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I am trying to set this up in 2021 and my Install Code does not seem to be valid for Ceiva - it also looks a lot longer than the install code in the instructions.  Ceiva says the install code CRC is invalid but the entire code will not fit into their UI so I am guessing it's an ISY issue. Also I can't seem to figure out the Advanced Mode Password.  Has anyone gotten this to work?


Install Code: 3563DF95AF968C1FFB82DED658FF

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Hey @Michel Kohanim I talked to Cevia and they are looking at manually adding my info in - that said they mentioned that the install code seems incorrect and too long.  I Look at the install code which is "3563DF95AF968C1FFB82DED658FF" this amounts to "11010101100011110111111001010110101111100101101000110000011111111110111000001011011110110101100101100011111111" binary or 110 bits.  According to the spec I was reading the code should be 64, 96, or 128 bits not 112.  Is there any way you could validate that this install code is indeed correct or if my ISY is generating a bad code?  There doesnt seem to be a way to re-generate this code.

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Just a drive-by comment to this thread... I know nothing about what's being discussed here, but I did notice the MAC address shown in a screenshot above contains 8 octet's, while MAC addresses are normally 6 octet's.

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1 hour ago, MrBill said:

Just a drive-by comment to this thread... I know nothing about what's being discussed here, but I did notice the MAC address shown in a screenshot above contains 8 octet's, while MAC addresses are normally 6 octet's.

That is also true but Ceiva seems to have accepted this MAC.  I called them and had them manually add the device to my account but it is just in a constant TIMEOUT state now.  Not really sure where to go from here until UD responds, seems like they should at least be able to confirm the IDs look correct or not...



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