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Trouble after 4.7.3 to 5.0.16B upgrade

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I just received my Polisy PRO and a z-wave module.  Both require FW V5.  I have been reluctant to upgrade because I play with this so infrequently that I have to re-learn everything each time.  So I was able to get through the upgrade and my system now comes up running 5.0.16B.

All of my devices, programs and variables seemed to have been intact, however none of the programs were running.

I tried to add (link) another controller but that has caused ISY to go into a long process on linking followed by all programs disappearing and error dialog boxes about identifying nodes that seem to fail.

I tries to do a restore of my backup but that failed as well.

What should I do to troubleshoot so I can bring this back up to the state before the upgrade but with 5.0.16B running? 



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1. backed up my 4.7.3 configuration

2. made manual copies of the programs, variables and pasted into txt file

 3.  Updated Java to latest version

4. Cleared Java Cache

5. Updated the java runtime parameter to -Xmx512m in the Java control panel.  (It still launched with this.  Should I remove it?)

6. Downloaded firmware

  -  ISY 994i Series including Z-Wave support

7. Launched admin.jnlp using "Note: If you have version 5.0.8 or lower installed on your ISY, then use this link instead:

  -  http://isy.universal-devices.com/994i/5.0.16/admin.jnlp"

8. followed the prompts for uploading the FW Zip file from step 6

9. Used  ISY Launcher to start

10. Observed ISY Finder shows version 5.0.16B

11. selected Admin Console

12. Used admin / admin

13.  Noticed all programs, variables, etc were still there

14. Noticed none of the programs seemed to be running

15. Tried to add/link a new Insteon Dimmer Switch

16. Now system comes up with Discovering Nodes; Retry! and a never ending Linking progress bar that cycles between 0 to 100% over and over and programs still not running.  In fact I no longer see my Programs in the summary or details tab.  Variables are still there.





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It seems my programs are no longer running and many devices in my ISY tree don't seem to be connected.  I figured I would try and delete one of the devices that has no status and not working from the tree and then add it back in, but ISY will not allow me to delete the device. [another reboot fixed this and I was able to add the device back.  So If I delete and add back all devices I assume it will mess up my programs]  Now that I have a working device I created a simple program confirmed that the new program ran.  So I think my issue is around the connection of all my devices and ISY]

Am I better off doing some factory reset and starting over from scratch?


Also, some of my devices are shown in bold in the tree.  I don't recall that in that from before the upgrade.  What does Bold mean?

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There must have been some glitch that got cleared.  I don't recall what I did to fix the problem but somehow ISY went into a mode where it started rewriting to a bunch of devices.  I think everything is working again.  Thanks for the input.

Next step is to install my z wave module and then figure out how to configure polisy pro.  I will probably wait for the weekend to do anymore.


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