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Socket Open Failed java.net/can't connect

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3 minutes ago, larryllix said:

One thing I have noted IIRC ISY Finder worked locally. ISY Launcher is a cloud based app. No Internet = no ISY Launcher. If people are using ISY Launcher UDI servers may be having some bottleneck problems.

Good point. I've never put that to the test. Its a local jnlp like the AC. It could be downloading a fresh copy each time.

However, it can be pulled using Edge right from the ISY: http://w.x.y.z/admin  

I updated the directions


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8 minutes ago, paulbates said:

Good point. I've never put that to the test. Its a local jnlp like the AC. It could be downloading a fresh copy each time.

However, it can be pulled using Edge right from the ISY: http://w.x.y.z/admin  

I updated the directions


Guessing here,  but it must  be checking your installed version, possibly downloading the matching admin console version. I know we had an Internet failure for best part of a day a week or so, ago. (much of N.America apparently), and ISY Launcher would not run to show the first box on screen. If people have a connection problem (ISP, router, modem, Internet etc..) they may have problems with the ISY Launcher and/or ISY Portal, Alexa, etc......and. The direct connection should not work with ISY Launcher or possibly not ISY Finder, if not previously loaded or launched to match. It may get more complicated making this work. I have never tried it but thankfully never needed to either.

A second thought... most of us must have an old router in the junk box...but that could get more complicated trying to revive it between the PC and ISY. :(

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7 minutes ago, larryllix said:

The direct connection should not work with ISY Launcher or possibly not ISY Finder, if not previously loaded or launched to match. 

If the 2 computers are connected with fixed IP addresses,. the admin console can always be loaded from the ISY from the Edge browser. The installed with the firmware on the ISY, and Edge continues to allow webstarts.

http://<ISY IP>/admin 


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8 hours ago, paulbates said:


I'm suggesting cabling the PC straight into the ISY ... no other network component .. no switch, no router, no internet.... this completely confirms or eliminates it as the problem.


Yeah, sorry about shortcutting your recommendations.  The next step of my troubleshooting would have been as you recommended, but that's very disruptive for me, in part because the ISY is in a location that requires a ladder to be reached.  It's much easier to bypass WiFi and other variables by connecting to the ISY's network switch as I did, but I do appreciate that the router and DNS are still involved when I do that.


Thanks for your help.  For now I'll chalk it up to local network glitches.



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On 8/18/2019 at 4:42 AM, 4481hoods said:

Had a similar problem Discovered port forwarding was causing the problem.I had port 80 forwarded for a long time and all of a sudden out of the blue  it caused the socket error. Disabled the port forward and all is well!

This is interesting.  I do have port 80 forwarded.  If I have problems again I'll try disabling it.



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I had the slow response problem again tonight.  I disabled the forwarded port on my router, and everything started working at full speed.

Earlier today I had tried to connect remotely via the forwarded port, and it timed out.  That didn't used to happen.

I've been having occasional hangs of my router that require a reboot.  All of this suggests a bad router.

The replacement was already on its way due to the hang/reboot thing.  Maybe that'll fix it...

btw, now all of my "ISY Launcher" icons launch the "ISY Finder" instead.  Why? 



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Things went great over the past week with no connectivity issues at all.  Then, today, the Finder came up blank.  Refreshed and showed the ISY.  Got the java errors.  Finder has been blank since then with nothing coming up on refresh.  Rebooted ISY and all that.  Also same with ESET Firewall on or off.



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I have just performed the following troubleshooting steps:

1) Set the PC to static IP and connected directly to the ISY -- ISY finder launches and finds the ISY instantly.  However, upon selecting Admin Console nothing happens--just hangs.  I can kill the Java and restart with the same result... prior to selecting Admin Console and hanging, I can refresh and it finds it instantly.

2) Same result with the router LAN unplugged from my main network switch.

3) Connecting router back into the network,  brings me the same problems as before -- ISY finder does not find the ISY.

May I ask, does connecting to the Admin console, or refreshing the Finder, require some resource from the Internet that isn't getting through my router or AT&T?  I rebooted the router with the same effect.  Any ports that we can try forwarding?  I do already have HTTP forwarded to it.

I have not updated any router settings in quite some time... it it possible that AT&T is blocking some important packets or ports?  Given that this issue has just started and been fairly intermittent, it's the last remaining variable.

EDIT:  Also rebooted AT&T Uverse gateway.  Same problem.

EDIT 2: I think AT&T is blocking ports.  While I can hit the ISY webpage locally, I'm having an intermittent time doing so remotely...  My router is on the DMZ port through the AT&T gateway and my router forwards port 80 to the ISY.  Now for some reason, when I do connect locally, I'm getting "error, Loading: /config/" though.... but a few taps of "Home" brings it back.

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15 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


What's in the error log?

With kind regards,


Sorry, I was out all day... just ran an error log and you may have been right, there's a ton of what look like attempts to connect from the Internet--if I'm right, they look like this, every few seconds:

Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:36 PM    System    -170001    [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=826
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:36 PM    System    -10108    Check log    
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:36 PM    System    -170001    [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=827
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:36 PM    System    -10108    Check log    
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:37 PM    System    -170001    [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=828
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:37 PM    System    -10108    Check log    
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:37 PM    System    -170001    [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=829
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:37 PM    System    -10108    Check log    
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:38 PM    System    -170001    [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=830
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:38 PM    System    -10108    Check log    
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:39 PM    System    -170001    [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=831
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:39 PM    System    -10108    Check log    
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:39 PM    System    -170001    [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=832
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:39 PM    System    -10108    Check log    
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:39 PM    System    -170001    [Auth:-10104]>80, Num=833
Sat 2019/08/24 01:58:39 PM    System    -10108    Check log    

I checked my router and I've been forwarding port 80 to the ISY...  I just turned that off and we'll see what happens.

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So, it seems that the root of my problem was that my router was forwarding HTTP port 80 to my ISY (set up that way from many years ago before the portal).  I seem to have been getting Denial of Service attacks to that port with multiple hits per second.  Turned off the port forwarding, and that seems to have cleared up the issue!  If you're getting the Java errors, check your error logs and see if you get anything like the above, and turn off any HTTP port forwarding to the ISY.  Thanks to all who helped out with this!

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