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Hey folks,

  I have a set of Insteon Thermostats that had no issues before IoP.  Every night at about 3:00am I would make sure the time was correct on them by running the Set Time command.  I did this early on as they seem to wander.  Now that command no longer works.  I cleared both logs and ran the program and then checked the logs.  There is nothing in the logs that even mentions the programs running or errors. Any advice?



  On 3/11/2022 at 5:36 PM, rskirch said:



What happans if you move the time away from 3AM?  that's also the time that the factory query program runs.

  On 3/11/2022 at 5:36 PM, rskirch said:

I cleared both logs and ran the program and then checked the logs. 


open the Event Viewer (admin console) > Tools > Diagnostics > Event Viewer.. then change the drop-down there to Level 3.  Now right click the program in the tree and choose Run Then.  Do you see anything in the Event Viewer window?

If not, does any folder above that program have a IF statement on the folder?  (also known as a folder condition).


Someone else can proably guide you better than I can, but it looks like the program is working and it's failing to write:

Fri 03/11/2022 09:45:28 AM : [3E F2 2D 1  ] Link   10 : 0FA8 [62023D7FC2090002] *Failed Writing [62..............]

There's a couple of those in the log.

I assume the thermostat is 3E.F2.2D  ?

  On 3/12/2022 at 3:10 AM, DennisC said:

Does it work correctly if you right click the program and select run now?


i gave those directions above, his answer:

  On 3/11/2022 at 5:48 PM, rskirch said:

Only statement in If is On Sun, Time is 3:00am  (sorry I thought it ran nightly, but apparently just once a week). Although, again, manually has the same behavior.


I started to suggest factory reset until i realized 4 devices have the same problem.


If you are writing data to 4 thermostats, have you tried to put "waits" in between of lets say 5 seconds, to give the system a chance to accomplish each write independently?  Just wondering if that may help the writes be successful? Havent seen your program, but assume you are writing to each device separately, and not trying to use a scene etc ? 

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This has worked for years on the ISY9.  It just isn't working on IoP.


Query and Set Clock - [ID 001C][Parent 0010]

        On Sun
        Time is  3:00:00AM
        Set 'Thermostats / Down - Main' Set Time
        Set 'Thermostats / Upstairs - Main' Set Time
        Set 'Thermostats / Master - Main' Set Time
        Set 'Thermostats / Wireless - Main' Set Time
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The waits make it easier to review the logs too.  Is the log segment you sent just for one thermostat?  The other 3 have the same error message?  I also noticed there was hops left=0 in one case, maybe there is a new noise source?


I cleared the logs, Run Then, saved the logs.  The only thing I see not related are the lines pertaining to the Climacell node communication.  I haven't added anything to the system, if fact some sensors were removed in the last few months.  There are items closer and much farther away that have no issues with communication.  It just seems strange that 4 thermostats suddenly will not receive the time command.  As a side note, those thermostats receive other commands and obey flawlessly. It is just the setting of the time.

  On 3/12/2022 at 6:17 PM, rskirch said:

I cleared the logs, Run Then, saved the logs.  The only thing I see not related are the lines pertaining to the Climacell node communication.  I haven't added anything to the system, if fact some sensors were removed in the last few months.  There are items closer and much farther away that have no issues with communication.  It just seems strange that 4 thermostats suddenly will not receive the time command.  As a side note, those thermostats receive other commands and obey flawlessly. It is just the setting of the time.


Have you tried the previously suggest wait between writes to the device?

The Polisy is much faster, I'm wondering if the writes are taking too long and timing out, hence the failure. As an experiment, try updating one at a time in a stand alone program.

  On 3/12/2022 at 9:33 PM, DennisC said:

Have you tried the previously suggest wait between writes to the device?

The Polisy is much faster, I'm wondering if the writes are taking too long and timing out, hence the failure. As an experiment, try updating one at a time in a stand alone program, also previously suggested.




With event viewer open and set to level 3, right click each thermostat one at a time and select restore devices. What does the event viewer say and does manually running the programs work after the restore?

If not, sounds like noise interfering with the signal. Doesn't have to be something added to the system and often its just something in the house.

Follow instructions in Wiki for tracking down noise on Insteon network.

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