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That looks like a word press login.  That would be for the person who administers that website to edit the website.  There might be something else going on here, but I don't see how that could be related to your ISY.  Maybe some error on the website when you registered yourself for the forum or something.


What problems have you been having?

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It is very hard to decipher what the intent of your post is. It's very garbled.


I get many phishing emails for paypal account info as well as some really well done ones for my Royal Bank account login.

Usually the URL is the clue, not starting with the actual web domain, but rather some other weird domain name.



Welcome to the forums!


Slow down and ask one question at a time. People here will help you and get you going.

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Thank you Michel. I did register my isy994 and there was some confusion doing it. Must have missed something along the line. Used email and password used for registering isy994 and logged in to the register products etc. page. As someone said, most errors are self inflicted.

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