despite having used other home automation software in the past was very intimidated and felt much like the first poster because nothing makes you think you made a mistake more than not being able to open the user interface the very first time. Once I got the admin console open I could figure it out from there with just the user manual and an occasional search.


The first poster is right. And I have to agree with the others who detail the new user experiance. I feel like a new user rather often because years go by between times I launch the admin console. It worked when I last used it but the next time it may not be working.


While it is easy to get the admin.jnlp that doesn't get you started. The admin.jnlp does not run and windows doesn't know what to use to open it. So the new user experience begins with exercising their troubleshooting skills. jnlp files require java webstart which is disabled by default and as a result Windows does not recognize the file type. Years go by before I encounter this problem again so I forget and have to relearn every time. Having just relearned it this is what I have to do: I have to first go into java configuration and enable web access. Now the jnlp file will do it's thing when I double click on it and I can turn web access back off. There is never any mention of this in the ISY manual the quick start or anywhere else. I have to figure it out every time. And if java gets updated everything is lost again because the shortcuts that are created point to the java version that no longer exists.


Maybe some effort could be put into either documenting the steps in simple step by step form that will reliably get the admin console open on your screen or providing a launcher that actually always works despite software updates or java version updates. It is the right thing to do for customer satisfaction and good for business. JMHO.


Thank you for a great Home Automation product!


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