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Polglot V2 CAO Wireless Tags Nodeserver


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Wonder if someone can shed some light on my problem.  Running Polyglot version 2.2.3 on a RPI 4 with Buster.

From what I can see from the past two days, Polyglot is not updating my ISY with my Tag values.  I have 8 Tags and from the Polyglot Log I only see one of the Tags being updated but not as often as my polling would indicate should be happening.  Yesterday, I uninstalled the Tag Node Server and reinstalled it. This did not help. It took me three times to get it uninstalled and installed before the Tags would show up in the ISY.  Also the first thing I did before uninstalling and installing the Tag Node Server is reboot my Pi. 

If I go to the ISY and do a query for the Tag values, I get them updated with the exact values shown for the Tags on the Tag Website.

My short Poll is 1800 and my Long Poll is 3600 in Polyglot.

The ISY Log shows the one Tag being updated with values when Polyglot sends the values over but nothing for the other 7 Tags.  The only thing shown in the ISY Log file for these 7 Tags is Custom Control 14 and different values such as 4049 and 3626 for two of the sensors.

Attached is the log file from Polyglot


WirelessTag_9_3_2020, 2 40 38 PM.txt

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4 hours ago, LarryCRetired said:

Wonder if someone can shed some light on my problem.  Running Polyglot version 2.2.3 on a RPI 4 with Buster.

From what I can see from the past two days, Polyglot is not updating my ISY with my Tag values.  I have 8 Tags and from the Polyglot Log I only see one of the Tags being updated but not as often as my polling would indicate should be happening.  Yesterday, I uninstalled the Tag Node Server and reinstalled it. This did not help. It took me three times to get it uninstalled and installed before the Tags would show up in the ISY.  Also the first thing I did before uninstalling and installing the Tag Node Server is reboot my Pi. 

If I go to the ISY and do a query for the Tag values, I get them updated with the exact values shown for the Tags on the Tag Website.

My short Poll is 1800 and my Long Poll is 3600 in Polyglot.

The ISY Log shows the one Tag being updated with values when Polyglot sends the values over but nothing for the other 7 Tags.  The only thing shown in the ISY Log file for these 7 Tags is Custom Control 14 and different values such as 4049 and 3626 for two of the sensors.

Attached is the log file from Polyglot


WirelessTag_9_3_2020, 2 40 38 PM.txt 1.63 MB · 3 downloads

I can't tell what is wrong, I need to see the nodeserver being restarted which doesn't show up in that log.   

Go to: https://my.wirelesstag.net/eth/index.html

For one of the tags that is not getting updates go to the > menu "URL Calling" and see if they are all enabled, and have the same URL as the tag that is working.

Those URL's are set by the Nodserver everytime it restarts.

Then, restart the nodeserver, and wait for the log to settle down and do a "Downlaod Log Package" and PM that to me.

Also, getting data from the tags has nothing to do with node server polling frequency, the updates are pushed from the tag manager directly to the nodeserver as it receives them.


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Thanks so much for your help.  Yes the URL was not the correct for the other Tags that were not working.  I corrected that by restarting the Tag Node Server.  I will wait to see if things now work before sending you anything more.   Hopefully this takes care of the issue.

Much appreciated 


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1 hour ago, BigMoose1 said:


i also noticed the 100 lux limitation. The work around I used was to set up a variable, in my case equal to 500, and then used that variable in the if statement.  

Hope this helps

Uh thanks. I guess I did the same thing.


Screen Shot 2020-09-07 at 6.12.59 PM.png

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So I deleted a couple old non-functioning tags and added one new one. Polyglot Wireless tag seems to have recognized all the changes. The admin console successfully deleted the old tags but regardless of what I try (deleted Poly WT, deleting the node server from Main, multiple discovers and add all nodes) I can't get the new tag to be recognized in the Admin console.

Any ideas?

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1 hour ago, rlebel said:

So I deleted a couple old non-functioning tags and added one new one. Polyglot Wireless tag seems to have recognized all the changes. The admin console successfully deleted the old tags but regardless of what I try (deleted Poly WT, deleting the node server from Main, multiple discovers and add all nodes) I can't get the new tag to be recognized in the Admin console.

Any ideas?

I believe I had to use the AC to add a new tag:

Node Servers->WirelessTag->Add all nodes

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Sorry to bother you with another question. 

I noticed that the battery voltage or level does not appear to be updating in Polyglot.  At first I thought it might be rounding but differences are greater than that.

The ISY does reflect what is shown in Polyglot for these values but over time Polyglot does not reflect what is shown for the tag on their website.   Just wonder if I can use these values in an ISY program to notify me of a low battery.  Getting an email from the tag website has not worked for me.  Multiple times the batteries have died without a notification.

If you have answered this question somewhere else in this topic, I am sorry if I missed it



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12 minutes ago, LarryCRetired said:


Sorry to bother you with another question. 

I noticed that the battery voltage or level does not appear to be updating in Polyglot.  At first I thought it might be rounding but differences are greater than that.

The ISY does reflect what is shown in Polyglot for these values but over time Polyglot does not reflect what is shown for the tag on their website.   Just wonder if I can use these values in an ISY program to notify me of a low battery.  Getting an email from the tag website has not worked for me.  Multiple times the batteries have died without a notification.

If you have answered this question somewhere else in this topic, I am sorry if I missed it



Just as a note to this.....
Each Tag dies at a different battery voltage. Also the percentages of battery life, varies greatly due to temperature the Tag sees. At 2.8Vdc a battery is about 80% life left, while in cold temperatures  (below freezing), but while at 25C is could be considered almost dead.

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Hi @Jimbo, the Event State of my tags does not update with the normal periodic updates that the NS performs. Other parameters (temp, hum, etc) are updating.   If I query the tag then the Event State will update.  Is this normal behavior or do I have something messed up.  The tag type in question is 21.  

Thank you.

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Thanks @Jimbo, I didn't realize that everything is pushed from the tag manager.  I checked the logs and I cannot see the Alarm (Event State) data coming through when the Tag Manager send an update.  When queried it's there of course because it is being updated on query.  So it does seem to be an issue on the Cao side of things.  

The short poll is the interval that you send updates to ISY?  If I have my tags updating every 10 minutes it seems like the NS is sending a lot of updates with no new information.  Do I have that right?

Looking at the logs today I think also discovered the answer to a question I had posed to you some time ago.  If the Tags are set to Auto reset after trigger, cao does not send you an update when the re-arming occurs.  Cao does send you an update if the tag is set to timeout, so from a program perspective you have to set the tag to timeout otherwise the Event State never changes after the first trigger.  I wonder why they don't send the Auto Reset notification as well?


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I continue to have problems getting my tags recognized. In fact things seem to be getting worse. I deleted all tags from the tag manager then added one back in. I deleted and recreated/enabled the node server. In Poly got I now only see a single node the tag manger and nothing else. AC seems nothing at all when I try to load all nodes.




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On 9/15/2020 at 4:21 PM, rlebel said:

I continue to have problems getting my tags recognized. In fact things seem to be getting worse. I deleted all tags from the tag manager then added one back in. I deleted and recreated/enabled the node server. In Poly got I now only see a single node the tag manger and nothing else. AC seems nothing at all when I try to load all nodes.



WirelessTag_logs_9_15_2020,_11_18_58_PM.zip 2.07 MB · 1 download

Can you set Debug Mode to Debug on the wtcontroller in the AC and then restart the nodeserver?  Then download log package and PM that to me again.


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Just now, Jimbo said:

Can you set Debug Mode to Debug on the wtcontroller in the AC and then restart the nodeserver?  Then download log package and PM that to me again.


Thanks. After much frustration I cleared everything and restarted it all and things are working again. The final trick was that I wanted to reset the tag manager but CAO doesn't really provide a way to do that. I couldn't even remove the tag manager from my account so I finally this morning deleted my CAO account, created a new one (with the same email address) and associated the tag manager and tags all over again. Interesting that the tag manager and/or my account didn't really get reset because the old tag data is still available. Most things are easy to factory reset, CAO tag managers are not, apparently.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/13/2020 at 12:56 PM, LarryCRetired said:


Sorry to bother you with another question. 

I noticed that the battery voltage or level does not appear to be updating in Polyglot.  At first I thought it might be rounding but differences are greater than that.

The ISY does reflect what is shown in Polyglot for these values but over time Polyglot does not reflect what is shown for the tag on their website.   Just wonder if I can use these values in an ISY program to notify me of a low battery.  Getting an email from the tag website has not worked for me.  Multiple times the batteries have died without a notification.

If you have answered this question somewhere else in this topic, I am sorry if I missed it



Version 2.0.22 Fixes this issue, sorry it took at while.




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On 8/28/2020 at 8:45 AM, rlebel said:

Thanks for this great node server!

I have my tags set up sending data to the ISY. I want to create a condition for a light sensor when its value is greater than 20,000 lux but I'm limited to 100.0. What to do?



Screen Shot 2020-08-28 at 8.45.07 AM.png

@rlebel & @BigMoose1

Version 2.0.23 fixes this issue, sorry it took so long.  Should be in the store in a 30 minutes or so.


Please enter Issues on github, the can get buried in the thread.  No guarantee it will get fixed faster, but will be a little more visible to me.

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@Jimbo I tried upgrading via git pull but got a message that an object required by libcurl.so.4 was missing BUT, I was not sure that the manual upgrade method works on Polisy. Here is the exact message:


[admin@polisy /var/polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag]$ sudo git pull
warning: Pulling without specifying how to reconcile divergent branches is
discouraged. You can squelch this message by running one of the following
commands sometime before your next pull:

  git config pull.rebase false  # merge (the default strategy)
  git config pull.rebase true   # rebase
  git config pull.ff only       # fast-forward only

You can replace "git config" with "git config --global" to set a default
preference for all repositories. You can also pass --rebase, --no-rebase,
or --ff-only on the command line to override the configured default per

ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libheimntlm.so.11" not found, required by "libcurl.so.4"
[admin@polisy /var/polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag]$

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@Jimbo@BumbershootThanks for the suggestion and data point. Don't know why my upgrade is failing but, from forum searching, it seems the only solution to this error is to uninstall and reinstall the NS. I think I'll resign myself to forego this update as re-installing would be painful.

Thanks for your help!

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@Jimbo@BumbershootThanks for the suggestion and data point. Don't know why my upgrade is failing but, from forum searching, it seems the only solution to this error is to uninstall and reinstall the NS. I think I'll resign myself to forego this update as re-installing would be painful.
Thanks for your help!
Is your polisy up to date?

Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

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