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Portal Maintenance March 18th ×

Can't access Eisy thru UD Mobile

Go to solution Solved by Javi,

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I've been using Mobilinc Pro for a long time and decided to have a look at UD Mobile on my Android phone.  It works fine thru Wifi as a local connection, but the remote connection fails. Whether or not I have "use ISY portal for remote connection" checked, I always get the message "Error (IOException) javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshaleException: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException:Trust anchor for certification path not found."

Can anyone help me resolve this?



Posted (edited)

In UD Mobile, go into SYSTEMS, click on your ISY and make sure "Use ISY Portal for Remote Connections" is enabled.

Edited by Techman
58 minutes ago, Techman said:

In UD Mobile, go into SYSTEMS, click on your ISY and make sure "Use ISY Portal for Remote Connections" is enabled.

Yep- as I mentioned in my post, I get the same error regardless of whether or not the box is checked.  Thanks, though.

6 minutes ago, rick.curl said:

Yep- as I mentioned in my post, I get the same error regardless of whether or not the box is checked.  Thanks, though.

Probably best to open a support ticket.

Posted (edited)

Hi Techman-

That got me started thinking.  Port 8443 was being used for something else on my system, so I had forwarded external port 4043 to port 8443 on the Eisy.  I just tried killing the other forwarding rule and changing the external port on Eisy's forwarding rule to 8443.  Now I'm getting a different error message: "System: Eisy ERROR: Unexpected close. failed to connect to  (my public IP address)(port 4043)"  So something is still looking for port 4043 but I'm not sure what.

Edited by rick.curl

I tried turning off all port forwarding. Now I get: "Error (IOexception) java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "my.isy.io"": no address associated with hostname".

What should I try next?


I'm going to assume that the use ISY portal box ended up checked.     I don't use android, I'm going to ask the moderator to move this over to UD Mobile as this appears to be more of a UD Mobile issue than an eisy issue.

  • Solution

If you don't have any favorites setup on UD Mobile with eisy, then delete the system, trash icon at the top right.  The add the system again by following prompts. After login, or portal account selection, you will be prompted to select system. If the system exists on portal select the system when prompted, if not select Add New System and follow prompts to add system to portal.

32 minutes ago, Javi said:

delete the system, trash icon at the top right.  The add the system again by following prompts.

That worked!  I'm up and running. -But now I'm curious- I would prefer to have UD Mobile connect directly instead of through the portal, but when I try it I get the message I reported in my first post:  "Error (IOException) javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshaleException: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException:Trust anchor for certification path not found."

Is it possible for UD mobile to work without the portal? I can live with the portal if I have to, but I would prefer not.  At least I've got a workable solution now. Thanks for the help!


1 hour ago, rick.curl said:

That worked!  I'm up and running. -But now I'm curious- I would prefer to have UD Mobile connect directly instead of through the portal, but when I try it I get the message I reported in my first post:  "Error (IOException) javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshaleException: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException:Trust anchor for certification path not found."

Is it possible for UD mobile to work without the portal? I can live with the portal if I have to, but I would prefer not.  At least I've got a workable solution now. Thanks for the help!


Great.  See this post for explanation of certificate error



Thanks, but as mentioned in the linked thread, there is no information given as to how to install a certificate for the Eisy. Although portal is working, I prefer not to use it because:

1. I like to be independent of third-party services as much as possible.
2. If the portal is down I can't control my lights remotely
3. I don't use Alexa or Google assistant.

Looks like I'll be implementing a VPN.

I Do appreciate the help, though!!!




@rick.curl I get the thought of #1, but when you think/consider what's offered in the Portal subscription for the price it can't be beat! ($20 for TWO years!)

But maybe check the wiki for info about other remote connection options:


NOTE: that the certificate portion is beyond the scope of support from UDI. 

So your VPN comment might be the best option for your situation.

From my experience the Portal connection works great, and the likely hood of down time is fairly slim. How often do you really use the app to control something in the house while remote? I only ask because I almost never do. (That's the whole point of automation, right? Not to have to do something manually.) I'm surprised when somebody makes a comment along the lines of #2 above. 

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