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Scene control via Program


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Hoping you guys can help me figure out what I am doing wrong....  I have a scene called "Basement Bedroom" which has 3 Keypad Controller "B" buttons along with a dimmer switch.  All are setup as controllers such that when one of the buttons or switch is pushed they all indicate the status correctly.  This is working fine. 

I also have a program as follows:

Bmst All Off - [ID 0051][Parent 0001]

        'Basement / Exercise / Exercise South.1' is switched Off
     Or 'Basement / Stairs / Bsmt Stairs Controller.1' is switched Off
        Set 'Basement Bedroom' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

The issue is that depending on which controller I press the Switch.1 "off' the other controller "b" buttons turn off but the controller pressed does not.  What even more strange is if i run the "then" statement from the program they all turn off correctly?

What am I doing wrong?? Thanks again in advance, appreciate it.

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I am not sure I completely understand what you are doing but it seems you are operating button LEDs on KPLs via programs operated via KPL buttons, using ISY. 

Try installing a WAIT 2 seconds as a first Then line before operating the same device triggering the program. If this has any effect you can work from there.

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What are "Basement / Exercise / Exercise South.1" and 'Basement / Stairs / Bsmt Stairs Controller.1'?  Are these also keypad buttons?  Are they part of any scene?  Are these possibly configured as non-toggle mode of some type?  And...you claim that if you press one of them OFF, it does not turn OFF?

I fear I am confused.


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Sorry guys for the confusion let me try again.....

I have three keypad controllers using the 'B" button and one dimmer as indicated below they are 'Controllers' located in the Basement Bedroom Scene...


When any of the keypad 'B" buttons OR the bedroom switch are pressed all 4 devices indicate off meaning 'B' button goes dim on all three kepads and the switch turns the light off.  All is working as expected at this point, no issues. All 'B' buttons are extinguished and switch turns off. Also can push the 'Off' or 'On' buttons from the console 'Scene' and all works as expected.

Now what I am trying to do with a program is based upon the action on two different keypads  'Basement / Exercise / Exercise South.1' Or 'Basement / Stairs / Bsmt Stairs Controller.1' when switched 'OFF' is to run the program Bmst All Off.  Which sets the scene 'Basement Bedroom' to off, which it does but it leaves the 'B' button of the controller that was pressed on while turning the other controllers 'B' button and bedroom switch off. 

More strange is that if i run the 'then' statement command all works as expected and all 'B's' turn and the switch turns off as expected.  Its only when i try and trigger the program from the different keypads that the keypad that triggered the program the 'B' light doesnt turn off.

Should mention that I'm running 5.0.12 firmware.

Bmst All Off - [ID 0051][Parent 0001]

        'Basement / Exercise / Exercise South.1' is switched Off
     Or 'Basement / Stairs / Bsmt Stairs Controller.1' is switched Off
        Wait  2 seconds
        Set 'Basement Bedroom' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Any help or thoughts would be appreciated, have tried entering a wait statement prior to setting the scene to off but didnt work....

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Barring a flaw in the ISY software, I see nothing in your program that would cause this behavior.  A keypad button, when toggled off,  will not come back on by itself, and I see nothing in this program that would do this.  Does it appear to first turn off, then come back on? 

I would be looking at other possible causes.  I remain curious if any of these two "different" keypad buttons are part of any scenes, and that they are, indeed, in toggle mode.  I would also check to be sure that these buttons do not trigger other programs that have been forgotten.  Press one of your two buttons, then look at the program log to see if programs have been triggered unexpectedly.  Watch the ISY admin panel status of one of your two buttons when pressed.  Does it turn off, then back on?

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Im thinking a flaw in the software....  The 'B' button does not change status at all after the Controller 1 Off button is pressed. Although the function turns off all other controller 'B' buttons and turns off the switch.


As mentioned earlier the strange part is if I run the 'then' statement from the program ALL 'B' buttons turn and switch turn off as expected. 


Im starting to think since the controller that initiates the program by the pressing of the Controller 1 Off button is the same controller that the 'B' button doesnt respond to maybe its a collision event that the ISY cant respond to...  Meaning Controller 1 Off message is sent and the Controller 'B' button cant respond to the program.  Make any sense?

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27 minutes ago, pjjameso said:

Im thinking a flaw in the software....  The 'B' button does not change status at all after the Controller 1 Off button is pressed. Although the function turns off all other controller 'B' buttons and turns off the switch.


As mentioned earlier the strange part is if I run the 'then' statement from the program ALL 'B' buttons turn and switch turn off as expected. 


Im starting to think since the controller that initiates the program by the pressing of the Controller 1 Off button is the same controller that the 'B' button doesnt respond to maybe its a collision event that the ISY cant respond to...  Meaning Controller 1 Off message is sent and the Controller 'B' button cant respond to the program.  Make any sense?

Bingo! Collision is the problem...  changed the program as follows and works as expected.  One would think ISY would repeat a command automatically if it didnt get a response or acknowledgement from the command sent...

Bmst All Off - [ID 0051][Parent 0001]

        'Basement / Stairs / Bsmt Stairs Controller.1' is switched Off
     Or 'Basement / Exercise / Exercise South.1' is switched Off
        Set 'Basement Bedroom' Off
        Wait  2 seconds
        Set 'Basement Bedroom' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Thanks again to all for the assistance.

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This is indicative of noise.  Unlike turning devices directly on and off, which generates acknowledgements, scenes do not have acknoledgements on the ISY. You can imagine what would happen in a scene that controls 20+ devices. All would try to deal with acknowledgements at once. I have a couple with 20, and more devices. 

A clue is that things are not being turned off by one device in response to the scene. Is that a switch with a load? Sometimes, turning on the load will allow what ever is being controlled to create noise. You can prove this by removing the load (unscrew bulb, temporarily unwire a fixture)... and repeat your original test.


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Hello pjjameso,

I agree that this could be a case where the scene command from the ISY/PLM could collide with the scene clean-up commands from the Keypadlinc.  I'm wondering if your KPL is flashing, indicating that it is not communicating properly with one of the scene responders?  The 2 second delay that Larry suggested should have gone a long way toward eliminating this possibility.  It should have allowed time for the KPL to complete the clean-up communications, unless there are communications issues which could require re-tries (extending the communication time).

Paul is also correct that noise or absorption near the KPL could be causing the KPL to miss the scene command from the ISY.

Why am I posting?  I do not recommend your "fix" as you have posted it.  If I understand your scene correctly, you are issuing a scene command to a KPL that has just issued a control action.  That opens the door for possible "all-on" collisions.  Have a look here: Wiki: All-on-events

I would rather see you place the 2 second wait in front of the 1st scene command.


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