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Is there a difference between programming via ISY and linking with the set button?


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I set up a “3-way” dimmer using two Insteon dimmers earlier today the old-fashioned way pressing the set button on one (one beep), then the other (two beeps), then the same the other way around, to create a bidirectional linkage. That worked fine.


I then tried to do something similar via the ISY and created a scene for the two dimmers and set them both as controllers for it. Now they appear to be linked but not as linked as before if that makes sense. I believe one of them is acting as a dimmer and the other feels more binary like a switch, even though its LEDs are showing a ramping up.


So what’s the direct equivalent in ISY of direct pairings of dimmers like this? Ideally there would be no situation where their status LEDs could get out of sync, they’d both act as dimmers with identical ramp rates, and turning one on physically or programmatically would cause the other to do the same thing. Is that possible?


Sorry for the noob question, but it’s because I’m a noob!

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There's no difference in regards to linking in general via the isy or manually. They both accomplish the same exact task. However, the isy will not recognize anything you do outside of it.

If one device is behaving differently, most likely it needs to be configured in the scene you made with the desired ramp rate and light level you desire.

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As per DennisC above, you should factory reset your switchLincs to erase any links outside of ISY and set them up using ISY.
ISY is a good link/scene manager and will make it much easier for any future maintenance. Also, you will be able to control those scenes from ISY programs and peripherals, such as Alexa or Google Home speakers.

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