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Admin Console Will Not Populate Status Field After Query


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That pretty much says it all. I have a (less than a week-old) ISY-99i that sometimes populates the field, but often does not. I've rebooted several times, and most of the time it will not return the status. However, the controlling functions seem to work fine, i.e., things go on and off when they're supposed to.


Does it matter which browser and which edition thereof is used for the initial launching?




Joel Cook

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Hello Mr. Cook,


I am so very sorry to hear this. Would you be kind enough to let me know:

1. What URL do you use to access ISY?

2. Have you tried clearing your Java Cache?

3. What version of firmware do you have (Help | About)


If you are not on 2.7.6, it strongly recommend upgrading:



With kind regards,




That pretty much says it all. I have a (less than a week-old) ISY-99i that sometimes populates the field, but often does not. I've rebooted several times, and most of the time it will not return the status. However, the controlling functions seem to work fine, i.e., things go on and off when they're supposed to.


Does it matter which browser and which edition thereof is used for the initial launching?




Joel Cook

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Hi Michel...


Thanks for the quick reply....and call me Joel!


I use http://isy-99i/admin to access the console. I'm using 2.7.6 so that's as up-to-date as I know to get. I did clear the java cache as well. Still, the window remains recalcitrant and will not update the status, their all remaining blank.


If there's anything else I can supply, please let me know.






P.S...I'm using IE 8.0.6001 and Firefox 3.5.3 and WinXP SP3...each browser gives the same result.

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Hi Joel,


Thanks. Would you be kind enough to try:

http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.7.6/admin.jnlp and let me know what you find.


Here's what is a little strange: if you do not get status updates it also means that the heartbeat is also lost. As such, you must also be automatically logged out after about every 2 minutes. Is this the case?


With kind regards,



Hi Michel...


Thanks for the quick reply....and call me Joel!


I use http://isy-99i/admin to access the console. I'm using 2.7.6 so that's as up-to-date as I know to get. I did clear the java cache as well. Still, the window remains recalcitrant and will not update the status, their all remaining blank.


If there's anything else I can supply, please let me know.






P.S...I'm using IE 8.0.6001 and Firefox 3.5.3 and WinXP SP3...each browser gives the same result.

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Hi Michel...


As for being logged out every two minutes--I'd say it might be more frequent than that. Often, after I've successfully authenticated, the login credentials will be requested again. If I then click on 'Devices' in the browser page that's kept open, the credentials will be requested yet again. Interestingly, on this page (in the browser), the device status IS shown.


I tried the java program you sent....with the same results.





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Hi Joel,


Apologies for a tardy reply. The problem is that the Admin Console is not given the permission to listen to events. Two cases:

1. The applet has not been given permission to run

2. You have a firewall software which does not allow listening sockets


To try the first, please do be kind enough to go to Java Control Panel:

1. Under General tab, click on Settings and then click on Delete Files

2. Under Security tab, click on Certificates, click on Universal Devices, Inc. and then click on Remove


The next time you get to Admin Console, please ensure that you accept the security certificate for Universal Devices, Inc.


If this does not work, please do be kind enough to call our tech support (818-631-0333) so that we can log in to your computer and see what's going on.


With kind regards,





Hi Michel...


As for being logged out every two minutes--I'd say it might be more frequent than that. Often, after I've successfully authenticated, the login credentials will be requested again. If I then click on 'Devices' in the browser page that's kept open, the credentials will be requested yet again. Interestingly, on this page (in the browser), the device status IS shown.


I tried the java program you sent....with the same results.





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Hi Michel...


Thanks for the responses...no apologies necessary.


I'll try what you suggest when I'm back and able to do so on my LAN. At present I'm on the road and accessing the administrative console via an SSH tunnel through my Linux server (also on the LAN). Doing it that way, it works fine. However, I'm using a different computer and perhaps something's different on it. So, when I'm back (a couple of weeks), I'll try what you suggested. In the meantime, it seems to populate those fields just fine doing it this way. Go figure.





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Hi Joel,


Very interesting and mind boggling at the same time. Please do keep me posted.


With kind regards,



Hi Michel...


Thanks for the responses...no apologies necessary.


I'll try what you suggest when I'm back and able to do so on my LAN. At present I'm on the road and accessing the administrative console via an SSH tunnel through my Linux server (also on the LAN). Doing it that way, it works fine. However, I'm using a different computer and perhaps something's different on it. So, when I'm back (a couple of weeks), I'll try what you suggested. In the meantime, it seems to populate those fields just fine doing it this way. Go figure.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Michel...


Well, I'm back after the trip and found the problem still there when I carried out your suggestions with respect to the Java control. Your idea about the antivirus seems to have been spot-on, however. I have Kaspersky AV 2009 and found that I had to disable the On-line Security (anti-phishing seems to be the main thing it provides) as well as Scan HTTP Traffic under Anti Malware. Adding the URL for the admin console to the list of trusted sites did not solve the problem--I had to disable it.


Not sure why all this happens, but at least I've gotten it to work.





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