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Existing programs not running after 4.x -> 5.0.16 upgrade


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Hello, I have had my 994i for several years now with not many issues, but I made the mistake of upgrading from 4.x (not sure which one) to 5.0.15. I am now having issues with all of my programs not working anymore. I have since upgraded to 5.0.16 in hopes of it fixing my problems, but to no avail. 

I am able to control all of my lights without issue from within the console and I see statuses showing up on the event viewer. I went through and manually set all my programs to "enabled" and I am still not getting any action on my programs. 

I have tried running "restore plm" and "restore devices" and relinking all devices, but still nothing is running. If I go to the programs and try to run the Then statement of my programs it still does nothing. 

I am very confused at this point and could use some help getting this back online. thank you!

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1 hour ago, superfreq said:

Hello, I have had my 994i for several years now with not many issues, but I made the mistake of upgrading from 4.x (not sure which one) to 5.0.15. I am now having issues with all of my programs not working anymore. I have since upgraded to 5.0.16 in hopes of it fixing my problems, but to no avail. 

I am able to control all of my lights without issue from within the console and I see statuses showing up on the event viewer. I went through and manually set all my programs to "enabled" and I am still not getting any action on my programs. 

I have tried running "restore plm" and "restore devices" and relinking all devices, but still nothing is running. If I go to the programs and try to run the Then statement of my programs it still does nothing. 

I am very confused at this point and could use some help getting this back online. thank you!

Did you update the UI?  Check Help/About

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11 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


In the program summary tab, do you have any programs that show 'not loaded' or 'not saved'? Also, is this the case with all your programs, including time related schedules, or just device status change programs?

This was the fix!!

I can't believe I missed that. Since they were all with the icon with the green arrow, I totally missed it. 

Saving worked for most of them and the ones that wouldn't save just needed to be updated to fix an error.

Thanks Michel!!!

I will say the plus side to this was that my wife had to deal with no lighting automation for a week while I was away and now has a great appreciation for the system I have built :) 

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This was the fix!!
I can't believe I missed that. Since they were all with the icon with the green arrow, I totally missed it. 
Saving worked for most of them and the ones that wouldn't save just needed to be updated to fix an error.
Thanks Michel!!!
I will say the plus side to this was that my wife had to deal with no lighting automation for a week while I was away and now has a great appreciation for the system I have built  

Glad to hear. Do you have thermostats linked to your ISY system? If so, you may need to do extra steps.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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