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Weather Bug - What data is available?


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Hi Guys, this was a bug and it should be fixed in 3.3.3.


Thanks Xathros for finding it.


With kind regards,



Thank you!



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I have a few issues with the WB data variables. Here are some visual aids:


This first image is the current data from the admin console. The second is the result of a custom email from the ISY as seen on my iPhone and the third is the same message as displayed in Thunderbird.


My issues are:


1) The degree symbol is not formatting correctly in Thinderbird but it does on the iPhone. Is the ISY not specifying the proper character encoding in the email ?


2) Is there a way to eliminate the non numeric data returned for the numeric fields (Temps, Windspeeds, humidity, pressures etc). I would like to log and chart this data along with other environmental data from inside the home but currently I cannot treat this as numeric data. Its easy enough to add the mph or Inches/Hr fluff in the notification if desired.


3) (Already discussed elsewhere-included for completeness) Max rain today returns blank. - Just noticed it is NOT in the current WB data set from the admin console yet it WAS there yesterday. Same WB station. Do WB data points usually come and go without reason ?






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Hi Xathros,


ISY uses utf-8. I am not sure what's going on with Thunderbird.


Email is, well, for email = text. If you want unit-less values for a data logger, may I humbly recommend subscribing to ISY instead? This way, you will get all parameters in the form:


You can parse, ignore, and do whatever else you want with the units.


Last, I do not know.


With kind regards,


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Thanks Michel-


Looks like an issue with TBird on the formatting. I have been able to sort of correct it be reselecting the character encoding for each received message. It seems to be ignoring the global setting for that.


As for subscribing, I think that is beyond my current skill set tho I do plan to dig deeper into that as time goes on. I was trying to work with the simple solution of outputting the data in a csv format via email daily. I see we can test these values with programs but we can't yet assign them to mvars. I suspect once we can assign these values to mvars, I'll have a simple workaround to convert these strings into numeric values.



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  • 2 months later...

Is there a reason why Weather Bug does not report a negative number for Irrigation Requirement? Right now my Irrigation Requirement is 0 and Water Deficit Yesterday was -1.3 inches. Tomorrow, after the midnight update, Irrigation Requirement will still show 0 instead of the actual value. I'm assuming the actual value is stored somewhere in the module.



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Hi Mike,


Irrigation requirement is NOT coming from Weatherbug. It's calculated in ISY and it basically means what it says: the amount of water required. You cannot have a negative number for the amount of water required since you are NOT going to go and extract water from your soil. The negative number is already in Water Deficit Yesterday which is taken into consideration for days ahead.


With kind regards,


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Let me see if I have this straight, once Irrigation Requirement reaches 0 it will remain there as long as Water Deficit Yesterday is negative? And Water Deficit Yesterday is increased by ET and decreased by Rain Today whenever it is updated?



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What is the latest irrigation module? Mine is Irrigation/ETo Module (23000). I remember some brief mention of providing more than one set of Irrigation Settings and data for people who have to deal with irrigation zones with differing soil retention characteristics and irrigation demands. Did anything ever come of that?



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  • 1 month later...

The key reason I purchased the Weatherbug module was for the light information, but the two stations that are anywhere close to me (Location ID- CYYZ and CYTZ) do not have the light information.


Online I also found a backyard Network, but can't find that one in the ISY.


Any suggestions on what I can do?


By the way if it helps I am located in Toronto, ON, Canada (M4G 1M5)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Absorption factor is 100%, water applied per irrigation cycle is 0.25"


If I understand correctly, Evapotranspiration is a snapshot of the conditions at the time it is displayed, Yesterday's Water Deficit is the 24 hour average Evapotranspiration less any rain (number can be negative), and Irrigation Requirement is (Irrigation Requirement + Yesterday's Water Deficit - Water Applied). Irrigation Requirement is updated by Water Applied whenever an Irrigation - Cycle Complete is executed and by Yesterday's Water Deficit at midnight.



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Hi Mike,


Absorption factor is 100%, water applied per irrigation cycle is 0.25"


If I understand correctly, Evapotranspiration is a snapshot of the conditions at the time it is displayed

Evapotranspiration is calculated daily based on the averages for the day. So, it should not change within any 24 hour period (12:00 AM).


Yesterday's Water Deficit is the 24 hour average Evapotranspiration less any rain (number can be negative), and Irrigation Requirement is (Irrigation Requirement + Yesterday's Water Deficit - Water Applied).

Close ... Irrigation Requirement is synonymous with Evapotranspiration: basically the amount of water that has evaporated and now has to be replaced. But, this value depends on two other factors:

Soil type

Amount of water already applied either by Rain or manual


--> Irrigation Requirement = eto - (water applied * absorption factor)


With kind regards,


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Thanks. That explains how Evapotranspsiration and Water Deficit Yesterday should be the same as long as no rain has been reported by WeatherBug. For Irrigation Requirement to also be the same value as the other two would require quite a coincidence or a reset of the variables, right?



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Just for a 24 hour period? I see where Eto is on a 24 hour scale, as is Water Deficit Yesterday. I thought that Irrigation Requirement would be cumulative.


For example, starting from 0 and using completely arbitrary values for Et0:

Eto = .125 and rain = 0 then

Water Deficit Yesterday would be .125, and if water applied = 0 then Irrigation Requirement would also be .125.


For the next day:

Et0 = .182 but rain = .352 then

Water Deficit Yesterday = -.170 (.182 - .352) and if still no water applied then

Irrigation Requirement = -.045 (.125 + [ - .170])


For a 3rd day:

Eto = .165 and rain = 0

Water Deficit Yesterday = .165 and if still no water applied then

Irrigation Requirement = .120 (-.045 + 1.65)


And for the 4th day:

Eto = .155 and rain = 0

Water Deficit Yesterday = .155 but with .075" water applied

Irrigation Requirement = .200 (.120 + .155 - .075)


In fact, following several days of significant rain, Irrigation Requirement could show a fairly large negative.


Or am I still not getting it?



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That gets us back to the original question where all three values (Eto, Water Deficit Yesterday AND Irrigation requirement are the same. Aside from a major coincidence or a variables reset, how does that happen?



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