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Another Insteon MSII Query


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I'm aware that there is little or no data from Smarthome regarding this sensor.  (I think they're missing a bet.  If the data were available to us, we'd likely purchase more of the sensors.)  I'm  looking for anyone who has experimented with (and hopefully recorded the results of) Motion Sensitivity and/or Battery Low threshold.   I need to tweak these settings and am looking for a starting point.




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11 hours ago, larryllix said:

Don't want to hijack your thread but on a similar note, the MS IIs are on sale at aartech.ca for a few more days, and I am wondering if there is any particular firmware versions I should be avoiding?

Hijack away.  I wish I had an answer for you.  Based on your comment, I'm gonna pick up a couple of more on the belief that we'll get some data soon.  It IS a good product.



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19 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Yes, you should avoid all versions!

With kind regards,



    Would you kindly support that statement with just a little more detail? 



Here is some limited information:



Sorry it has  been  a while since I tried to link to a older post.  This is just a portion of it.

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So, just as you responded to the user regarding why you thought the MS II was than stellar, I received a low-battery notice for one of mine.   I also had one last Friday and was pleased.  The unit had been in service for about six months and I was wondering how long it would take to see the report.  Since I dutifully changed the battery on Saturday, I was NOT pleased to see the second notice.  Now either I’m missing something relative to resetting a battery indicator, or I’m beginning to see why you’re not enamored with this Insteon item. Any thoughts?



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23 minutes ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Please try right mouse click on the low bat node | Query.

With kind regards,


I actually did that yesterday on a whim.  This morning, when there was no new alert, I wondered if it were an anomaly or an actual fix. Thanks for the confirmation.  THAT'S the type of data I'd like to see consolidated somewhere vis-a-vis the MS II.



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20 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Please try right mouse click on the low bat node | Query.

With kind regards,

I thought I had done that the other day and was happy that the alert stopped.  Premature, as it were.  I got the alert again this morning.  Looking at your note again, I'm not sure I know where/what the "low bat node | Query" is.  Can you be more specific towards a soon-to-be octogenarian?

Thank you.



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Actually, I thought I had responded to this the other day.  Apparently, I didn’t “send”.  I didn’t see anything that resembled “Low Bat node”, but then again I’m not sure where the “the navigation bar/device tree” is!  Can you offer any help?



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37 minutes ago, JLOB said:



Actually, I thought I had responded to this the other day.  Apparently, I didn’t “send”.  I didn’t see anything that resembled “Low Bat node”, but then again I’m not sure where the “the navigation bar/device tree” is!  Can you offer any help?






See the list of devices on the left? That is your device tree, found under the "Main" tab in admin console.










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On 8/30/2019 at 2:24 PM, gzahar said:

If you scroll down in the MS II options, there is a setting to create a battery node. (none or one)

Don't know if this node will work like the MS I sensors in resetting battery status as mine are USB powered.

My options are "One" or "Two".  Verbiage says it will set up a second node.  Not at all sure what this is or if I need/want one?



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My options are "One" or "Two".  Verbiage says it will set up a second node.  Not at all sure what this is or if I need/want one?

Why don’t you right click the main sensor node and select group device. Maybe you have a low battery node but it didn’t get moved to the correct folder. Grouping the device should make it visible with the other nodes (if you do have one).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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4 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


As per @Chris, you just have to query the sensor node (if the battery node is not there).

With kind regards,

I've done that several times.  I keep getting the the battery alert e-mail each day.  Getting frustrated.  Thanks though.




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4 hours ago, JLOB said:

I've done that several times.  I keep getting the the battery alert e-mail each day.  Getting frustrated.  Thanks though.




Why don't you post your program doing that here, and maybe somebody can find a hole in it?

Right click and the program in the tree and select "copy to clipboard". Paste in a post.

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10 hours ago, larryllix said:

Why don't you post your program doing that here, and maybe somebody can find a hole in it?

Right click and the program in the tree and select "copy to clipboard". Paste in a post.

There's not much of a program.  It just queries the sensor.  The underlying problem is that the sensor doesn't reset with the new battery.


Kitchen Motion Low Battery - [ID 008D][Parent 0001]

        Time is  4:00:00AM
    And 'Kitchen / Kitchen Miscellaneous Sensor' Battery Level <= 10%
        Send Notification to 'XXX XXX' content 'Sensor Battery-1'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




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