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Congress Votes to Extend Warrantless-Spying Program Through 2023


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There's a Chinese proverb: "Once bitten by a snake, he/she is scared all his/her life at the mere sight of a rope.”.


Having first hand experience of witnessing, on this very forum, many political discussions quickly devolving into virtual fist-fights, makes me an ardent supporter of asbril's sentiments!


With kind regards,


While I understand your point I also think people are becoming a bit too sensitive here. This thread no where touched on political topics. Asbril specifically pointed to “Heathcare” portion which in my opinion is not actual political at all. If you look at my first post I said let’s keep politics out. We are all adults and most of us can have a civil conversation without going after people personally, which I believe has been the case here. In the sub-forum of the coffee shop I think even though you have started a topic, there’s no reason it can’t grew into something more as long as it’s civil, productive and organic, which this thread has been.


There has been threads about making our home networks better and thoughts on privacy and security so that’s why I was sharing this particular story.


That said, maybe the forum rules would best be changed to nothing outside Home Automation products, should be posted unless they based on Home Automation specifically going forward in the Coffee Shop? Nothing wrong with getting stricter on new topics and threads staying on topic.


Going forward I personally will make sure any forum posts (even Coffee shop) will be specific to Home Automation, Home Automation products, and Home Automation accessories only, along with trying to help other users with support when I feel I have value to add.

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While I understand your point I also think people are becoming a bit too sensitive here. This thread no where touched on political topics. Asbril specifically pointed to “Heathcare” portion which in my opinion is not actual political at all. If you look at my first post I said let’s keep politics out. We are all adults and most of us can have a civil conversation without going after people personally, which I believe has been the case here. In the sub-forum of the coffee shop I think even though you have started a topic, there’s no reason it can’t grew into something more as long as it’s civil, productive and organic, which this thread has been.


There has been threads about making our home networks better and thoughts on privacy and security so that’s why I was sharing this particular story.


That said, maybe the forum rules would best be changed to nothing outside Home Automation products, should be posted unless they based on Home Automation specifically going forward in the Coffee Shop? Nothing wrong with getting stricter on new topics and threads staying on topic.


Going forward I personally will make sure any forum posts (even Coffee shop) will be specific to Home Automation, Home Automation products, and Home Automation accessories only, along with trying to help other users with support when I feel I have value to add.

Scotmichaelj, I was not saying  that the discussion had become political, but it could easily have become.  My issue is that I enjoy this forum as it gives me ideas and people assist me with HA issues. From time to time I have even been able to assist others with issues. If this forum touches on not related topics (such as healthcare) I would no longer be checking it as often as I do now.

I understand that the Coffeeshop allows us to go beyond specific ISY issues and recently I added myself a post about the recent CES in Las Vegas in the Coffeeshop. But my suggestion, to maintain the purpose of this forum, is to stick to ISY and related Home Automation topics.

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Whatever is decided is fine with me but my experience with other off topic coffee house type discussions, in other forums, the discussions would run the gamut (as long as they were civil). As many subsections there are in this forum, if one were to stick strictly to HA issues they would very likely fall in one of the established sections and there would be no need for the Coffee House.



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While I understand your point I also think people are becoming a bit too sensitive here. This thread no where touched on political topics. Asbril specifically pointed to “Heathcare” portion which in my opinion is not actual political at all. If you look at my first post I said let’s keep politics out. We are all adults and most of us can have a civil conversation without going after people personally, which I believe has been the case here. In the sub-forum of the coffee shop I think even though you have started a topic, there’s no reason it can’t grew into something more as long as it’s civil, productive and organic, which this thread has been.


There has been threads about making our home networks better and thoughts on privacy and security so that’s why I was sharing this particular story.


That said, maybe the forum rules would best be changed to nothing outside Home Automation products, should be posted unless they based on Home Automation specifically going forward in the Coffee Shop? Nothing wrong with getting stricter on new topics and threads staying on topic.


Going forward I personally will make sure any forum posts (even Coffee shop) will be specific to Home Automation, Home Automation products, and Home Automation accessories only, along with trying to help other users with support when I feel I have value to add.

Personally, I wouldnt want to see the coffee shop changed. Most of us that come here are regulars and in ways, a relationship develops between everyone on here. It allows us to not only talk automation but also talk shop among other like minded individuals (even if we don't necessarily agree with one another). That part I like. Dialogue (even with uncomfortable subjects) opens all of us to new ideas and thinking which is never a bad thing. 


This particular forum is far away from all the automation topics that you have to purposely click on it to see what is here. If a person doesnt like it; dont click on it. This forum gives all of us a little something which makes it so fantastic. I like coming for the information. Sometimes I learn about new products (even if I have no interest in them), I get ideas for my own system, share ideas, help people, and debate with Teken. Kinda feels like exactly what you would find with a bunch of guys in a coffee shop together.

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Personally, I wouldnt want to see the coffee shop changed. Most of us that come here are regulars and in ways, a relationship develops between everyone on here. It allows us to not only talk automation but also talk shop among other like minded individuals (even if we don't necessarily agree with one another). That part I like. Dialogue (even with uncomfortable subjects) opens all of us to new ideas and thinking which is never a bad thing. 


This particular forum is far away from all the automation topics that you have to purposely click on it to see what is here. If a person doesnt like it; dont click on it. This forum gives all of us a little something which makes it so fantastic. I like coming for the information. Sometimes I learn about new products (even if I have no interest in them), I get ideas for my own system, share ideas, help people, and debate with Teken. Kinda feels like exactly what you would find with a bunch of guys in a coffee shop together.


LOL . . .  :mrgreen:


Regardless of the topic I always enjoy reading a persons counter points on any subject matter. There are very few people who have ever actually made me see things differently ~ like you. Having moderated some of the largest forums in the free world with membership that exceeds 20 million unique users.


I've seen and read it all from good, bad, ugly . . .


The UDI Coffee Shop is very much a PG rated forum.  :P  :lol:  

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So does mean everyone agrees with me and disagrees with Asbril? I jest. I was just trying to fall inline or find out what’s considered acceptable and can understand Michels point. The question is what’s acceptable and what’s not, then think we need to draw a line in the sand. Feels like too much like a moving target right now TBH. Maybe we need to act like adults, not attack each other and stop crying to Michel when we get hurt feelings. That’s just my 2 cents.

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So does mean everyone agrees with me and disagrees with Asbril? I jest. I was just trying to fall inline or find out what’s considered acceptable and can understand Michels point. The question is what’s acceptable and what’s not, then think we need to draw a line in the sand. Feels like too much of a moving target right now TBH. Maybe we need to act like adults, not attack each other and stop crying to Michel when we get hurt feelings. That’s just my 2 cents.

I agree with you. There are places for everything. They created this forum for a reason. Just because someone has a problem with it doesn't mean everyone else needs to suffer. Especially when it can be avoided.

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I agree with you. There are places for everything. They created this forum for a reason. Just because someone has a problem with it doesn't mean everyone else needs to suffer. Especially when it can be avoided.

I expressed my opinion. Most seem to disagree with me and that is ok. I am a pretty democratic guy..... Where does the crying to Michel come from?

Are we not all big boys? Let's enjoy ISY and this forum

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I expressed my opinion. Most seem to disagree with me and that is ok. I am a pretty democratic guy..... Where does the crying to Michel come from?

Are we not all big boys? Let's enjoy ISY and this forum


I understand your point. From what I have seen (in my short time here) you are a respected member of this community and certainly welcome to your opinion. I can't imagine anyone flagging your post.


If this was to be titled something like General HA discussion then I would agree 100%. I guess it really depends on past experience. Some of the coffee shops I have seen practically go out of their way to not post anything related to the overall forum. Jokes, videos, news articles, general musings like this one, etc. It's true that some threads become dumpster fires but that is possible with all threads.


Like Scott inferred, appropriate or PC is a moving target and it's hard to always know what is considered appropriate. Enter the mods...

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So far, this has been pretty darn g-rated. 


Safe to say.  


1) Nobody wants to be spied on

2) Health care markets are awful.  For both seller and buyer.  As is usually the case when gov't regulation is involved, only the very deep pockets win (and get deeper pockets) since they are the only ones who can manipulate the system (with all their lawyers and gigantic staffs).  It is ironic how government claims to regulate for the purpose of having the opposite outcome.


A fair and transparent market place would remove the advantage that the giants have over both consumer and independent health care provider.

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LOL . . . :mrgreen:


Regardless of the topic I always enjoy reading a persons counter points on any subject matter. There are very few people who have ever actually made me see things differently ~ like you. Having moderated some of the largest forums in the free world with membership that exceeds 20 million unique users.


I've seen and read it all from good, bad, ugly . . .


The UDI Coffee Shop is very much a PG rated forum. :P:lol:

Teken! Stop writing stuff that makes me agree with you.

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  • 1 month later...

Just finished an unplanned two-week road trip to Fort Worth and vicinity. My car's license  plates were scanned multiple times along the way by federal and state systems and by a privately-operated toll road system in TX. We will be receiving a bill in the mail for our tolls based solely on some central license plate database.

A new wrinkle for me was the Border Patrol check points that are now using multiple flash cameras to image vehicle occupants for a facial recognition database. The guys in green don't even bother with the citizenship questions anymore, just slow down enough so the cameras can do their thing.

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The model has shifted in places that the right equipment can be installed. 

TSA is testing  something similar at Delta in Atlanta. If you go through TSA precheck, one of three intake officers takes and scans only your driver's licence. You don't  present your delta app or a ticket. (The other 2 officers follow the normal app/ticket + licence check in.) 

They don't check for or ask about your flight. I have to guess that there is another camera that scanned my face and compared that my face image and licence info matched. The implications of this process is that it will eventually be agent-less - you could put your licence in a scanner to authenticate and if you're a "baddy", the system would quietly alert other agents after they let you think you passed and let go of your luggage to the scanners.

I really hate having my licence scanned and refuse in other settings. I'll show it for verification, but it does not get scanned and saved where I have no idea of the security standards and there is simply no reason to do it. Since TSA already knows everything about me based on my precheck / global entry application, nothing new will be learned here.


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One day all you Americans will be sporting a bar code on the back of your neck, wrist, and eye ball. This is what happens when you let people push stupid to a whole new level. Lets see what this sounds like for anyone old enough know or live through it. 

- Border crossings where you're no where close to a border

- Inspection: Stopped, interrogated, and requested for documents

- Zones: You're restricted to specific zones based on your threat or lack there of

- Identify Markings: RFID, Speed Pass, Check Point, there are already stupid humans with implanted RFID in their bodies.

- The only thing missing is they haven't told you what to wear on your lapel. 

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