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Dimming Lights at night


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I am trying to set lights in a hallway to come on at only 35% after a set time of day. If manually switch on the lights using the switch that actually controls power to the lights, it works. The lights come on at 35%. If I use one of the scene switches (simulated 3-way) the lights first come on at full brightness then after a sec dim to 35%. I can't figure out how to get them to come on at 35% using one of the scene switches. I have also tried setting their on level without any change in function. Here's the code I am using. Any suggestions from you pro's?

2nd FL Hall Lights Night Light 12am 35% - [ID 0037][Parent 0039]

        From    12:00:00AM
        To      Sunrise (next day)
    And (
             '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' is switched On
          Or '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' is switched On
          Or '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' is switched On
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' On 35%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' On 35%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' On 35%
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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Your Insteon scene turns the lights on at 100% as they were programmed. Then your program duplicates the Insteon scene and set the lights to 35%.

You need to set the scene response to 35%. I don't use many scenes like that, so other than holding the paddle to fade the scene down, I can't tell you how. IIRC you can set the Insteon scene levels with ISY program lines.

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As @larryllix points out what you want to do is "adjust scene".


Your program would look something like this:


    From 12:01:00AM

    To Sunrise + 1 Minute (next day)


    In "Scenename" set "SwitchThatContolsPower" to 35% in 0.1 second

    In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' set "SwitchThatControlsPower" to 35% in .01 Second

    In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' set "SwitchThatControlsPower" to 35% in .01 Second

    In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' set "SwitchThatControlsPower" to 35% in .01 Second


    In "Scenename" set "SwitchThatContolsPower" to 100% in 0.1 second

    In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' set "SwitchThatControlsPower" to 100% in .01 Second

    In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' set "SwitchThatControlsPower" to 100% in .01 Second

    In '2nd Floor Hallway / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' set "SwitchThatControlsPower" to 100% in .01 Second


Effectively this reprograms how the scene works at midnight and sunrise (next day). 

To program lines like those Choose "Adjust scene" as the Action:



Yes you should wind up with 4 lines in your Then and Else blocks, one for the scene (ISY is the controller) and one for each of 4 controllers.



As an afterthought this does generate 15 or 20 seconds worth of Insteon traffic when it runs, I adjusted times above by 1 minute to move it away from other events that might occur at midnight or Sunrise, you could adjust that as necessary.  The point being to maximize performance and minimize errors or collisions adjust the time to when the system won't also be generating other events.

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Thanks to @MrBill I was able to make this work. His suggestions got me onto the right track.

The goal was to have a three way virtual switch with three psychical switches operate at two different light settings based upon time of day. The goal was 100% power between Sunrise and midnight, and 35% power after midnight.

A couple of problems that I ran into. First the status on the switches LED's didn't match the actual power setting, and second was decoupling the scene power setting changes from the actual switch activation. This was necessary to avoid large amounts of traffic on the AC power line and Insteon network.

To accomplish these goals I separated the power settings from the actual switch activation.

I setup the power setting based upon ToD. The "On Level" is required to force the LED's on the dimmers to match the actual power setting. These traffic intensive routines only run one time each at Midnight and then again at Sunrise. Coupling these with the actual switch activation was too much traffic in my opinion.

2nd FL Hall Lights Night Light 12am 35% - [ID 0037][Parent 0039]

        From    12:00:00AM
        To      Sunrise (same day)
        In '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, 1 retry
        In '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, 1 retry
        In '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' To 35% in 0.1 seconds, 1 retry
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' On Level 35%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' On Level 35%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' On Level 35%
        In '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, 1 retry
        In '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, 1 retry
        In '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' To 100% in 0.1 seconds, 1 retry
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' On Level 100%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' On Level 100%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' On Level 100%

Next, handling the actual switch activation.

2nd Fl Hallway Lights Control - [ID 0042][Parent 0039]

        From    12:00:00AM
        To      Sunrise (same day)
    And (
             '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' is switched On
          Or '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' is switched On
          Or '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' is switched On
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' On 35%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' On 35%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' On 35%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' On 100%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' On 100%
        Set '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' On 100%

I also added a way to force the lights to full power incase of emergency or need.

2nd Floor Hall Lights 100% Override - [ID 003A][Parent 0039]

        '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Chris) Slave' is switched Fast On
     Or '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Stairs) Slav' is switched Fast On
     Or '2nd Floor Hallway Lights / 2nd Fl Hall Lts (Guest) Ctrl' is switched Fast On
        Run Program '2nd FL Hall Lights Night Light 12am 35%' (Else Path)
        Run Program '2nd Fl Hallway Lights Control' (Else Path)
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Hope this helps someone else!

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