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UD Mobile Release Announcements


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Hi All,

Version 0.41 (alpha)

This release includes data backup and security enhancements . ISY Portal connections will now use oAuth which will remove the need to store usernames and passwords.  This will be automatic for new installs, testers please enable portal connection in settings>systems.  

We are looking for a small group of alpha testers to help avoid some of the issues we experienced during the initial release.  If you were a part of the Go2ISY testing group please click the following opt-in link to join alpha.  If you would like to join alpha testing please send me a PM with the email address used for Google Play.  If joining the alpha test group please backup UD Mobile in this release. Only join the alpha test group with the understanding that restoring to a previous backup may be needed if we encounter a major issue during testing.

Opt-in: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.universaldevices.udmobile

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I'm seeing some formatting issues on my MotoX4 Android One running Android 9. Can't see the full backup message (attached). Other than that minor issue the app works well.

Also wondering about the backup file, do I need to manually save the file somewhere off my phone, or will it be picked up by the normal Google backup process?



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Hi @TexMike,

Layout issue will be fixed in the next release, thank you. 

Currently there is only a manual backup.  If you have a cloud provider, such as Google Drive, properly linked to the device the same backup activity should allow backup to the cloud provider by selecting the menu on the top left.

A note to anyone trying to import a backup: We have not implemented a direct method for new installs and the app will prompt for a login.  To import on a new install save an empty System by adding a name, then save, then selecting cancel when prompted to sync.  This will stop the login prompt and allow import of a previous backup


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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome Job Javier!

Able to hide now!
Perfection would be to have the ability to re-order Nodes all inputs then output ST statuses. Commands are solid as they appear in ISY/AC hiding unused would also be helpful but not entirely necessary.

I do not spend enough time here when there is code to write. 
I will have to start to look in every now and then!

Highest Regards!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Android Alpha 0.58

Scene members are now displayed in Node Dashboard.  Scene calculations now include precision and UOM.  Scene members can now be excluded from estimated status calculation.  This will bring Scenes in Android in line with iOS.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Android 0.67 Beta

Favorites Screen is now a grid layout.   There is an issue when clicking the icon of a Node set as Type-Folder which does not have a toggle indicator, this should open the folder but is opening the node dashboard instead (similar to clicking the menu).


Node Dashboard will now show grouped nodes.  Clicking on a node item on Home screen which has grouped nodes will now open the Node Dashboard. Clicking on the menu will show grouped children.


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When trying to RESTORE, i.e. Import a previous backup, I can see the backup file but it is 'grayed out' and I am unable to select the file.  I have entered and saved a system name, but no other info such as ISY Portal login and hit Cancel when prompted to Sync.  But Restore will not let me select the backup file.  This is on iOS and the file is saved to my iCould folders.   I'm actually just trying to get my Favorites onto another iOS device.  Any ideas or suggestions?

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The app is coming along nicely.


For programs, when you open it, have the "run" choices at the top.  In all likelihood, that is what someone is looking to do, not check the last time it ran or whatever.  That would hold true for other items as well.  Put the action items at the top.

For favorites:  Be able to set a favorites icon to execute.  Like it turns the light on, or runs "if" of a program directly.  So you don't have to navigate through more menus.  

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On 6/27/2021 at 5:04 PM, Javi said:

Android 0.67 Beta

Favorites Screen is now a grid layout.   There is an issue when clicking the icon of a Node set as Type-Folder which does not have a toggle indicator, this should open the folder but is opening the node dashboard instead (similar to clicking the menu).


Node Dashboard will now show grouped nodes.  Clicking on a node item on Home screen which has grouped nodes will now open the Node Dashboard. Clicking on the menu will show grouped children.


@Javi, since the change to the favorite I am experiencing an issue getting the icons to open up. I'd doesn't matter if I am local or not. They don't seem to respond to being touched.

Any thoughts?

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4 hours ago, apostolakisl said:

The app is coming along nicely.


For programs, when you open it, have the "run" choices at the top.  In all likelihood, that is what someone is looking to do, not check the last time it ran or whatever.  That would hold true for other items as well.  Put the action items at the top.

For favorites:  Be able to set a favorites icon to execute.  Like it turns the light on, or runs "if" of a program directly.  So you don't have to navigate through more menus.  

Thanks.  These items are on the list.

2 hours ago, DennisC said:

@Javi, since the change to the favorite I am experiencing an issue getting the icons to open up. I'd doesn't matter if I am local or not. They don't seem to respond to being touched.

Any thoughts?

There was a layout issue in the first grid view release.  Can you verify the issue persists in version 0.71?

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Android Beta:

0.77 Disabled Nodes are now shown with disabled icon. Added enable/disable nodes. Nodes can now be added to scenes.

0.76 Folders, Scenes, and Nodes now have Rename, Delete, and Move edits from Home Tab. Home Tab Edits and Adds now update app database. Bugs Fixed.

0.71 Nodes/Scenes/folders can be hidden on Home Tab.  


Adding/modifying nodes/scenes/folders will update the Apps Database for the single item which was modified.  If a node was modified on another device or Admin Console a Synchronization is required. Guards added when adding new scenes/folders, moving nodes/scenes/folders, and adding a node to a scene to prevent duplicates and verify address existence before action.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Android Beta:

0.81 - 0.82:

Added Favorites Command Type. Added Favorites Commands and Favorites Command Params tables. Added user interface for command selection.  Please report any issues, many of the command picker classes (i.e. command parameter selection) where rebuilt to accommodate reuse in Favorites Command Tile creation.


Favorites Commands support no parameter commands, single parameter commands, and multiple parameter commands.  Favorites Commands support multiple commands in a single instance, these commands can be from seperate ISYs.


Video Demo Examples:

Rename a Node on Home Tab

Create Favorites Folder Tile

Create Favorites Node Tile

Create Favorites Status Folder

Create Favorites Command Tile

Create Favorites Status Command Tile

Delete Favorite Tile

Edit Favorite Tile

Add multiple commands to a Favorite Command Tile



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@Javi Great stuff! I'm reconfiguring now.

Question - Is there a way to have a node that just display the status of a switch without the function of turning it on and off?

Also, frequently the elements of the app do not respond to my tap (Android v.0.82) on Android 12 my Pixel 3 XL. I've found that clicking back and forth between the Home and Favorites allows clicking to resume. This has been happening since the grid layout was introduced.


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1 hour ago, DaveStLou said:

Also, frequently the elements of the app do not respond to my tap (Android v.0.82) on Android 12 my Pixel 3 XL. I've found that clicking back and forth between the Home and Favorites allows clicking to resume. This has been happening since the grid layout was introduced.

I have this same issue on my Pixel 3XL where it doesn't respond to touching for many seconds, then start working.  

I was about to report a bug with adding to Favorites down inside a folder 2 levels deep would always add them to the folder above, and would have to back out to the top then come back in to actually see them.  I'll test with latest 0.82 when it's available to me.

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13 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

I was about to report a bug with adding to Favorites down inside a folder 2 levels deep would always add them to the folder above, and would have to back out to the top then come back in to actually see them.  I'll test with latest 0.82 when it's available to me.

Looks like this specific issue was listed in the fixes, thanks!

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