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Deleted Programs Still Running

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ISY994i firmware and UI v.4.7.5.  Programs deleted from the UD administrative console are still running days after deletion.  The programs are triggered by motion detectors and have time of day parameters that are not being met.  Was unable to find anything in the forums on this.

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I just deleted a program and clicked the confirmation Yes button.  It did not force me to save changes and I don't see the program anymore.  Closed and restarted and the program in no longer visible in the list.   Is the program deleted or still present and just not visible?  If it still lives and is not visible, how would one either restore or delete it completely?

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I just gave it a try. If I delete a program and reply yes it appears gone. But after restarting the admin console it came back. So 'Save Changes' is still required to delete the program. If you had restarted the admin console and it is still not there I would say that it is deleted.

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