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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Alexa Cannot Find Devices (Finds Just 1)


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I recently upgraded from the ISY994i to the eISY.

On the 994i, I ran the voice commands through Mobilinc and that all worked great.  With the eISY now I'm using the UD Mobile app and running the voice commands through UD Portal/Mobile.  However, my Alexa's cannot find new devices.  After setup, it only found 1 device.  All devices were setup the same/at the same time, but still only found one.

The eISY shows as the preferred ISY in UD Portal.  Under Connectivity --> Amazon Echo all of the devices show (along with the spoken names), but still the Alexa cannot find the devices.  The UD skill is enabled in the Alexa app, and I've tried "discover devices" through the app and through voice on an Echo, many times.

I've deleted all the devices in the UD portal, and added them back in.  Still no luck.

Anyone have any tips/ideas/solutions they could share?

Appreciate any help.


Not an expert, but I've had old devices and scene's get left behind in the Alexa App before. Phantom devices seem to get in the way.    I would try deleting all Devices and Scenes using the Alexa app then tell here to "discover devices" again.


@KHouse I've had good success with using this website to make sure Alexa is learning devices correctly:


You can login there and then click on "Smart Home" -> "Devices" and see what it's seeing or has listed. You will need the UD Skill "ISY Optimized for Smart Home V3" installed on your Alexa account.

Wiki might have further help for you to troubleshoot if you don't get it sorted out quickly.




Thank you all.

UD support had responded with the same recommendation about disabling and re-enabling the skill, and that did the trick.  All the removing and re-doing I was doing was on the UD portal and Admin Console side, so not sure if doing that and then disabling and re-enabling the skill did it, but in any case the final result is that disable/re-enable worked.

Thanks again.

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