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8 button keypad

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Hello All.

I've had an 8 button keypad in my insteon network for approx. 4 yrs. Couldn't really get the concept of this thing under the insteon hub, so never really took to it.

I've recently moved it into an open area in my kitchen and have programmed the buttons to activate scenes. Really enjoying it now.

All scenes are different variations of how the kitchen lighting is set throughout the evening. For example "Cooking", "Dim Kitchen", and "Night Kitchen, Kitchen Off. All scenes basically utilize the same several sets of lights on different dim/on/off levels.

The one thing I can't get my head around is how to have scene "C" turn off (LED backlight) when i activate scene "B".

As it stands, by the end of night, all buttons are lit up by the end of the night, because most scenes have been activated throughout the evening.

I was going to attempt a program such that when one is on the others are off, but the status for anything other then the "Main" button aren't available as a "then" status choice.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,


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