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Moved all node servers to PG3 - now what?

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Just moved 9 node servers from PG2 to PG3.  Is there anything that can be done to shut down PG2 (to possibly improve performance?), now that I no longer need it?

Are you running all on a Polisy? If so, PG2 will use almost no resources without node servers. Also, it’s been mentioned that pg2 will be removed from Polisy by UD sometime in the future
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48 minutes ago, hart2hart said:

Are you running all on a Polisy?

Yes running it all on a Polisy +IoP - I guess I'll just leave it alone for now - I saw somewhere in the forums that PG2 may still be required due to a process called mongod?  (or something like that) - so I don't want to break anything

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12 hours ago, JTsao said:

Is there anything that can be done to shut down PG2 (to possibly improve performance?)

Do you think you're having performance issues? Polisy should be well overpowered to run so much more than it is that this would be the first time I recall somebody suggesting having performance issues running PG2 and PG3 concurrently. 

If you're worried about resources you can delete/remove all node servers from PG2 so at least those processes aren't running, but I figure you've already performed that process. 


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27 minutes ago, Geddy said:

Do you think you're having performance issues?

Some things have always been kind of sluggish for me with IoP + PG2:

1-pressing a remote control (Harmony Hub/Home control button) button to control lighting (Virtual + Harmony Hub NS) has some really long delays sometimes

2-Z-wave motion sensors turning on lights has fairly long delays

I think #1 seems improved after going to PG3

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@JTsao what you describe doesn't mean that it's Polisy related. Both issues seem (to me anyway) might relay on multiple systems talking/reacting together. That would rely on localized transmission speeds.

#1 - Not familiar with either note, but if either are cloud based have to account for communication beyond local network. Plus, the fact that Polisy doesn't have IR so a slower signal might have to travel and be computed by a system that is faster than a simple button press.

#2 - "Z-wave" - I'm not a z-wave user, but from reading here that's just a hit or miss issue at times. I doubt that's Polisy/PG3 related.

Of course...having large systems can tax any system, but I think these aren't resource dependent on the Polisy. If a major issue then I would suggest opening a support ticket to see if indeed there was an issue with the Polisy.


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