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ISY994 ELK program migration to EISY

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I just purchased an EISY with Z-Matter to start the transition from ISY994 for one of my two residences. Both places have ISY994 systems, ELK M1 systems for security, Insteon for lighting, and Z-Wave for smart locks.

I'm looking for a little guidance on migrating the ISY994/ELK systems to EISY. I have extensive integration between my ELK systems and the ISY systems going back many years (back to ISY99) and typically using ISY programs to interact with ELK through ELK Output semaphores (both directions) and by monitoring ELK zones, Arm States, etc. Since EISY lacks the ELK integration I know I have to migrate everything to the ELK PG3x node server but don't know the best way to go about this.

Questions -

- During migration of the ISY994 backup to EISY do the ELK related programs migrate with place holders for the unsupported ELK integration from ISY994?

     If not I need to figure out how to maintain a reference to the programming that will be lost during migration. I saw on another thread that it is possible to have ISY994 running at the same time as EISY on the same network which could provide a reference to guide the manual program updates on EISY. Is my understanding correct? 

- Would it make more sense to get a PG3 node server running with the ISY994 system and do the program updates to ELK PG3 before the migration to EISY? Are there any downsides to this approach? (I have a PG2 node server running on an RPi but have not updated it to PG3)


Thanks in advance!


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30 minutes ago, MMAltair said:

I need to figure out how to maintain a reference to the programming that will be lost during migration.

I can't answer the other questions as I never used ELK. Others have migrated from ISY994+ELK module to the eisy + ELK Node Server to better answer your other questions and situational concerns. I'll leave it to them to help you. Good luck!


However, for this it's suggested you copy all current programs by:

  • select the root "My Programs" folder. 
  • right click
  • select "Copy Folder to Clipboard"
  • paste to a text editor (for Windows use Notepad or equivalent - NOT WORD)

This allows you to have a printed version of ALL your programs and even denotes if the program is "disabled" for if/when you have to recreate it.

Using a regular text edited (like Notepad) keeps the formatting plain where as Word or a word processing program might manipulate code or spellings without you knowing it. 


Finally, you mentioned having a PG2 node server running on RPi, I don't know for sure, but don't think that can push information to IoX on the eisy. You can check the node server list (https://polyglot.universal-devices.com/) to see if what you're running is available in PG3x to make the move to the current offering. 


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Thanks for the pointers. I will use the Notepad trick to make a copy of my Programs ahead of migration.

My thought on using PG3 on RPI  was to do the conversion of the programs to the PG3 Elk node server on the ISY994 and then make a backup to use for the migration to EISY. This way all of the ELK node server modifications would be migrated to EISY automatically. Not sure if this would work.

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I recently migrated from isy with ELK to polisy and ELK node server.  Was pretty painless.  

I had copied out my programs to notepad prior to starting.   After I had restored to the polisy, I installed the ElK nodeserver. 

Each program that referenced an ELK item has those references commented out; I just updated the program with the appropriate device/ item from the ELK nodeserver.  I used the notepad program text as an aid when I wasn’t sure what the placeholder was.

It has been working well for a few weeks now.

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@Geddywas spot on with his advice. Document your programs before you start, including disabled programs.

Be sure to follow the migration instructions completely. Make sure you are on the latest firmware for each system before you migrate and remember, there is a minimum firmware you must be on to migrate an ISY. You don't state what you are currently running.

Makes no difference if you convert to the Elk node server before or after moving to eisy. However, there will be some manual intervention required once you migrate to eisy. So if you change over to the node server before migrating, you will need to complete manual work twice.

Most importantly, read and follow the instructions and ask questions if you don't understand something before doing that step.

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@MMAltairI have an elk alarm and used with ISY.  At high level here is what I did going to eisy

  1. As stated above, copy your programs.  I copy to Word doc.
  2. Migrate to eisy
  3. Install ELK node in PG3.  it will show as two nodes in eisy.  Each node has elements that you now use to update your programs.
  4. Update your programs with elk attributes to point to new PG# elk nodes.


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Thanks for all the advice. I finished the transition to the ELK node server on EISY and it was mostly uneventful although a substantial amount of work (lots of programs to modify.

It seems the one big difference between the ELK node server and the integrated ELK support on ISY994 is the support of the keypad function keys and their associated lights. I use the function keys quite heavily to provide a quick and easy way to change behavior in the system (the ELK plus EISY system). For example I have a program function that monitors the garage doors and if they are open too long a warning is announced through the ELK system. This behavior can be modified by pressing a function key to disable the warning for an extended period. 

I can solve this problem by adding a tracking output for each function key to relay this information to the ELK node server for use by the EISY programs. Not a huge issue, just extra work.

Thanks again!

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20 hours ago, MMAltair said:

finished the transition to the ELK node server on EISY and it was mostly uneventful although a substantial amount of work (lots of programs to modify.

Glad you are up and running.

20 hours ago, MMAltair said:

I can solve this problem by adding a tracking output for each function key to relay this information to the ELK node server for use by the EISY programs. Not a huge issue, just extra work.

I also use Elk outputs any time I come across something ant fully supported on the ISY side.


I think you will find the Elk node server well worth the investment. There is great support and actively being developed.

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On 9/1/2023 at 9:32 AM, MMAltair said:

For example I have a program function that monitors the garage doors and if they are open too long a warning is announced through the ELK system. This behavior can be modified by pressing a function key to disable the warning for an extended period. 

I can solve this problem by adding a tracking output for each function key to relay this information to the ELK node server for use by the EISY programs. Not a huge issue, just extra work.

Thanks again!

You can detect function key presses with status


But there are known issues with this implementation since without control events you can not see multiple presses of the same key.  Some issues are documented in Issue 69

I will try to look into this and other more requested fixes and enhancements soon

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  • 1 month later...

I'm back trying to get EISY/ELK integration closer to how it worked on the ISY994. Is there a way to start keypad beeps on specific ELK keypads with the ELK node server? I find it useful to turn on Keypad beeps along with a periodic voice announcement to get people's attention to urgent conditions such as a water leak detected or a door left open. If this isn't possible I can always resort to the Output method of communicating this situation between EISY and ELK. Thanks

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