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Panasonic Camera control from ISY


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  • 10 months later...

I spent hours trying the methods suggested above. But it was not working for my BL-C210A and BL-C140 Panasonic cameras. I figured there may be some updates in these cameras. So I found the following CGI reference from January 2010 for C2xx series cameras (though it works on the C140 as well).




This manual describes the "/Set" command for doing the trigger set versus the "/CgiImageTransfer" method recommended above. The command set in the PDF is very rich and allowed me to make several simple resources to validate its content. So I rebuilt the triggers for these C210A and C140A cameras as follows:


Choose the following for each area in the Resource Editor:


1. Under Protocol Information, choose http, POST, enter the IP address and port, and use "/Set" for path. Do not check Encode URL. I left the timeout at 500ms. Mode is Raw Text.


2. Under Headers, add an "Authorization" using your camera's administrator userID and password.


3. In Body, enter the code below. This is for the Activate Resource. I ended up without any CR/LF (enter or hard returns) characters separating lines. I had originally put them in to make the parameters more readable, but I spent hours trying to get the resource to work. Without the CR/LF characters, my cameras work, though it creates one long, hard-to-read line for the body.


(Note: This approach uses SMTP transfer with no SMTP authentication. Change the "mail.domain.com" host name, and "cam03@domain.com" and "myaddress@work.com" addresses appropriately.)


Func=ImageTransfer&Kind=5&TaskEnable=1&TCondition=4&Week=127&Start=0000&Stop=2359&OutFormat=1&Position=8&PResolution=1&PQuality=4&PostEnable=1&PostIntervalPer=60000&PostIntervalNum=1&PostNum=1&PreEnable=0&PreIntervalPer=60000&PreIntervalNum=1&PreNum=1&TMode=48&TMailServer=mail.domain.com&TCertification=0&TMailFrom=cam03@domain.com&TMailTo1=myaddress@work.com&TMailSubject=Cam03 Motion&TMailText=Cam03 Motion Detected - ISY Activated&MMode=0


Press update on the bottom so the line shows up in the right hand "Actual" pane. Save the resource which exits the editor. Then press "Save" on the Resources screen. You can then test that line. If you get a screwy response (like an ISY TCP error or an empty screen with an N/A on it), don't worry. Check the trigger page on the camera and see if the trigger changes.


4. Make another resource just like the one above to Deactivate the camera. For this one, change the "TaskEnable=1" to "TaskEnable=0" to force the deactivation of trigger.


5. Now, go make a program that calls these Networking Resources. When called by a program, I do not get any of the screwy error screens and the triggers work like a champ.


Thanks to burakk, aLF, sk8er02, and Michel for your contributions. We all stand on the shoulders of you giants. While my wife wonders how I can spend so long doing so little, I am having a great time.


By the way, I'm running 2.8.15 on an ISY-99.




Tom C.


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  • 4 months later...

Tom C,


Many thanks for your post above. I too spent some unsuccessful time trying to get a BB-HCM735 camera to work with the ISY99. Thanks to the details you provided above, it's now working great! The link to the CGI interface commands is also appreciated. With it, I've added some ISY network resource "features" to the camera, such as reducing the microphone sensitivity when the local wind conditions pick up, so the camera doesn't send sound reports due to wind noise.


Then returning it to normal once the Climate Average Wind value goes down. Similarly, the camera's motion sensitivity is made less responsive during windy conditions using commands from the CGI reference you provided.


Thanks again for your post. The support one gets from this forum is just amazing.

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  • 3 months later...

I have a number of cameras too but not Panasoic, mine are TrendNet... models TV-IP410 and TV-IP410W. I found this thread helpful but in the end I had to do things a little differently. My cameras of course needed to use a different path in the network resource setup "admin/motiontrig.cgi" instead of "CgiImageTransfer". However, there was a bit more to it. My cameras didn't like the form parameters in the body, but instead I appended them to the path as query string parameters.


ex. "/admin/motiontrig.cgi?enable=1&profile=always&ftp=1"


Hope this helps someone!

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