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Smoke Bridge 2982-222


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I've just added a 2982-222 Smoke Bridge and it seems to have linked correctly.  I have seven entries in the ISY and am trying to figure out what the "current state" should be for each entry.  The only one that has a state displayed is test which is always on after the first time I pressed test on the FirstAlert.  I tried deleting it from the ISY and linking again but got the same response, no state displayed for any of the entries until I press test then test goes to "on" and stays on.  I would expect test to go to off once the FirstAlert test cycle completes.  I also expected the other entries to display something like off for Smoke and CO.  Does anyone know what each of the entries does and should be displaying as a state and what their other possible states are?

The entries are:




Unknown Message


Low Bat


9 hours ago, BobMic said:

I've just added a 2982-222 Smoke Bridge and it seems to have linked correctly.  I have seven entries in the ISY and am trying to figure out what the "current state" should be for each entry.  The only one that has a state displayed is test which is always on after the first time I pressed test on the FirstAlert.  I tried deleting it from the ISY and linking again but got the same response, no state displayed for any of the entries until I press test then test goes to "on" and stays on.  I would expect test to go to off once the FirstAlert test cycle completes.  I also expected the other entries to display something like off for Smoke and CO.  Does anyone know what each of the entries does and should be displaying as a state and what their other possible states are?

The entries are:

Smoke - Current state will be blank until Smoke is detected

CO   -   Current state will be blank until CO is detected

Test -  Current state should show as OFF

Unknown Message -  Current state should show as OFF (not sure what this is used for)

Clear  -  Current state will be blank

Low Bat  -  Current state should show as OFF unless batt is low

Multifunction  - Malfunction should show as OFF

                       I'm assuming that you're running ISY firmware 4.6.2.  If you're running 5.XX firmware the results could be different.



  • 2 weeks later...

I am just reviewing the forum regarding the Insteon Smoke Bridge. I just purchased the Smoke Bridge from Smarthome and two First Alert, One Link Smoke/CO2 alarms. I just read from this posting that once I link my Smoke Bridge to my ISY 994IR it will display 7 status. My question is does it distinguish which OneLink smoke alarm has a change in status or the status of all the OneLinks connected to the FirstAlert network.


Thanks for all of the helpful advise.



Posted (edited)

The interface for the bridge is limited. It will show which type of alarm was raised, but not which specific unit raised it.  If you can hear the one link uniit itself when the alarm is raised, the audio indicates which one it is based on if you set it as bedroom, basement etc. 


Edited by paulbates

Hi Paul, Thanks for the feedback. I just installed my Smoke Bridge today and linked it to the first FirstAlert One Link Fire alarm. Everything seems to work fine and I linked it to my ISY 994IR.

I want to write a program to send me a text message when either any of my First Alerts senses "smoke" or "CO2".

Would my program look something like this:

If CO status is "ON"
OR Smoke is "ON"

Then send text message (to my setup cell phone number.

Thanks again for your help.





Hi Jim

I did it a little differently:

  • Use switched - "If control", instead of status. This is important as the state of the device in the ISY does not return to "off" until the alert is cleared and you manually query the bridge. If you forget to query the bridge, switched "If control" programs will continue to work.. they don't care what the status is.
  • Have a separate program and separate message for each so you know which danger it is. 

I also had a program for test, so I could prove the whole thing worked end to end when testing the detectors. 

I was trying to remember... I think the battery alert only comes from the linked detector. But since the all speak the alert, you'll know when it happens. At one point I did detailed testing on the various options so I knew for sure.





Thanks again for your help. Sorry...I am sort of new to this. Is this how you wrote your program? I also wrote one for "Smoke" and "Test". Do you know how to easily copy a program you wrote so I could attach it as a file for someone else to review. Someone told me how to do this years ago but I forgot.

Thanks Again,




Control 'Smoke Bridge-CO' is switched On

        Send Notification to 'JimCellphone'

Posted (edited)


yep, exactly, you got it.

To copy an ISY program as text: 

  • right click on the program's name in the list in the admin console,
  • pick the copy option at the bottom of the list,
  • then click in the post window here in the forum, right click and paste



Edited by paulbates
  • 1 year later...

I have the Onelink smart smoke and CO model 1042136 and am having no luck pairing to smokebridge.

The smokebridge never sees any traffic in test mode. Any help appreciated.

Smokebridge is setup in ISY994

8 minutes ago, ewind said:

I have the Onelink smart smoke and CO model 1042136 and am having no luck pairing to smokebridge.

The smokebridge never sees any traffic in test mode. Any help appreciated.

Smokebridge is setup in ISY994

Unfortunately you picked up the wrong model. That is not compatible with the smoke bridge


I'll give linking a try again. The first few times I tried to link, the smoke bridge went straight to red solid light instead of the pattern in the instructions posted here. 


OK I misread the product description previously and I do have the correct model. I've also successfully paired it with smoke bridge. Unfortunately I have 2 issues.

1- its a battery powered detector but I would like a hardwired model to integrate into my hardwired system. Does one exist? I cannot find on smarthome or inet, although I purchased a hardwired model based on first alerts description but it does not pair with smoke bridge.

2-the smoke bridge-smoke state is in on state, even after factory reset. smoke bridge -co is inf off state. During test smoke state does not change. Will it change to off during true smoke event? Wondering how I alert on state change

Posted (edited)
  1. They advertise that this hardwired detector works with the smoke bridge. I only had 3 of the wireless so I've not tried it. The product page is a little vague.. It does get wired in... but it is also considered wireless as it has to be linked (wirelessly) to the other FA sensors / smoke bridge to participate with them. The picture is deceptive too, there shouldn't be a battery door.
  2. Its a little quirky and a few things to know based on my experience... meaning don't shoot the messenger:
  • My programs' If statements always used Control (If xxxx is Switched On) instead of Status. The removes worrying about status... if a FA raises one of the items, it will trigger the program regardless of the smoke bridge status value.
  • I believe you have to query each smoke bridge node that's on from the ISY to get it to show a status of off. You can do that manually from the admin console or write a program. As discussed above, I changed my programs' If statements to use Control and didn't worry about the status of the smoke bridge sensors
  • If you have multiple FA smoke/co sensors
    • The smoke bridge only tells the ISY that a Fire or Smoke instance was raised, but not which one... Fortunately the FA sensors talk to each other and you will hear which sensor raised the alarm vocally.
      • But if you are looking to be told remotely outside of the house which sensor raised an alarm, you can't do that with the smoke bridge
    • The smoke bridge only returns battery status for the unit you link to it, the ISY can't tell you about the others. Its been a number of years, but I believe that the battery alert voice messages only come from individual first alerts, not voice broadcast across all of them like smoke and co alerts


Edited by paulbates
  • Like 1
1 hour ago, ewind said:

Does one exist?

First Alert Hardwired Wireless Smoke Alarm with Photoelectric Sensor and Battery Backup, SA521CN-3ST

Amazon has them in stock.  I have one, and it works with the Smoke Bridge just fine.


Thank You. I ordered that from Amazon last November and gave up working with it after a while and now noticed it is model Model SA520 ?

I am ordering now and hope I receive the correct model.

Posted (edited)

Thanks @paulbates I manually queried several times before factory reset and smoke status still states ON. Im not sure I understand the control vs. status. Whats changes that will trigger my program to execute?

Smoke or CO - [ID 0015][Parent 0001]

        Control 'Smoke Bridge-Smoke' is switched On
     Or Control 'Smoke Bridge-Smoke / Smoke Bridge-CO' is switched On
        Send Notification to 'att me' content 'Smoke or CO Alarm'
        Send Notification to 'Gmail' content 'Smoke or CO Alarm'
        Repeat Every  2 minutes 
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')





Edited by ewind
added content
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Status will look at the sensor status and if its on, the program will execute. Scenarios

  1. You are checking status, the status is on in the smoke bridge, and the FA does not have an alert status --- ISY thinks an alarm is raised
  2. You are checking Control, the status is on in the smoke bridge, and FA does not have an alert status - --- ISY does not thing there is an alarm
  3. You are checking Control, the status is on in the smoke bridge, and FA triggers and alarm- ---ISY believes that there is an alarm

The repeat statements needs to be on top of the other statements not under them. However, I'm not sure if the smoke bridge "switches off" when the FA is done in alarm mode. I would skip that part for now


  • Like 1

Thanks @paulbates then I believe I should be checking for status change since the smoke bridge-smoke should typically be off, the status changes to on once the first alert send signal? I'll test both and hopefully the smoke bridge will at least switch to smoke off during an alarm. Not sure why its stuck on.


I remember status being difficult to get to work without a lot of attention and I could get Switched to work consistently. I wanted notification of an event regardless of duration. Fortunately the only time it had to work was periodic testing and I think one kitchen problem that we were home for


Posted (edited)
On 8/13/2019 at 2:05 PM, Bumbershoot said:

First Alert Hardwired Wireless Smoke Alarm with Photoelectric Sensor and Battery Backup, SA521CN-3ST

Amazon has them in stock.  I have one, and it works with the Smoke Bridge just fine.

I ordered and received the product and Amazon shipped me an SA520 again! When I link to smok ebridge, smoke bridge goes red and never returns to green! :(

Edited by ewind
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