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Support Thread for IoX 5.6.3

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1 minute ago, Techman said:

It worked for me, I'm on an Eisy

I wish it had worked because one of the times I did it I accidentally on purpose reset to factory settings and had no Zwave backup, so I even when Zwave was working on 5.6.2, I had to start over. Fortunately I only have about 40 Zwave devices and things are better organized this time around.

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After 5.6.3 from 5.6.0 my Polisy didn't have any issues with Z-Wave, however it did lock up after the install & reboot (not before the reboot, after). It couldn't be found on Finder and so I finally had to unplug power to get it working again. It beeped a few more times then was fine. 

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2 hours ago, dbwarner5 said:

Thanks, UD Support tried that with me on 5.6.3 too, and after almost 2 hours we decided to downgrade. 5.6.2 appears fine. My case appears to be an outlier since y'all are finding success with workarounds. I could try 5.6.3 at some point, but more likely I'll wait for 5.6.4 and upgrade during business hours.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/21/2023 at 8:15 AM, Michel Kohanim said:

We may have found the root cause and working on a solution.

With kind regards,

Any update? I was ready to migrate from ISY to IOP, but decided to hold off because I'm mostly Z-Wave.

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3 hours ago, BigMojo said:


I have the same issue and @Michel Kohanim, @Chris Jahn & the team have been busting butt on this issue. It's my understanding that the fix is in final testing and the solution should be here very soon.

Any idea what the issue was? Chris Jahn helped me and at one point he said Insteon and Zwave were using the same port. That was when we were still trying to get 5.6.3 working.

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@landolfi, I can't speak to the root cause, that's best left to the team.  I can say that my issue was communications related evident in a corruption of my zWave device definition file(s).  

Without putting a timeline on when the new package will be released, I can tell you I'm fully backed up (2x) and ready to go on the upgrade.  Read into that what you will 😉

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