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Insteon light switch address


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If you are asking if you can know the Insteon address of a switch that is not already added to ISY from ISY, the answer is no.  If the automatic discovery method isn't working, then I suspect your switch has comm issues.  Of course there is always the sticker on the switch, but that can fall off.  Anyway, in short, if using the auto discovery doesn't work, odds are good that manually entering the address isn't going to work either.

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@JNaccarato If you can't locate the device address from the label and auto discovery isn't working, the next thing to try is to factory reset the switch. Typically this can be done by pulling gently (I use a small screw driver) the small de-dented button in the center bottom of the switch, between the switch paddle and the rim. It will come out about 1/8" and you will see the switch indicator light go off. Wait 30seconds and press it back in and hold it in until the switch emits a steady beep.

This will factory reset the switch. At this point you can try auto discovery again. It should be found. If it isn't then there is either a communications issue, noise on the AC line, or the switch is potentially bad. If you have another switch, you can try swapping locations to eliminate both problems.

If it's noise, you will have the same issues with the working switch you use to test with, if it's a bad switch the test switch will work fine.

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10 minutes ago, JNaccarato said:


i will try that.

just to mention, I can control my lighting directly from the admin console and also on my UD access on my phone when I enter the isy IP address. Does that not mean the insteon light switches are otherwise working?



What you are asking doesn't make any sense.  Are you asking if there is an IP address to control your switch through ISY?  If so, then yes, it is all documented in the REST command instructions in the wiki.

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Hi sorry

to enter a new insteon device on the admin console , choice is to enter an address ( the insteon address) , that is what I am trying to find . However I believe although my switches are not syncing they are working when I use the admin console or my phone , which I believe is telling me that my light switches are working , they just don’t sync in the admin console ( communication failed)

not sure if I explained that correctly?


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@JNaccarato If you can access the switch from the admin console, then you can see the Insteon address right in the console.


I guess I don't understand the problem well enough.

What version of ISY are you using? Is this on an ISY994i or IoP? What changed that you need the Insteon address of this device if it is working? What do you mean by, not sync'ing? Do you mean the switches status isn't updating when you use UD Mobile?


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Hi sorry
to enter a new insteon device on the admin console , choice is to enter an address ( the insteon address) , that is what I am trying to find . However I believe although my switches are not syncing they are working when I use the admin console or my phone , which I believe is telling me that my light switches are working , they just don’t sync in the admin console ( communication failed)
not sure if I explained that correctly?
Then you have noise interfering with your communications. You will need to find the noise source and eliminate or reduce it first.

Sent from my SM-G781W using Tapatalk

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