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Programming Receptacles


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Sorry, I'm really a newbie...  Is this what you wanted?

<?xml version="1.0" ?><triggers><d2d><trigger><id>9</id><name>Nook Center Recepticles Copy</name><parent>1</parent><if><and /><schedule><from><time>55800</time></from><to><time>75600</time></to></schedule></if><then><device><node>52 C0 22 1</node><control>DON</control></device><device><node>52 C0 22 2</node><control>DON</control></device></then><else><device><node>52 C0 22 1</node><control>DOF</control><action>0</action></device><device><node>52 C0 22 2</node><control>DOF</control><action>0</action></device></else><comment></comment></trigger></d2d></triggers>

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Sorry, I'm really a newbie...  Is this what you wanted?
9Nook Center Recepticles Copy152 C0 22 1DON52 C0 22 2DON52 C0 22 1DOF052 C0 22 2DOF0
No. Your linked document was full of forum junk AFaICT.

In your admin console, right click on the program name and select 'copy to clipboard' ,and then paste it into your post so people can critique it and help you out.

Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

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I apologize and thank you for your patience...

Nook Center Recepticles - [ID 0007][Parent 0001]

        From     3:30:00PM
        To       9:00:00PM (same day)
        Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.1 On-O' On
        Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.2 On-O' On
        Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.1 On-O' Off
        Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.2 On-O' Off

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1 hour ago, slimypizza said:

I would try writing two programs:


If 3:30pm

        Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.1 On-O' On
        Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.2 On-O' On



If 9pm


        Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.1 On-O' Off
        Set 'Nook Center Recepticle.2 On-O' Off

1 program would suffice

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On 12/7/2021 at 11:36 AM, DirtRoad said:

As suggested, I have created a scene with both outlets of the receptacle as responders.  To control the scene, do I then call it up under programs?


Yes, you would do it just like you had the devices in the prior program....which is why @lilyoyo1 said he wasn't sure why the program isn't working. 

In the action you'll have "Your Devices" and at the bottom should be scene devices. (the ones with the scene icon: image.png)

But with a scene you would make the program just as you did above:

test-outlet -

        From     3:30:00PM
        To       9:00:00PM (same day)
        Set 'Couch-Outlets' On
        Set 'Couch-Outlets' Off

Your original program should have worked. If you still have it right click on the program and select "run then" - do the outlets both turn on?


Then test the else by selecting "run else". Do they turn off?

If the if and else work then you have to make sure your time is set correctly.

If still not working then open the event viewer, set it to level 3 and run the "then" and "else" again. Make sure you're seeing an entry for:  "INST-TX" and a "INST-ACK"

And do the same for "run (If)" option...should give more event entries, but should still have an "INST-TX" and "INST-ACK" in the event viewer. 

When you were controlling the devices themselves would one turn on and one not? Do you have many programs triggering around 3pm? It's possible you had/had too much traffic going on at the time and the signal got lost going to one or both outlet. Maybe make it for 3:00:10 if you have other things being triggered exactly at 3pm. 


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