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8 button mini remote - program?


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I would like to set several different lights to different levels of dimming or off with the press of the remote button. Remote is “Insteon mini remote 8 scene”

I really have two questions.

What is the best way to do this regardless of how it is activated (set the levels where I want)?

Can I activate it (the program?) using the remote? 


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How many buttons do you want to use?

I can see 1 for rotation through all scene levels  including off.

2 buttons, one for brighter scenes, and one for dimmer scenes including off

X+1 buttons. One for each scene level and also  off.

X+2 buttons. One for each brightness level scene as well as one for Off and one to resume last setting before Off.

X+3 as above plus one for favourite level scene

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For wireless remotes, I use programs so that I don't have to put the remote in linking mode whenever I make a change. I simply create a scene, add the devices I want to control as responders and set the level that I want. Once that is done, I simply write the corresponding programs that turn on/off

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Not sure there is a “best” way.   You could use a program.  Lilyoyo1 points out an advantage of this approach.  You could use scenes (may be a little faster and will still work should the ISY fail for some reason).

Bringing the echo into the mix creates additional considerations.  I expect you would need something like the portal account, or mobilinc cloud account added to your ISY.  You could then configure alexa to run a program or turn on a scene.

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5 hours ago, lilyoyo1 said:

For wireless remotes, I use programs so that I don't have to put the remote in linking mode whenever I make a change. I simply create a scene, add the devices I want to control as responders and set the level that I want. Once that is done, I simply write the corresponding programs that turn on/off

Thanks - I didn't realize you can set the dimming level of the lights at the scene level.

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I use the same approach as lilyoyo1... create a scene and then use programs to control it. Using this method, you can also easily make the scene available via ISY Portal so you can control it with Amazon and Google. Personally, I like to use a single remote button click to turn a scene on, and a double button click to turn a scene off. That allows me to use all eight buttons of the mini remote for different scenes. I use two programs for each scene, one for on and one for off. Here's an example to control a scene for my bar lighting using the "B" button on two eight-button mini remotes:

Program: Bar On
    'Remotes / RL2-Kitchen - B' is switched On
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Kitchen - B' is switched Off
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Family - B' is switched On
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Family - B' is switched Off
    Set 'Bar' On
    No Actions

Program: Bar Off
    'Remotes / RL2-Kitchen - B' is switched Fast On
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Kitchen - B' is switched Fast Off
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Family - B' is switched Fast On
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Family - B' is switched Fast Off
    Set 'Bar' Off
    No Actions

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On 7/29/2019 at 4:53 AM, lilyoyo1 said:

For wireless remotes, I use programs so that I don't have to put the remote in linking mode whenever I make a change. I simply create a scene, add the devices I want to control as responders and set the level that I want. Once that is done, I simply write the corresponding programs that turn on/off

How do I set the level at the scene? If I am in the scene and change the level, they change real time, but I am not seeing the change when I use the remote to activate it.

On 8/1/2019 at 5:05 PM, cwintermeyer said:

I use the same approach as lilyoyo1... create a scene and then use programs to control it. Using this method, you can also easily make the scene available via ISY Portal so you can control it with Amazon and Google. Personally, I like to use a single remote button click to turn a scene on, and a double button click to turn a scene off. That allows me to use all eight buttons of the mini remote for different scenes. I use two programs for each scene, one for on and one for off. Here's an example to control a scene for my bar lighting using the "B" button on two eight-button mini remotes:

Program: Bar On
    'Remotes / RL2-Kitchen - B' is switched On
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Kitchen - B' is switched Off
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Family - B' is switched On
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Family - B' is switched Off
    Set 'Bar' On
    No Actions

Program: Bar Off
    'Remotes / RL2-Kitchen - B' is switched Fast On
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Kitchen - B' is switched Fast Off
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Family - B' is switched Fast On
    Or 'Remotes / RL2-Family - B' is switched Fast Off
    Set 'Bar' Off
    No Actions

Do the lights in your 'bar' scene have different levels of 'on' (not all 100%)? If so, how do you do that in the scene?


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37 minutes ago, Jamison_IO said:

How do I set the level at the scene? If I am in the scene and change the level, they change real time, but I am not seeing the change when I use the remote to activate it.



Create a scene, add all of the devices you want to that scene as responders. You'll then be able to set them to whatever level you want as you would any scene.

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5 hours ago, oberkc said:

to set the responder levels for the remote, make sure you have selected the controlling remote button in you device list.  responder levels can be different for each controller.

Wow! I just came here to try and explain what was happening (scene would go to dimmed setting from web interface, but not remote) and then I re-read this - totally solved the problem I had. Thanks very much!

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