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Garage lights and hidden door sensor

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Amateur here...trying to figure out a good way to automatically turn on the overhead garage lights based on an entry door opening. For example, from inside the house I open the door to the garage and go get something out of the fridge. This happens multiple times a day and having the light turn on automatically is very helpful.

I have the following:

  • Garage door sensor kit
  • Insteon switch wired to the overhead light
  • Insteon dual outlet in the ceiling, with LED work lights plugged into one outlet, garage door opener to the other
  • Insteon hidden door sensor for the garage to house entry door

I have a scene to turn on both the overhead and LED work lights. I have a program for the garage door sensor that turns on that scene, changes the color of multiple LED strip lights in the house via a network resource, and sends notifications via Pushover. This has all been working as expected for quite a while.

I recently added the hidden door sensor to the house door and have a program to send Pushover notifications based on open/close status changes. I tried adding the garage lights scene based on a change in open status. That works great, but when walking back into the house the experience isn't ideal....

Here is what I'm trying to solve:

As I'm walking back into the house I open the door and hit the garage light switch and the lights turn off. But because of the program delay based on the door sensor open status change, the lights turn back on less than a second after you turned them off (because you just opened the door). Maybe I'm daft, but I can't quite figure out a solution. I do have a couple of extra motions sensors if that ends up being the suggested approach.

Any help would be much appreciated.

EDIT: just realized that my hidden door sensor program below doesn't include the garage lights scene. That is because it was frustrating the family so I took it out.

GarageDoorMonitor - [ID 0016][Parent 0001]

        Status  'Garage / GarageDoor-Sensor' is not On
        Set Scene 'GarageOpenLights' On
        Resource 'PushOverGarageOpen'
        Set Scene 'GarageOpenLights' Off
        Resource 'PushOverGarageClosed'

GarageDoorMonitorColor - [ID 0025][Parent 0001]

        Status  'Garage / GarageDoor-Sensor' is not On
        Run Program 'GarageMonitorColor' (Then Path)
        Resource 'MiLight-Group4'
        Wait  1 second
        Resource 'MiLightWhiteOn'

GarageMonitorColor - [ID 0026][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Repeat 1 times
           Resource 'MiLight-Group4'
           Wait  1 second
           Resource 'MiLightColorRed'
           Resource 'MiLight-60'
           Resource 'MiLight-Group2'
           Wait  1 second
           Resource 'MiLightColorRed'
           Resource 'MiLight-60'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

GarageDoorEntry - [ID 002F][Parent 0001]

        Control 'Garage / GarageEntry-Sensor' is switched On
        Resource 'PushOverGarageEntry'
        Resource 'PushOverGarageEntryClosed'


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This is the offending program before I changed it :)

GarageDoorEntry - [ID 002F][Parent 0001]

        Status  'Garage / GarageEntry-Sensor' is not On
        Resource 'PushOverGarageEntryClosed'
        Set Scene 'GarageOpenLights' Fast On
        Resource 'PushOverGarageEntry'


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Due to the nature of a garage I would add a motion sensor instead of just the door sensor. You could use both in combination depending on your garage though. 

I don't like using a door sensor by itself for high use things because there are to many variables that can leave a lot to be desired. 

I would have the door sensor simply turn the light on when you open the door (assuming the motion sensor can't be placed in a way that picks you up. The motion sensor can then check for occupancy and turn the lights off after a set amount of time. 


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On 8/25/2018 at 10:52 AM, lilyoyo1 said:

Due to the nature of a garage I would add a motion sensor instead of just the door sensor. You could use both in combination depending on your garage though. 

I don't like using a door sensor by itself for high use things because there are to many variables that can leave a lot to be desired. 

I would have the door sensor simply turn the light on when you open the door (assuming the motion sensor can't be placed in a way that picks you up. The motion sensor can then check for occupancy and turn the lights off after a set amount of time. 


Ok - this makes sense. I thought there might be a good solution based on variables, but like you noted there are so many scenarios any amount of programming would have holes.

I was trying to not automatically turn off the lights based on the switch or door sensor because someone might be out there. But I think I can get full motion coverage with two motion sensors. Appreciate the suggestion.

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  • 1 month later...

The other solution might be to add a last line to the door sensor on program that disables the door sensor program (itself) after it has run and then a new program that will enable it again 30 seconds after you turn the lights off. Then as you are walking back inside and hit the lights off, you would have time to open and shut the door without the lights coming back on. 

That would save a MD for now, but a motion detecter in conjunction  with the door sensor as Lilyoyo1 points out is the best. That is what i also use and its great in that the MD will also pick you up if you come in from the outside not just if you open the door. Its a bit delayed though for when walking out of the house door quicikly which is why the door sensor is also needed. 

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