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PG3 on Polisy


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Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you for all those paid for node servers: last month was the first month that developers got paid! Secondly, thank you to those developers who have been working so very hard to migrate their node servers to PG3.

My hope is that, eventually, we can reduce the price for Polisy and recoup our investment by node server sales. This way, not only the ecosystem gets expanded but we can have a higher level of certainty that the node servers are supported. 

With kind regards,

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I installed the ELK node server using a different IP address than I was going to switch to once my ISY was shutdown.  I found out that cannot be done so I changed back to the original IP and tried to delete it.  It was still unmanaged.  I deleted it in the ISY on Polisy.  Then I got it removed from PG3.  I changed the IP of the Polisy back to what I need it to be but now when I try to install the node server I get an error failed to install to ISY.  Any ideas?  Thank you.

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I installed the ELK node server using a different IP address than I was going to switch to once my ISY was shutdown.  I found out that cannot be done so I changed back to the original IP and tried to delete it.  It was still unmanaged.  I deleted it in the ISY on Polisy.  Then I got it removed from PG3.  I changed the IP of the Polisy back to what I need it to be but now when I try to install the node server I get an error failed to install to ISY.  Any ideas?  Thank you.
Sorry, a little confused on which IP address you were changing and where. Post the exact error message and will see if it makes sense.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

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13 hours ago, Jimbo said:

Sorry, a little confused on which IP address you were changing and where. Post the exact error message and will see if it makes sense.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

I was changing the IP of the Polisy which changes the ISY on Polisy and the node servers.  I had it on one IP and added the ELK node server and set up every thing in the IoP for the ELK (about 100 programs) and then changed the IP to what the ISY standalone had after shutting it down.  The ELK node server became unmanaged in PG3 at that point which I did find out is expected and you should not do that.  So I changed back to the IP I had installed the ELK with.  Still unmanaged.  Deleted it out of the IoP, and that got rid of it in PG3 after e reboot I think.  Then changed to the IP the original ISY was on again, and tried to install ELK.  I get the error in a red pop up, install failed on the ISY just after the green one saying installing the node server.

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I was changing the IP of the Polisy which changes the ISY on Polisy and the node servers.  I had it on one IP and added the ELK node server and set up every thing in the IoP for the ELK (about 100 programs) and then changed the IP to what the ISY standalone had after shutting it down.  The ELK node server became unmanaged in PG3 at that point which I did find out is expected and you should not do that.  So I changed back to the IP I had installed the ELK with.  Still unmanaged.  Deleted it out of the IoP, and that got rid of it in PG3 after e reboot I think.  Then changed to the IP the original ISY was on again, and tried to install ELK.  I get the error in a red pop up, install failed on the ISY just after the green one saying installing the node server.
View the main PG3 log to find the actual error, but sounds like PG3 doesn't have the right IP address for the IoP.

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Finally installed pg3 and did one of my nodeservers (PurpleAir)

I have a few questions

1. When I log out of PG3 and log back in before I can install any of my purchases I have to go to the Purchases screen, log in again to portal, and then go back to nodeservers.  Any way to auto login?  Did I miss something?

2. I have about 20 nodeservers installed.   I did one of them- purpleair because the config was simple but I have some with lots and lots of data and some keys I may have issues finding.  I see talk on here and the button to import pg2 config but I also see it had issues.  Is it ready to go?  Can I import settings for each nodeserver that was ported?  If not I guess its all or nothing?  Problem is only 12 of my 20 are ported so far.

3. Depends on your answer to #3 but one idea I had is to install the same nodeserver in a different slot and then copy and paste data from Pg2 to pg3.

4. I assume no way to get programs to recognize the same nodeserver.  I have hundreds of programs. 


Guess my weekend is going to be busy!!!

But overall its nice. 

THANKS TO EVERYONE for a job well done



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1 minute ago, macjeff said:

Finally installed pg3 and did one of my nodeservers (PurpleAir)

I have a few questions

1. When I log out of PG3 and log back in before I can install any of my purchases I have to go to the Purchases screen, log in again to portal, and then go back to nodeservers.  Any way to auto login?  Did I miss something?

2. I have about 20 nodeservers installed.   I did one of them- purpleair because the config was simple but I have some with lots and lots of data and some keys I may have issues finding.  I see talk on here and the button to import pg2 config but I also see it had issues.  Is it ready to go?  Can I import settings for each nodeserver that was ported?  If not I guess its all or nothing?  Problem is only 12 of my 20 are ported so far.

3. Depends on your answer to #3 but one idea I had is to install the same nodeserver in a different slot and then copy and paste data from Pg2 to pg3.

4. I assume no way to get programs to recognize the same nodeserver.  I have hundreds of programs. 


Guess my weekend is going to be busy!!!

But overall its nice. 

THANKS TO EVERYONE for a job well done



1. No

2. Many mentions have been made about backup and restore, it should work unless PG3 NS author made changes causing it to not work.

3. That would require fixing all programs that reference it.

4. Unless the NS author made the node names different then all programs will still work.


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1 minute ago, Jimbo said:

1. No

2. Many mentions have been made about backup and restore, it should work unless PG3 NS author made changes causing it to not work.

3. That would require fixing all programs that reference it.

4. Unless the NS author made the node names different then all programs will still work.


#4 is awesome. 

So you would suggest trying the restore.  I will try that tomorrow. I hope I dont lose the one I already did.

if it does not work then the correct procedure is copy and paste settings from Pg2 into a text doc for now

erase nodeserver on pg2

Resinstall to same slot on pg3

Put settings back in and it should pick it all up if the same names and same nodeserver right?


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2 minutes ago, macjeff said:

#4 is awesome. 

So you would suggest trying the restore.  I will try that tomorrow. I hope I dont lose the one I already did.

if it does not work then the correct procedure is copy and paste settings from Pg2 into a text doc for now

erase nodeserver on pg2

Resinstall to same slot on pg3

Put settings back in and it should pick it all up if the same names and same nodeserver right?


Yes, just make sure you have purchased all of them on PG3 before you restore.  And remember, this is all still considered Alpha release.

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9 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Yes, just make sure you have purchased all of them on PG3 before you restore.  And remember, this is all still considered Alpha release.

So 12 of my nodeservers are ready and purchased and I do this tomorrow or later this week.  Then a month from now 3 more show up.  Can I restore from backup again to bring over settings and it will only do the new ones and ignore all the others?   If so thats great.

and yes I know its alpha but thought I might as well get this going.

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So 12 of my nodeservers are ready and purchased and I do this tomorrow or later this week.  Then a month from now 3 more show up.  Can I restore from backup again to bring over settings and it will only do the new ones and ignore all the others?   If so thats great.
and yes I know its alpha but thought I might as well get this going.
Restoring is all or nothing, so restore later will overwrite any changes made after the first restore

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

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1 hour ago, Jimbo said:

Ok, then must be a PG3 Javascript error, if you are in chrome select the 3 dot menu -> More tools -> Developer tools

Then try to install again and post the error, and then may need help from @bpwwer

I figured it out.  The IoP was too busy from a program running standpoint.  The Polisy is much faster than the ISY so I had folders with a condition that was the same condition for a lot of programs inside that folder.  So when the variable went true in the ISY the folder programs did not see the change as quickly as the folder did so they did not run.  It was a safety to ensure the ISY would not lockup if all programs would become enabled all at once.  Those folders would stop executing in that case and then a program would go disable all the programs and fix itself and send me a notification.  Long story short, too many programs would execute all at once and the IoP would hang.  Anyway, I removed the condition from the programs and left it on the folders which should work just as well I hope.  Thank you for the help!

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14 hours ago, Jimbo said:

Restoring is all or nothing, so restore later will overwrite any changes made after the first restore

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk

So Jim, just to clarify, restore will REPLACE everything on pg3 ? So if i have Nodeservers lets say 1-8 on PG2 and two others on PG3, 9,10, if i do a backup / restore to pg3, i would loose 9 and 10?

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