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Red light flashing after storm

Go to solution Solved by Geddy,

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Yesterday following a storm my ISY-994i stopped working. The power, RX, and TX lights are on solid blue. Memory Light OFF and Red light flashing about once a second. From what I've seen on the forum and wiki it appears the unit should be on my network but it isn't. So I can't access it with the Admin Console or SSH (which I haven't done before).

As an experiment, I swapped in another uSD card and did a hard reset. After rebooting the unit various lights flashed until the Memory and Error lights flashed in unison. Still, the unit didn't connect to my network. I tried two different ports and cables to no avail.

Is the network connection independent from memory issues? Should it connect regardless of SD card issues?

What steps can I take at this point?

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2 minutes ago, salex319 said:

when I click on Admin Console (LAN) nothing happens

Please let us know what computer OS you're using (Windows, Mac, other) and also just confirm Firmware of the ISY994.

You might need to delete the state files.

Please review the wiki - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Admin_Console_Minimized/Invisible_and_Cannot_be_Restored

But at least the ISY994 is showing up in IoX Finder window for you to click on Admin Console.

What firmware are you running? I'm not entirely sure what you've done with the SD card (uSD?). But if you reset the device and using a new microSD then you need to load the last working version you had and then restore a backup. But if you're not getting any sort of admin console window it's possible it's minimized somehow.

Also, when you clear java cache make sure you select all 3 boxes in the process to actually remove the IoX Launcher install and download a fresh start.jnlp and run that to put the icon back on the desktop.


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Running Windows 11. Steps I have taken:

  • ISY: Earlier as mentioned I performed a hard reset on my ISY with a FAT-formatted uSD card in the unit. Now the system is present on my network.
  • PC: I installed the latest Java release. I cleared the cache (all three check marks). I re-downloaded start.jnlp.
  • PC: I deleted the files in the wiki you mentioned.
  • PC: I restarted my computer.

So when I run start.jnlp the IOX finder finds my ISY. I click on Admin Console(LAN) but nothing more happens.

Out of curiosity I looked at the uSD card again on my computer (removed from the ISY) and it doesn't look like it was modified. So I'm not sure what the hard reset does. And I don't, therefore, know what firmware is actually running.

Until I have an admin console I can't do anything.

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you must delete the .state files as linked by @Geddy they are corrupt.  the admin console is opening outside the visible window for some reason.

I'm not certain you needed to change your MicroSD card, you might retry the old one after your get your admin console issue resolved.  FYI, With a new unused MicroSD card installed, the firmware bootloader burned onto the ISY994 is only a partial firmware image and is very old at that, to be operational you MUST use Help > Manually Upgrade ISY and load a complete firmware file.

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I deleted the '*.state' files (there was only one). There are none present in the folder indicated and I also did a search of the entire C drive to make sure there were none elsewhere. When I use the original uSD card the board doesn't connect to the network. When I use the "new" one I created it does.


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I have another desktop computer I use to manage my ISY and it occurred to me that if the problem is something on this machine maybe I can run Admin Console on that machine. Turns out the same thing happens - nothing. That's not totally true because when I clicked on "Admin Console(LAN)" I thought I saw a quick flash on the screen as though a window opened and immediately closed.

1) is there anything in task manager I could see to know that Admin Console is actually running but just not visible?

2) is there some other way to configure my uSD drive outside of the ISY in case that has something to do with the problem?

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13 hours ago, salex319 said:

That's not totally true because when I clicked on "Admin Console(LAN)" I thought I saw a quick flash on the screen as though a window opened and immediately closed.

This sounds like a Java compatibility issue since you're having the issue with two computers.  What version of Java are you running? Admin Console is best operated on the general available version from https://www.java.com/en/ (currently Version 8 Update 381).

If you're running a different version follow these steps:

When you get the IoX Finder window that lists your ISY994 it should include a firmware version on the right side of the line. It's in the "Version" column.  Let us know what version you see there.


To your earlier questions:

17 hours ago, salex319 said:

1) Can I see if Admin Console is running (and perhaps minimized) by observing anything in Task Mgr?

Yes, if you open Task Manager you should see under processes a Java Web Launcher entry that probably has nested items in it. Expand that and you might see "IoX Finder" and "Universal Devices Administration Console". If you right click on the Admin Console you can select "Bring to front" or "Maximize" If that doesn't appear then you have a .state file somewhere that has been corrupted and is hiding that window. That's more than likely "udi_frame.state", but I'm not 100% sure just a guess.


17 hours ago, salex319 said:

2) Can I format or prepare the uSD card in some way without accessing the uSD card via Admin Console?

I don't think your issue is SD card related. But if you're dead set on attempting anything with the microSD (uSD) then follow the steps in the wiki found here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card   (Note: these are written for older devices, but most should still apply to the ISY994. As @MrBill mentions above the version of Admin Console loaded from the ISY994 is an old version that is just enough to get the card accessible from the ISY994. You then need to download the firmware (hopefully that you note in the above information) and update that manually.

The current firmware for ISY994 is found referenced in the "Current Release" area of the forums. Please pick the correct version and follow the steps to install then you should restore a backup (hopefully you have a recent one) or else you will need to setup the entire system again.


Beyond all these steps, there's not much the forums can help with. We've tried our best given the situation you describe based on our experience. If you're still having issues you would need to begin a support ticket with UDI (https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets). Since the ISY994 is no longer being supported and there is no free support you will need to pay for the assistance. 

Good luck!

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It appears that my uSD card in my ISY was corrupted recently during a storm. My ISY would not appear on my network.  I got the unit back online by placing a FAT-formatted uSD card into the device and performing a hard reset. I wasn't sure what that would do but once I recycled power my ISY once again appeared on my network. Since then I have attempted to bring up Admin Console on several different PCs (all windows 11). The device is found by IoX finder but when I click on Admin Console nothing happens. In another thread, I was advised to clear out some state variables which I did but this had no effect. I suspect since I don't have a valid software configuration on the uSD card this is the problem but without Admin Console I don't seem to have any way to create a valid configuration. Can anyone help?


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17 minutes ago, salex319 said:

I suspect since I don't have a valid software configuration on the uSD card this is the problem but without Admin Console I don't seem to have any way to create a valid configuration. Can anyone help?

As @MrBill said above and I linked in prior post the steps to create a "valid configuration" have been in the wiki. You need to follow those directions to get a full firmware installed. 

35 minutes ago, salex319 said:

Is there any place I could get an img file with a pristine configuration for my ISY. Or buy a uSD card ready to go?

If you follow the steps in the wiki linked in my reply (just after your reply) you'll have what you need. 

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IRunning Java 8 update 381



I rebooted my system and brought up IoX finder then clicked on Admin Console. Then in task manager this is what I see.


I'm confused about how Finder shows version 5.3.0 when the uSD card was created by a hard boot of the ISY. Isn't the uSD where this version info comes from?

I was going to use the procedure in the link you reference but when I try to telnet to the ISY to format the new uSD card the connection is rejected. (I used port 126 which I saw referenced somewhere.)

Then to update the firmware I need Admin Console (catch 22).

I know this question doesn't belong here but does the newer product (eisy?) work pretty much the same as my ISY did from a user standpoint?

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1 hour ago, salex319 said:

Running Java 8 update 381

Great! That's one step in the right direction.

1 hour ago, salex319 said:

I rebooted my system and brought up IoX finder then clicked on Admin Console. Then in task manager this is what I see.

Okay, it appears you haven't launched admin console yet. At least because there's no entry for it the process didn't actually start. You have to click on the line in the IoX Finder window. It should pop up the Admin Console (Lan) or Admin Console (Cloud) lines. Try using the "Cloud" option (even though you're local). What happens then?

(as seen here - https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=Main_Page#Quick_Start_Guides)

1 hour ago, salex319 said:

I'm confused about how Finder shows version 5.3.0 when the uSD card was created by a hard boot of the ISY. Isn't the uSD where this version info comes from?

Just rebooting doesn't format the SD card in the device. I've never attempted a reset of the ISY994, but don't think that formats the microSD either, but could be mistaken (again, I've never tried it so don't know the full extent of the reset). My expectation is that your SD card is still using the firmware that you've always had. 

If you want to start clean then use an unformatted card. And follow the instructions I posted above and @Michel Kohanim shared again. As you said you had issue with Telnet to the device.  I don't run Win11 so not sure if either Win11 or your network might be blocking your Telnet connection somehow. That's beyond my experience and can't give any steps to troubleshoot Telnet errors. That's a search engine question waiting to happen. 

1 hour ago, salex319 said:

I know this question doesn't belong here but does the newer product (eisy?) work pretty much the same as my ISY did from a user standpoint?

This belongs right here...this is fine to ask as part of your current situation.

Yes, eisy works pretty much just as the ISY994 does from most users standpoint. It adds a lot of extra functionality if you have a more complex automation system you are trying to control. In my case, it works just as well as my ISY994. However, there are a few posts here of people having issues, but they're usually dealing with a lot more complex systems than it sounds like you (or I) have.

The down side is since your ISY994 is reporting that you're on 5.3.0 you would not currently have a good migration path to the eisy and would need to set everything up new. I think your best bet is to fix your current issue and get the ISY994 up and running again. Then, because you're on 5.3.0, you need to update to 5.3.4 THEN you could consider if you wanted to migrate to the eisy.


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I have restored my ISY operation much to my relief and delight. Thank you for all the help.

One big issue was the running of Admin Console. This now works so long as I choose the "Cloud" option. The LAN option is still a mystery but not as big a problem as before. 

FYI - my original uSD card was trashed. But to get back in operation I discovered I could:

  • Format a new drive on my PC as a FAT volume.
  • Insert that into my ISY and perform a hard RESET (hold reset button 30 seconds)
  • and then once I got Admin Console going I could restore a backup.

I've now upgraded to 5.3.4.

Thanks again to everyone!

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Did you follow these directions:


If so, tell us exactly where what you are seeing diverts from what is written and what you were doing at the time.

Your only alternative would be to open a support ticket with UD, but free support has ended for ISY994.

If you have a good backup, your only other option would be upgrading to eisy.

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Initially, my ISY wasn't on the network and the Red LED was flashing. I tried to remove the SD card and it fell into the enclosure, so I opened it up and retrieved it. I tried to look at it on my PC and the PC couldn't access anything. I didn't know how it was formatted so I wasn't sure what to do. At some point, I tried to format it on my PC but it wouldn't format. I concluded after not being able to read or write the original uSD card with any tools I had available that the card was dead.

I saw and tried to work with the instructions you reference but they involved doing things on the ISY and I couldn't access mine. It wasn't present on my network. I eventually discovered that if I inserted a FAT-formatted blank SD card into the ISY and did a hard reset the card was properly prepared for the ISY. At that point, I was able to get the ISY back on my network. But then I ran into the mysterious inability to use the Admin Console. I had always selected "Admin Console(LAN)" from the finder and that wasn't working. No Admin Console appeared or was present in Task Manager. I struggled with that for a while and finally, I realized (duh) that I should at least try "Admin Console(Cloud), and that worked. From there I simply restored a backup and was back in business. "Admin Console(LAN) still doesn't work. 

In the end, it is all very simple to create a new SD card if you have no ISY-configured card available.

  1. Format a uSD card on any computer (FAT).
  2. Insert the card into your ISY and perform a hard reset.

The card is readable on a PC. There doesn't seem to be any special formatting at all beyond the basic ISY-related folders. After I had restored a backup and made some updates to my ISY I performed a test. I took another blank SD card and on my PC I copied the files from the one I made on the ISY to the new card. Then I swapped it into the ISY and it's working just fine.

I think in the instructions you reference it might help to clearly state up at the top that:

  1. the uSD card is FAT formatted. (Can be done on a PC).
  2. after insertion in the ISY a hard reset (30 seconds on the reset button) will create a pristine ISY configuration.
  3. then as long as the ISY can be accessed using Admin Console you can restore a backup.

Simple things can look so mysterious until you figure out a few basics.





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