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OS13 ?

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A thousand pardons for this question but I have read and read but can't find the answer. 

How to SSH into polisy and find what the current OS is. I've read the Polisy user guide and it says what to do in case my Polisy is however many years old....I have no idea how old it is. Like a geek I bought it when first available but haven't  migrated to it yet because everything works great for the moment and I'm waiting for Zwave migration process.

So whats the command to find out?

(I hate asking something that everyone else seems to know 🙄)

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1 hour ago, drprm1 said:

So whats the command to find out?

Must have missed it when you read the area about how old it is.

(It is a little hidden between text. Wiki formatting doesn't allow/like to have a lot of bold and different text colors so can't make it "pretty" to really stand out.)

The command is:   sudo uname -a


1 hour ago, drprm1 said:

(I hate asking something that everyone else seems to know 🙄)

No worries. We all do it and we're here to help.

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