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I have what I thought to be a simple program but it is not exactly working. I have been having trouble with skunks in the back yard so I figured I would see if I can scare them off. I created a network resource called back yard motion. This would trigger an IFTTT applet which would turn on the backyard sprinkler for 1 minute, then turn on the side yard sprinkler for 1 minute if motion was detected. I also have in the program to turn on the backyard light at the same time and wait 3 minutes  and turn the light off. I also have it setup to do this only between 10.00pm and 6:00am the next day. The sprinklers work as expected and the light comes on but it stays on. (does not shut off after 3 minutes). Any help would be appreciated. Below is the program.

Back Yard Motion - [iD 005E][Parent 0001]
        From    10:00:00PM
        To       6:00:00AM (next day)
    And Status  'Motion Back Door-Sensor' is On
        Resource 'Back Yard Motion'
        Set 'Back Yard Light' On
        Wait  3 minutes 
        Set 'Back Yard Light' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
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If the logic in an ISY Program becomes false, the program will cancel and stop running while in a Wait. In this case, the motion sensor goes back off before the 3 minute wait is up.


You have a couple of options. The easiest is using a Control when watching the motion sensor instead of Status


        From    10:00:00PM
        To       6:00:00AM (next day)
    And Control  'Motion Back Door-Sensor' is Switched On
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The other thing to try is to prevent the trigger from evaluating false when the motion turns off...




And Status 'Motion Back Door-Sensor' is On




And Control 'Motion Back Door-Sensor' is On

And Control 'Motion Back Door-Sensor' is Not Off


Then, a false condition won't occur when it turns off, but it will restart the timer each time motion is detected....

Edited by MWareman
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Forgive me (no coffee yet)....


Got some mixed up logic. The not switched element is if you want to ensure that the correct then or else paths are followed when the on or off control signals are sent. Since you don't have a need for the else path, it's not relevant to your situation....


Personally, I'd separate to two programs.


The first has the 'If' as you do now, but it simply runs the second programs 'Then' statement.

The second programs 'Then' is the same as you currently have, but it's 'If' is empty. This prevents it from terminating at the 'Wait' if the condition changes, allowing the off command to run after then timeout...

Edited by MWareman
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I have a similar thread running about motion detector lights with similar issues with other members helping me through it.

My question is this:  Why is WAIT not simply a normal WAIT command?  Why does it have to re-evaluate the trigger before continuing?  Maybe the ISY needs a new command like PAUSE.  At the end of the pause, the program will continue to execute in order.  

In my case of the motion lights, I just want to start a process on a trigger (ex...motion), but the motion will probably not be triggered at that point so it terminates.

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Why does it have to re-evaluate the trigger before continuing?​


The wait does not force a re-evaluation.  The wait simply provides the opportunity for re-evaluation, should a triggering event occur.  If no such event occurs, the program will continue uninterrupted.

Edited by oberkc
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We have skunks, too. They're really cute, especially the youngsters, and cause no harm at all. If we approach them, then they simply run away. If we stand and look, they spend a minute or two looking back and then run away.

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I have 2 MS on stakes in my back yard as skunk deterrants. One in the corner of the lot, and another pointing under the deck, which has ~ 2ft space under the decking. That one turns on a outletlinc with a floodlight on a stick that floods the area under the deck. I have a program that flashes it on and off a few times and then stays on for 10 minutes. Its been there a few years now and has been pretty effective. We still see them, but don't smell them nearly as much.



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Got a notification last night at 2:30am that the sprinkler was triggered. Checked it out and was surprised that the intruder was not a skunk. It was a possum. Man they look like giant rats. The sprinkler and light being turned on by the motion worked very well. The possum was really running like crazy dodging the sprinklers.

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Yeh, we have skunks, racoons, opossums and a foxes ..amounts descending in that order. There are coyotes and deer that I see when hiking, but they never come in the neighborhood. Ugly as the opossums are, they eat a lot of ticks and other nasties.


Glad that its all working the way you want it to now



Edited by paulbates
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We have a raccoon that likes to sleep on our deck and leave piles of staining remnants. Hot pepper spray cures that for a few years or at least until it rains and washes it away again. Usually the raccoon has found a new resting place by then so we don't see it for a few years.


You can buy this commercially mixed in a spray bottle, or make your own. A small bottle of Tobasco sauce in a gallon of water. Other recipies are based on making a steeped tea of cayenne peper and then diluting it about several gallons of water to a cup full of solution.


We have skunks that wander right past us when at an evening  campfire, in our sideyard firepit area, and coyote packs that stop yipping when we flash our porch lights. They have taken on a few of the neighbourhood cats at times. What a racket! But nobody has complained their cat has gone missing yet, so the cats must do well against a 4 or 5 coyote pups.

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We have a raccoon that likes to sleep on our deck and leave piles of staining remnants. Hot pepper spray cures that for a few years or at least until it rains and washes it away again. Usually the raccoon has found a new resting place by then so we don't see it for a few years.


You can buy this commercially mixed in a spray bottle, or make your own. A small bottle of Tobasco sauce in a gallon of water. Other recipies are based on making a steeped tea of cayenne peper and then diluting it about several gallons of water to a cup full of solution.


We have skunks that wander right past us when at an evening campfire, in our sideyard firepit area, and coyote packs that stop yipping when we flash our porch lights. They have taken on a few of the neighbourhood cats at times. What a racket! But nobody has complained their cat has gone missing yet, so the cats must do well against a 4 or 5 coyote pups.

You must be in Cali. Lol
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Larry, how are you applying the pepper concoctions? Are you saturating the area the raccoon likes to sleep or actually spraying the raccoon? I have seen some

Motion controlled spray cans (water) designed to train cats to not to cross certain borders. Seems like we are approaching the idea of a motion controlled and aimed pest deferent. Kind a cool. Somehow it feels like an arduino project.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Larry, how are you applying the pepper concoctions? Are you saturating the area the raccoon likes to sleep or actually spraying the raccoon? I have seen some

Motion controlled spray cans (water) designed to train cats to not to cross certain borders. Seems like we are approaching the idea of a motion controlled and aimed pest deferent. Kind a cool. Somehow it feels like an arduino project.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I bought the commercial spray before I did my research to find out how to make your own. It comes in a spray bottle, like a Windex windw cleaner spray bottle. I sprayed the staircases leading to the deck. This is a slight odour to it  but nothing abnoxious.



My location is shown under my avatar. More southern than Washington state, but in Canada, eh?.

Edited by larryllix
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