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not enough links?

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Hopefully you all can help. Sometime within the last year my system stopped working properly. I was busy so I didn’t fix it right away. Some months ago I replaced my PLM because I figured that was the cause of the problem. The transition did not go that well. It failed some of the way through the restore modem process. That might be because I had a number of Insteon devices that I needed to replace. It took until the past week for me to replace all the switches. I also put in a new, new PLM. This time the restore PLM function worked fine, however many of my switches do not seem to be able to be sensed by the current PLM. They can be controlled though. I started looking on the forum and found that I should be looking at the PLM links table. The count shows 17, even though there are ~80 devices/entries in the top level device list. That seems like not enough. 


I do have backups from each step of the way. Would it be safe to restore from the these backups? Or, since I have replaced a bunch switches, will this create more problems? Also, is there a way to add the missing links back in without removing a device from the system and then adding it back in? 

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I have read that and followed its directions every time I have replaced PLMs. 

It seems like you have not read my post/questions, and just assumed you knew what the answer to my question was. That is not really helpful.

Could you respond to my questions?

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Yes. The address on the back of the modem does match the number in PLM info/status.

Unfortunately some of these steps happened months ago and I do not remember the exact order, except PLM replacement, for that I follow the directions carefully every time. -> unplug PLM -> unplug ISY -> connect and plug in new PLM -> plug in ISY -> in admin console "restore PLM"

I have made backups at every step along the way. The oldest backup I have on my current computer (I have others a would have to search for), is from 9/27/20 using 4.7.3. After creating that backup I replaced the PLM. This is when it failed. On the 18th of this month i finished replacing all my devices and made another backup. Next upgraded to 4.8.0 which created a new backup.

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well it seems my ISY has some major issues.

i have logged into my ISY frequently over the last week or so.

Just now i closed the admin console and unplugged the isy and plm to do the replace PLM  and then restore devices as you suggested. when I plugged them back in the isy didnt show up in the isy finder. again i unplugged and replugged in the ISY. this time it showed up, but now my username and password do not seem to work (nor does the default admin/admin).

do you have a suggestion about how i can get into the ISY? or do i need to get a new one?

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Might be time to open a support ticket with UDI to see if they can help get you working again. 



or here:   https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets


If might be something you just need to factory reset and start over to get access to admin console again then restore a backup. It's starting to sound like you might have something messed up through the processes you went through of trying to replace PLM then upgraded firmware then replacing devices. So many things changed and not sure if the PLM was malfunctioning when you were doing the firmware upgrade (4.7.3 -> 4.8.0) that the ISY update might have not settled completely/accurately.


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