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UD Mobile required updating firmware, then wiped out all of the programming in my ISY

Deane Johnson

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Controller: ISY994i ZW/IR Pro 

 I was trying out the Mobilinc app on my iPad pro and it told me the ISY firmware had to be updated in order for it too connect.  I hit the OK button assuming it knew what it was doing  and promptly wiped out everything in the ISY. My Z-Wave network may still be intact, but I had no back up for the ISY file.  I may have to recreate it, which is not a huge deal.

What is the firmware version that would restore my z-wave features in the ISY.  Also, can someone direct me to instructions on how to remove the newest firmware and reinstall the back dated version that will restore z-wave?

My experience with the ISY has been outstanding for the past decade.  Incredibly reliable, it just kept running without a glitch.  Works fantastic with Alexa.   Now, I don't know what to do in the future.  The ISY Launcher won't load any longer.  I previously used ISY with CQC, but with that folding up due to retirement of the author, I am forced to move on.  I download Homeseer HS4, but that has several negatives, one being they don't have a specific driver for the ISY Z-Wave and the new Homeseer is just as bad as the previous versions on navigation.

Any comments on where to turn control wise are certainly welcome.  I don't demand much from it, just an average Z-wave network with no sensors involved, and the need to control an 8 relay module to handle some motorized shades.

Thanks for any help you can toss to me.


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I cleared the Java cache and have the ISY Finder open, but it's still blank since it isn't yet communicating with the ISY.

I have previously unplugged the ISY and removed in from the Ethernet.  When I plugged it back in, it just sits there, the left hand blue light blinking about once per second.

I tried a complete reset, but that didn't change anything.

So, I've got my work cut out for me heading into the weekend.  I'm not a computer tech guy, so I just have to keep hammering away until I find things.  The response on the forum are very helpful.

I'm suspicious that there is currently no firmware in the ISY so it's just searching thin air for something that isn't there.


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3 hours ago, Deane Johnson said:

I was trying out the Mobilinc app on my iPad pro and it told me the ISY firmware had to be updated in order for it too connect.  I hit the OK button assuming it knew what it was doing  and promptly wiped out everything in the ISY.

Are you sure you were using the Mobilinc App? I've never seen such a warning from Mobilinc in the past. Additionally, Mobilinc isn't able to write anything to the ISY (as far as I know) so I doubt it would run any sort of firmware update. 

I've been using Mobilinc Pro on iOS for about 5-6 years and never had it act this way. 

Before you go too drastic and try to reset the ISY994 again (hopefully you didn't wipe it out when you tried earlier). We really need to understand what really happened. Something doesn't sound right in your first post.

Be sure you confirm the light status on the front of the ISY994:


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I may have called the iPad software by the wrong name.  I believe this was new software from UDI that showed up on the site promoting it's introduction.

I still have the mobile software on my iPad Pro.  It's called UD Mobile. Version 0.0.9

It's on this page, toward the bottom.  Large photo of the screen.


In addition to the Power led light blinking at 1 second intervals, there is a small led on the back that also blinks at the same time.

The Leds on the eithernet socket are not blinking.

 I will go through my box of power supplies and see if I have one that will work to substitute. 

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I have a few UDI model products with different supply ratings.

I have seen 5VDC to 30VDC as the input range. Mine where 5V .5A or 5V 1 Amp.

Many here are using 12VDC at 1A or 2A. UDI in their sales page. Last time I looked was a 12VDC 2A.

Power LED flashing is probably a defective power supply. I had a few between models all die and where replaced. Especially if yours is still the original.

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OK, some advancement.  I had a 7.5v @ 1 amp power supply that fit the socket, so I tried that .

It appeared the lighting came up normal, the lights for the eithernet feed began normal flashing, and nothing smoked.

Fing Software showed the ISY alive and at the same URL as before.

I then got iox Finder loaded on another computer (I have 3 PC's all located together).  Finder came up normal and connected to the ISY.

Type: ISY994i

Version: 5.3.0

The old Version number had a 4. as the first number.

The Administration Console opened normally.  The z-Wave dropdown shows the "Z-Wave dongle not responding".  That's a result of the wrong Firmware, I'm certain and something I expected.  It also shows all of my programming gone, which I also expected.

I guess what I need now is to find out how to get the earlier Firmware version back in so I have a normal functioning ISY to start rebuilding with.


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@Deane Johnson,

I read your initial post am a little confused as to how the firmware was updated.  The 5.x firmware update is a manual update and requires manual intervention by the user.  UD Mobile currently does not have the ability update firmware on your behalf.

So if you did not update manually your firmware has not changed. 


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Actually, it has changed.  Finder is showing the new version in the ISY is  5.3.0.

UD Mobile indicated it needed to change or UD Mobile couldn't access it the ISY.  I clicked the button and it proceeded.

The end result is that 5.3.0 is in my ISY, I got a reply at one point it was not workable in my IZY and it indeed isn't.  That is verified by the drop down box in the Administratikon Console now  indicating that the Z-Wave dongle is not working.

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43 minutes ago, Deane Johnson said:

Actually, it has changed.  Finder is showing the new version in the ISY is  5.3.0.

UD Mobile indicated it needed to change or UD Mobile couldn't access it the ISY.  I clicked the button and it proceeded.

The end result is that 5.3.0 is in my ISY, I got a reply at one point it was not workable in my IZY and it indeed isn't.  That is verified by the drop down box in the Administratikon Console now  indicating that the Z-Wave dongle is not working.

Hi @Deane Johnson,

I'm the developer of UD Mobile and guarantee the app can not perform a firmware update.  The Firmware Update required confirmation dialog does not have a function, only closes the dialog upon acknowledgment.  UD does not provide an automatic update of any 5.x firmware for ISY994, not in app or Admin Console.

If your ISY is showing 5.3.0 it was shipped with that version or firmware was installed manually.   If 5.x firmware was installed manually from the Admin console and your system has a Z-Wave module the firmware is dependent on the Z-Wave module version.  Firmware 5.0.16 for 300 series and 5.3.4 for 500 series Z-Wave Module.

So at this point if you are 100% sure you have never downloaded and installed you are having another issue.  If you did download and install it's possible you installed firmware incompatible with your Z-Wave hardware. 

Please let us know the zwave module version, see the link below to help identify.  Also do you have a backup? If you do and assuming you did not rename the file, what is the file name?  This should include firmware and timestamp.



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Javi, good to have you in the communication loop.  My only goal is to get back to where I was before I lost my Z-Wave.  Too be clear, I'm not a tech guy.  I'm 88 years old, and can't remember crap.  I live alone, run my own company, and have 5 PC running in my home 24/7, 3 iPads, an MS Surface and a new Lenova Verizon Laptop.  I do this with limited knowledge and even less memory (human).

In the case of my issue at hand, I can only relay what happened in front of me to the best of my knowlege.  I want to be as clear as possible with the facts as I remember them.

The ISY is around 10 years old, so it was not shipped with 5.3.0.  It's been running with 4.x.x  until when this occured.

It has been my Z-Wave Controller for all that time, and worked very well with Alexa.  Glitches just never happened.  The ISY has been solid as a rock in my use.

I saw the promotion for UD Mobile and thought I should look at it.  I've been using CQC for a number of years and now that it's bitten the dust, I'm looking for something else to control my home automation.  That's why I was downloading it to my iPad Pro while sitting in an adjoining room away from the ISY.

In the process of downloading UD Mobile, the notice flashed that UD Mobile couldn't complete the installation with ISY without a firmware update.  I clicked the go ahead button.

As it proceeded, within seconds it flashed that it could not complete the installation of the 5.3.0 and closed out of it.  I then moved to the ISY and discovered all of my Z-Wave programming was gone, but later tried a direct firmware update and got flagged that it has an incomplete 5.3.0 firmware installation and it couldn't continue.

 That's the point when I began this thread to simply find out how to revert back to my previous firmware and once again have my Z-Wave functioning.

At this point, I have no idea how to move ahead, or what version firmware should be installed in my ISY.


Edited by Deane Johnson
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11 minutes ago, Deane Johnson said:

later tried a direct firmware update and got flagged that it has an incomplete 5.3.0 firmware installation and it couldn't continue.

 That's the point when I began this thread to simply find out how to revert back to my previous firmware and once again have my Z-Wave functioning.

At this point, I have no idea how to move ahead, or what version firmware should be installed in my ISY.


Hi @Deane Johnson,

I think there may have been more than one issue and some confusion with the apps prompts, but the direct firmware upgrade is going to be the biggest issue as it is destructive and likely wiped the Z-Wave links.   Given the age or your ISY your Z-Wave module likely only supports firmware versions upto 5.0.16. Downgrading with saved state will not work without a viable backup.

Do do make a backup before doing the direct firmware upgrade or any have backups that have most of your configuration?

If you have a viable backup you could reinstall a 4.x firmware version then import you backup file. This may restore your programs. However depending on the state of the Z-Wave module you may be required to exclude then include your Z-Wave devices, then edit your programs with the new Z-Wave device addresses.  This may be equally difficult as installing firmware 5.0.16, importing backup, then doing the same for Z-Wave devices/programs.

Unfortunately If you do not have a viable backup, then the system will need to be rebuilt. Installing version 5.0.16 would be the best option before rebuild.

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