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Anyone know of a plug in motion sensor?


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The Insteon Motion Sensor II has a USB powered option.  Otherwise, if you use Z-Wave, the Aeotec Multisensor 6 works very nicely, though it will not turn a light as quickly as an Insteon sensor, as there are no direct links. 

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I've been quite enjoying my z-wave occupancy sensors -- they're wired in (replacing the light switch), but actually give very good coverage of the areas I need covered in the basement.  And while I just use the occupancy mode, they DO work as motion sensors (signaling motion to the ISY when detected).

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59 minutes ago, mwester said:

I've been quite enjoying my z-wave occupancy sensors -- they're wired in (replacing the light switch), but actually give very good coverage of the areas I need covered in the basement.  And while I just use the occupancy mode, they DO work as motion sensors (signaling motion to the ISY when detected).

Brand?  Make/Model?

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Basically, the device functions as a normal occupancy switch -- it turns on the load if it senses motion in the field of view.  There's a paddle switch for manual on/off, if desired.  If you add it to a z-wave controller, like the ISY, it will respond to on/off (or dim, if you get the dimmer version) commands -- and it'll send events upon detecting motion (in addition to turning on the local load).

(I could do without the blasted blue LED, though - why do manufacturers insist on using those horrible eye-blinding-blue leds on everything???  I'll give Insteon credit for having avoided the temptation to "blue" everything, and instead going with a softer white led...)

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  • 3 weeks later...

The other option, if you are a bit more technically inclined and not soldering challenged, is to get a 9vdc power supply and connectors.  I haven't actually done this yet, but I'm planning on it.  The Insteon motion sensor is a pigtail type of battery connector, so these should plug right in.  I guess you have to reverse the polarity to get the gender right.  But I don't see any reason that it would not work.



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1 minute ago, ahwman said:

Thanks for all of the great suggestions everyone.  I was hoping to find a simple motion detector I could actually plug into an outlet but apparently they don’t currently exist.

Ahh... So this is actually what you're looking for?



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  • 6 months later...

I have been using the echo flex with motion sensor and an Alexa routine to update a state variable in the ISY (exposed via the portal as a dimmable light)..... my experience is a 1-2 second delay, but I haven't timed it.  But it works and it doesn't need batteries.  Cheaper than most other options (especially on black Friday).

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