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Time to Upgrade! But how? Best Method? Best Advise?


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Hi all,

This is long overdue!

I have been wanting to upgrade my ISY994i IR/Pro running version 4.8.0 with Z-Wave 4.55 (bootloader 1.03) to the New and Shiny ISY994i IR /Pro 5 series!

Most of the time 'normal person' would just follow some upgrade instructions.

No this person, me, had to take a different road.

I purchased a completely new ISY994i IR/Pro that hopefully already has 5 series of some such version.

I purchased this almost a year ago. Then I had gotten sick (not with COVID-19) with a bad case of diverticulitis. I went through a couple of surgeries. Along the way had so bumps in the road. I finally was bad and then my last follow-up visit with the surgeon I took my brand new electric bike to the appointment and on the way home fell off this new bike. I fell and broke my right wrist and fractured my right hip. Needless to say I was in rehab for a time. Now I find out my hand wasn't set right and will have to have surgery again to straighten my hand out. And to add to that turns out nobody was paying attention to my right shoulder and hip. Seems my right hip is not healing.

Anyway, I'm good but had to put off this ISY upgrade.

I'm looking for some help to make this happen fast if possible .

I never even opened the box with the new ISY.

So are there easy methods to pulling in the old setup?

The only real concern is the programs I made to run everything.

I'm even willing to pay someone for there time to get me going.

I should try myself at first at least give it try.

So please tell me what are the first step to get this started?

Thank you!


PS the reason for getting a new ISY. Well, Covid-19. I wanted to purchase something so it was a way of giving some money (its not a lot I know) 

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Wow, you've had a rough go!  All the best to you in 2021!

I've never done this, so there may be steps I haven't thought of.  Hopefully, this will simply get the conversation started with those who know more...  Keep in mind that you can always open a support ticket with UDI, which I'm certain would be the most reliable way performing this upgrade.

It doesn't appear that you have any Z-Wave installed (from your forum signature), so that should make upgrading pretty easy.  First things first:

  • install the latest/greatest firmware on your new ISY (I'd use version 5.3.1)
  • if you actually have Z-Wave devices installed and running on your current ISY, perform a Z-Wave backup (use menu Z-Wave | Backup)
  • backup your current ISY (use the menu File | Backup ISY)

I would power down the current ISY (just in case), and I'd leave the PLM still connected to it (I don't know how any current Z-Wave devices would react to having two ISY's competing for control -- maybe nothing, maybe chaos).

Now, all you have to do is to perform a File | Restore ISY on your new ISY, using the backup you just made of your current ISY.  You may need to reset your login credentials on your new ISY after the restore is complete, as they may reset to the defaults of admin | admin.  I don't believe you'll need to perform a Z-Wave | Restore on your new ISY, as the backup of the Z-Wave dongle will be included in the recent ISY backup of your current ISY. 

Inspect the programs on your new ISY (most should come across fine, but the programs that use the "adjust scene" functionality will need to be looked at, maybe others).  Satisfy yourself that your programs are good and saved.  Backup your new ISY when done.

At this point, I'd think you could simply power down your new ISY, and connect it to your PLM (which should be powered on), and turn it on.  Magic will ensue...

If you don't like the looks of your programs on your new ISY, power up your current ISY, and either seek help here, or open a support ticket with UDI.

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The only deviation I would add to @Bumbershoot, is if the new ISY has a z-wave board you'll need to check the version.  I don't know when UDI started shipping them with 500 series boards (and you mentioned it's been in the box for a year).   If you find the new unit does still have a 300 series board and you're not using any z-wave you might need to either remove the board from the ISY before going to v5.3.1.  (I'd check with support@universal-devices.com).  if you are using Z-wave then the furthest you can upgrade the firmware is 5.0.16C.   (then you can upgrade the z-wave board at your leisure and then finally move to 5.3.1 after).

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Maybe my signature needs an update as well unless I misread the comment above.

I already am running a ISY.  I've had it running for some years now.

I presently have an ISY994i IR/Pro running version 4.8.0 see screenshot.

I purchased another (a second) ISY994i IR/Pro because the new units come with version 5.x already installed. I didn't care about spending the money. I felt Universal Devices deserves to make some money.

With a new unit already on version 5 if I run into any issues I have my old version 4.8.0 unit ready to take over.

However, I forgot to take into account the Insteon PLM. I thought I had a  spare unit but it turns out to be a USB version. Model: 2413U. I'll order a new PLM model 2314s. I looked at my current version and it is version 1.2 0on the label.

I'm not sure how import it is to use a brand new PLM or just swap my current (in use PLM). If the settings and links will be different with the new version 5.x of the ISY then it might be safe to work with a new unit.

So my basic question is this:

Can I import my version 4.8.0 settings into the new version 5.x ISY?

Can I import my version4.8.0 Programs or do I have to write the programs from scratch?

Yes, I probably will open a support ticket, but wanted to know if this is going to be a big headache for me.

Ok I should at least open the box of the new ISY and maybe assign it a new different IP address so I can look at the new version 5 interface.

Thanks all!


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Ok I think I've been had?

I plugged in the new ISY connected it and logged in.

The interface looks exactly the same?

Have I missed something?

It does say its version 5.0.3 which probably needs an upgrade to the latest version.

I don't understand I was under the assumption that it was going to be a whole new interface.

In some ways this is better it will make it easier to over to it.

it is connected but without a PLM yet. So it can't really control anything.

But I can at least play around with it.



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Oh yeah I left off that I have a ZW model.

My real model number is: ISY994i ZW/IR Pro

The new one says model   ; ISY994i ZW+ IR Pro

So does this contain the new ZW radio that I see mentioned.

I'll post a screenshot when I can. I'm running a backup now.

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37 minutes ago, rlanza1054 said:

Ok I think I've been had?

I plugged in the new ISY connected it and logged in.

The interface looks exactly the same?

Have I missed something?

It does say its version 5.0.3 which probably needs an upgrade to the latest version.

I don't understand I was under the assumption that it was going to be a whole new interface.

In some ways this is better it will make it easier to over to it.

it is connected but without a PLM yet. So it can't really control anything.

But I can at least play around with it.



Nope, you haven't been had, and the interface does look the same.  That's old alpha firmware, so I'd install 5.3.1 first thing.

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I just finished upgrading to version 5.3.0. it is coming up in safe mode which is ok because I don't have the PLM installed on this unit. I just ordered a new PLM instead of using the old one.

So some of this will have to wait a few more days.

You said the latest version is 5.3.1? Is that the beta version do you recommend I upgrade to that version?


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Ok I am on version 5.3.1.

I figured it was worth it to just try and load or import my 4.8.0 version backup.

I did that and the password was reset which I was expecting it to do.

Seems all of my devices are showing there.

However, not one of my programs got transferred and I don't know why that happened?

Is there a different backup for the program files?

Ok since there is no PLM and today was just a sort of dry run I can work on the rest another day.

I'll come back for help when I receive the new PLM.

I'll give it a rest today.

Thank you!


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Well seems I am one not to give up to easily.

I went to my programs in the old 4.8.0 ISY did a right click and saw what I had forgotten about.

There is indeed an Export / Import of the Program files separate from the regular backup.

I did an export. Then I re-opened the new ISY 5.3.1 and did an Import of the Program files and low-and-behold it all came in perfectly. Or so I think so.

I cannot test anything just yet until new PLM.

But this so far is going a lot easier than I thought it would. I should have done this months ago.

Ok taking my break for tonight,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi all,

Ok I finally got time to finish upgrading to version 5.x

However, I ran into a few problems.

The one thing I need help for is the ISY portal. I realized that being on a new isy box broke my isy portal settings and Amazon items I programmed.

I downloaded the info via the download button. But there does seem to be a way to import that .csv file?

Do I really have to sit and manually program that stuff in again?

Because if I do I don't have that time tonight or within the next few days.

So it means going back to my old isy just tohave things working again until I have a lot more time.

Any ideas?



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11 hours ago, rlanza1054 said:

The one thing I need help for is the ISY portal. I realized that being on a new isy box broke my isy portal settings and Amazon items I programmed.


I've never had to do this, but I suspect that you need to simply add you new ISY to the Portal.  Then, turn off your old ISY, or switch the Portal connection to the new one.

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Oh I should have stated that I did use the same account but added the new isy as a second device and I paid the ISY Portal Subscription again. I don't care that I did that.

the reason I did it this way was so that if anything went wrong with upgrading to version 5.x I could just swap back in my old ISY. I even have a new plm to go with the new isy.

Ok I guess I'll ask if they can copy the info over otherwise I need to program everything from scratch.



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