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Polglot V2 CAO Wireless Tags Nodeserver


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I use the lite version for stuff like this. Reason: I have no need for the desktop stuff, so why bother with it? The smaller download means up I'm up and running faster with only items I need. That also means you'll need at least some comfort with command line work, but that's easy enough. Just use help from the forums or google searches. 
It's simple enough to SSH into the machine and adjust things as needed.

Noon question but can stretch lite be used on Debian. If so can you post the commands to install stretch lite or url how to? Thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, Scottmichaelj said:


Noon question but can stretch lite be used on Debian. If so can you post the commands to install stretch lite or url how to? Thanks in advance.


So, raspbian stretch and raspbian stretch lite are just distributions based on debian stretch (stretch is Debian's release name, jessie was a previous one, if you see that referenced).

It has tools, and settings, for raspberry pi's. You can find download links here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ and instructions here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md

The last time I setup a pi, I only had to follow a few steps to be up and running.

  1. download the "lite" image file.
  2. write that image file to SD card using Etcher
  3. boot raspberry pi, and run "sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade" 
  4. run raspiconfig to tweak settings (most important: enable SSH)
  5. install whatever you want (polyglot, etc)

If you already have debian on the pi, I'd guess that you followed those steps already. Or maybe something else. You may be fine as-is, but I think it's best to run their image for the tools. Otherwise you'd need to install the various items manually and I don't know where a list exists to do that. Assuming nothing else is set up on their yet, it would be simple to start over using the info above.


Hope that helps, if not, let me know (or feel free to pm me).

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Will a Mac be able to work with Polyglot and the RPi?

I’m using a MacBook Pro with a SD card slot that I use for burning microSD cards for RPi, then use the Terminal app to work with the RPi using the command line, i.e. typing. It’s a great combination.


Something I haven’t seen mentioned here is, when you create a card with Stretch Lite, it comes with ssh off by default, for security. You have to add a text file (call it “ssh”) with the line

sudo touch ssh

to the root directory after you’ve written Stretch Lite to the card using Etcher, before you can even log in to the RPi to run raspi-config.


You have to find the IP address of the RPi with a network scanner (Fing, in my case), and log in like so, using Terminal:

ssh pi@10.0.1.xx (Apple stuff uses 10.0.1.xx address block, your router may be different)

Use the password ‘raspberry’, it will prompt you to change the password.

Then follow the installation instructions for Polyglot and/or NodeLink.





Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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So, raspbian stretch and raspbian stretch lite are just distributions based on debian stretch (stretch is Debian's release name, jessie was a previous one, if you see that referenced).
It has tools, and settings, for raspberry pi's. You can find download links here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ and instructions here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md
The last time I setup a pi, I only had to follow a few steps to be up and running.
  1. download the "lite" image file.
  2. write that image file to SD card using Etcher
  3. boot raspberry pi, and run "sudo apt update; sudo apt upgrade" 
  4. run raspiconfig to tweak settings (most important: enable SSH)
  5. install whatever you want (polyglot, etc)
If you already have debian on the pi, I'd guess that you followed those steps already. Or maybe something else. You may be fine as-is, but I think it's best to run their image for the tools. Otherwise you'd need to install the various items manually and I don't know where a list exists to do that. Assuming nothing else is set up on their yet, it would be simple to start over using the info above.
Hope that helps, if not, let me know (or feel free to pm me).

Thx but I am running Debian in a VM. Just trying to keep resources low/life so was wondering if this would be a better fit.

FWIW I saw a bunch of comments on the RaspberryPi 3B+ blog that Jessie is not being updated anymore.
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34 minutes ago, Scottmichaelj said:


Thx but I am running Debian in a VM. Just trying to keep resources low/life so was wondering if this would be a better fit.

FWIW I saw a bunch of comments on the RaspberryPi 3B+ blog that Jessie is not being updated anymore.

Jessie is a previous version. 

You'll have to make sure that you get the version of Stretch Lite that works with your CPU.  The version that runs on an RPi is compiled for an Arm processor, and the version for your VM is very likely compiled for an Intel processor.  Stretch Lite what the Polyglot v2 install script was originally installed on, so I wouldn't hesitate to use it. From the Polyglot v2 README:

Installation instructions

... This install procedure was tested using a clean install of Rasbian Stretch Lite. Version September 2017 at time of writing.


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On 2/27/2018 at 3:53 PM, Jimbo said:

The initial post on this nodeserver before release as here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/23639-coming-soon-cao-gadgets-wireless-tag-polyglot/

Please give it a try and let me know how it goes. I have only tested this with Fahrenheit, but it should work for Celsius as well.  This has most data I think is needed, but more can be added.  The WirelessTag's API is pretty good, so we could basically do everything that can be done in the Web interface inside the ISY, but I'm not sure if that is necessary or needed.  But if there are things you would like to configure from inside the ISY, then let me know and I can start adding them as I have time.   I have only tested with Tag type 12 and 32 but all others should work.  I've ordered some newer tags but they won't be here for a few days.

If you have a Tag that isn't properly showing data the look in the nodeserver log for 'Got Tag' and post or DM me that info, along with the link a couple after that showing LoadTempSensorConfig information.

If you are going to buy a Tag Manager or any Tags, please use this link:  https://goo.gl/rXAGk9   

See Release Notes and UpgradingSee the README which includes the Installation Instructions

Did you ever get credit for the tags and server i bought last week (currently shipping)??
I used your link above, but as i said, i couldn't see anything special in link when purchasing.

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1 hour ago, smokegrub said:

Will the RPi have to be set up with a PC? 

If you have a monitor and wired keyboard/mouse that you can attach to the RPi for setup then you won't need a PC/Mac.  If you don't, then you will have to use another PC/Mac and connect to it over your network to set it up.  Once you get it set up, it can run headless (no monitor, keyboard/mouse), and you can use network connections to manage it (a command line login using a secure shell being the most common network interface for system administration).

The RPi is a full fledged computer, just like your Mac or your Windows PC.  The differences are 1) it's very small, and 2) it runs the Linux operating system. 

It's very likely that you'll be running your RPi without the benefit of a GUI as well, so becoming familiar and comfortable command-line syntax will be of value.  You can learn basic BASH command line syntax on your Mac, by opening a terminal and issuing commands at the prompt (in a lot of ways, interacting with macOS and Linux machines from the command line is identical).  There are loads of tutorials on the web.

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3 hours ago, johnstonf said:

Did you ever get credit for the tags and server i bought last week (currently shipping)??
I used your link above, but as i said, i couldn't see anything special in link when purchasing.

I did receive the credit this morning, not sure if it was from me asking about it, or it just finally happened.  Thanks!

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1 minute ago, Jimbo said:

I did receive the credit this morning, not sure if it was from me asking about it, or it just finally happened.  Thanks!

Great! do you think it's because you had to bug them, or would you have gotten it, do you think?

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Hi Jimbo,

I received my PIR Kumosensors (type 72), and I've activated one for testing.  Everything shows up nicely in Polyglot and in my ISY, with the single exception that no notification is sent to the ISY when motion is detected.  It'll show up in the next short poll, but not immediately when the notification is sent to the tag manager.  Let me know if you need logs, testing, etc.

Thanks again!

Screen Shot 2018-03-20 at 8.25.08 AM.png

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10 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

Hi Jimbo,

I received my PIR Kumosensors (type 72), and I've activated one for testing.  Everything shows up nicely in Polyglot and in my ISY, with the single exception that no notification is sent to the ISY when motion is detected.  It'll show up in the next short poll, but not immediately when the notification is sent to the tag manager.  Let me know if you need logs, testing, etc.

Thanks again!

Okay, this may be relevant.  For reasons I don't understand, I'm getting the following in the body of an email sent to me by CAO Gadgets, but only on a motion detect event:

URL Name:{5}&orien={1}&xaxis={2}&yaxis={3}&zaxis={4}&ts={6}

System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormatHelper(IFormatProvider provider, String format, ParamsArray args) at System.String.FormatHelper(IFormatProvider provider, String format, ParamsArray args) at System.String.Format(String format, Object[] args) at MyTagList.EventURLConfig.URLPair.CallAsync(VirtualMAC vmac, Object[] args) in C:\z560_backup\MyTagList\MyTagList\DataStructures.cs:line 214

Sent at: 3/20/2018 8:37:55 AM.

This is interesting because the IP address in the URL is the IP of my RPi.  As for a I know, the Tag Manager knows nothing at all of the RPi.

It appears that the node server does receive events where the motion times out and returns the "Event State" field value to "Armed".

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41 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

Okay, this may be relevant.  For reasons I don't understand, I'm getting the following in the body of an email sent to me by CAO Gadgets, but only on a motion detect event:

URL Name:{5}&orien={1}&xaxis={2}&yaxis={3}&zaxis={4}&ts={6}

System.FormatException: Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list. at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormatHelper(IFormatProvider provider, String format, ParamsArray args) at System.String.FormatHelper(IFormatProvider provider, String format, ParamsArray args) at System.String.Format(String format, Object[] args) at MyTagList.EventURLConfig.URLPair.CallAsync(VirtualMAC vmac, Object[] args) in C:\z560_backup\MyTagList\MyTagList\DataStructures.cs:line 214

Sent at: 3/20/2018 8:37:55 AM.

This is interesting because the IP address in the URL is the IP of my RPi.  As for a I know, the Tag Manager knows nothing at all of the RPi.

It appears that the node server does receive events where the motion times out and returns the "Event State" field value to "Armed".

The Tag Manager does know about the RPi, that's how events are pushed from it to the nodeserver :)  https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/blob/master/README.md#how-it-works

The problem here is PIR sensor only has tag id and timestamp, but other tags that send motion detected send a bunch of other info, you can see this in the URL Calling menu:
  When motion is detected - {0}: Tag name, (For motion tag {1}: Orientation change, {2}: x axis reading, {3}: y axis, {4}; z axis, {5}: tag ID, {6}: timestamp) (for PIR {1}: timestamp, {2}: tag ID)

So this means I have to add unique per-tag URL Calling, instead of just setting one and using the 'Apply All' switch. :(

Issue created:  https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/issues/23

You can manually edit the URL for motion_detected to only pass {1} and {2} for that tag, but you'll have to fix it every time the nodeserver is restarted.   


Find the one for:


and change it to:


I'm currently pretty deep into making changes to better support multiple tag managers, so I can include that in these changes but it may be a while before I can have time to finish.


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Yes sir, that gets it done!  No hurry on a fix here.  I can update the URL as many times as is necessary (I've pasted it into a comment in my ISY program that uses this tag so it'll be easy to copy/paste).

Thanks again!

1 hour ago, Jimbo said:

Find the one for:


and change it to:


I'm currently pretty deep into making changes to better support multiple tag managers, so I can include that in these changes but it may be a while before I can have time to finish.



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Version 2.0.0 released see Release Notes and Upgrading should be available to upgrade about 40 minutes for now.  This was a pretty big change, so if you don't need any of the fixes, and you can't deal with possible downtime, then please hold off until a couple others try it.  I've tested as much as possible using two tag managers and it all seems good.

Also, you must be on the latest Polyglot 2.1.2:



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42 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Version 2.0.0 released see Release Notes and Upgrading should be available to upgrade about 40 minutes for now.  This was a pretty big change, so if you don't need any of the fixes, and you can't deal with possible downtime, then please hold off until a couple others try it.  I've tested as much as possible using two tag managers and it all seems good.

Also, you must be on the latest Polyglot 2.1.2:



Thanks for the update.  The url for the PIR sensor is indeed corrected!

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OK; I seem to have blundered into a less-than-easily fixed mistake.   I was trying to install the WirelessTag node server and having assorted problems (the nodes were showing up in the ISY with light bulb icons and with no data).  So I decided to start over: delete the nodes from the AC, delete the node server from the ISY, reboot the ISY, delete the WirelessTags node from Polyglot on the RPI.  My mistake was to "uninstall" the WirelessTags from the NodeServer Store, rather than just delete the node server from the Polyglot Dashboard (which I subsequently did).  Polyglot warned me ("This cannot be undone") but I thought I knew what I was doing.  So now, when I want to try reinstalling the WirelessTag node server from the Nodeserver Store all I have is the "uninstall" button, and not an "install" button.  Restarting Polyglot, or even rerunning the Polyglot install script ("wget -q0 - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UniversalDevicesInc/polyglot.......") and restarting the RPI doesn't seem to fix my "installation" from the Nodeserver Store.   Any suggestions please?  (ISY994  & UI v5.0.12, Polyglot v2.1.2)


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I updated successfully...

It reports as 2.0 in the store, but on the details page under the dashboard it reports as 0.0.24. Minor thing, but the versions should probably be consistent.

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17 hours ago, MWareman said:
I updated successfully...

It reports as 2.0 in the store, but on the details page under the dashboard it reports as 0.0.24. Minor thing, but the versions should probably be consistent.

That's strange. Will take a look but might be something @einstein.42 has to fix.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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