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Spontaneous system failure

Go to solution Solved by Geddy,

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The system is a small Insteon setup with only light and appliance modules plus a couple motion detectors. It has worked flawlessly for years, but just stopped working with modules in the state they were when it quit. The ISY has no blinking lights and just the power led is on solid. Cycling power on the PLM and ISY changed nothing. I tried a replacement PLM (new) with no change. The finder finds no device. I's been so long since I had to troubleshoot, I'm not sure where to start if it's not just a hardware ISY failure. Can the ISY be communicated with over it's "Monitor" port to see if it is even partially functional? Assuming I have a cable, how would that work? Thanks for any help you can offer.

  • Solution
1 hour ago, gschoffstall said:

The ISY has no blinking lights and just the power led is on solid.

Please review this section of the wiki for the front lights of the ISY994:


More than likely your power supply has gone bad. Even if the power light is on and steady it might be faded or dimly light. Power supply info is given in same area linked above.

If you think the power supply is fine then check your router for "connected devices" to see if you see the ISY connected. Have you changed/replaced your router recently?

Make sure the PLM is powered on first (maybe 30-60 seconds) before you power up the ISY994. 

Lastly, make sure you have downloaded a fresh IoX Launcher (start.jnlp) from the UD site (click on "My ISY" at the top of the UD site). Delete any old copies of start.jnlp or admin.jnlp that may exist on your system.


2 hours ago, gschoffstall said:

The system is a small Insteon setup with only light and appliance modules plus a couple motion detectors. It has worked flawlessly for years, but just stopped working with modules in the state they were when it quit. The ISY has no blinking lights and just the power led is on solid. Cycling power on the PLM and ISY changed nothing. I tried a replacement PLM (new) with no change. The finder finds no device. I's been so long since I had to troubleshoot, I'm not sure where to start if it's not just a hardware ISY failure. Can the ISY be communicated with over it's "Monitor" port to see if it is even partially functional? Assuming I have a cable, how would that work? Thanks for any help you can offer.

When you changed the PLM did you follow the PLM replacement procedure (see attached file)

When you cleared your java cache did you download the updated IoX Launcher file from here:



Replace Modem.pdf


I changed power supplies for the ISY99ir. When following the startup procedure, powering the PLM first, then the ISY, it appears to be working. The Power led lights, then the tx and rx lights come on solid and the Memory led starts flashing. Next the tx and rx begin acting like they are communicating. There are random flashes for about 20 seconds, then only the Power led remains on. At no time does the Error led light. I can get some reaction on the controlled lights for a few seconds with a RemoteLinc that I have configured, then it appears to lock up and does not respond to any RemoteLinc commands. The UD launcher  and start.jlnp still report "Not Found". It acts the same with bot the original PLM and the new PLM.

Stick a fork in it? Dig a hole?


Here's an interesting twist: I tried the web interface with my wifi connected laptop. (http://isy/WEB/udajax.htm#/nodes/devices/).  It found the ISY and I can manually control Insteon devices. BTW, in the interim before I tried the web interface I had reconnected the original PLM and factory reset the ISY99Ir. I still cannot connect through the UD launcher or start.jnlp app.

31 minutes ago, gschoffstall said:

Here's an interesting twist: I tried the web interface with my wifi connected laptop. (http://isy/WEB/udajax.htm#/nodes/devices/).  It found the ISY and I can manually control Insteon devices. BTW, in the interim before I tried the web interface I had reconnected the original PLM and factory reset the ISY99Ir. I still cannot connect through the UD launcher or start.jnlp app.

Did you clear your java cache, checking all 3 boxes, which will delete the launcher application from your desktop, and then download the updated IoX Launcher file from here:


37 minutes ago, gschoffstall said:

factory reset the ISY99Ir

You've made some interesting troubleshooting steps. I'll leave it to others to try to help you out, but I think you've created more work for yourself than actually fixing the problem. 

If you can get to the ISY994 through the web interface then it's a Java issue and computer issue not allowing you to correctly load/connect via IoX Launcher. Are you running any firewalls or anti-virus programs? Turn those off.

Here's some old troubleshooting steps that might help and might still apply, but if you've reset the ISY994 and you randomly changed PLM not really sure what stage you're at to help you further.


(Note, some items might not still apply as this page hasn't been edited since 2013, but a lot might still apply.)


HOLD ON...ISY99IR??? Really? So even older than the 994? It's quite possible you're the second case recently having issues accessing the ISY99 admin console. I think somebody else recently reported that java was blocking access because of certificate issues. Search the forums for recent posts about the ISY99.

What computer OS are you running?

What Firmware is on the ISY99?

Good luck!

6 hours ago, gschoffstall said:

The system is a small Insteon setup with only light and appliance modules plus a couple motion detectors. It has worked flawlessly for years, but just stopped working with modules in the state they were when it quit. The ISY has no blinking lights and just the power led is on solid. Cycling power on the PLM and ISY changed nothing. I tried a replacement PLM (new) with no change. The finder finds no device. I's been so long since I had to troubleshoot, I'm not sure where to start if it's not just a hardware ISY failure. Can the ISY be communicated with over it's "Monitor" port to see if it is even partially functional? Assuming I have a cable, how would that work? Thanks for any help you can offer.

I'm wondering if we aren't over complicating this.  My IoX finder routinely "forgets" my ISY address.  I either add the address manually or load from a saved file.  As you mentioned, the IoX finder recently began giving me "not found" errors.  However, I can still manually enter the IP address for the ISY and connect to the admin console.  I'm ignoring the "not found" errors for now.

Try the following: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/39489-iox-finder-not-found/?do=findComment&comment=354467


Thank you all for sharing. I am sure I have dug myself in pretty deep. Yes, I have uninstalled all versions of Java and reinstalled the latest for my Windows 10 laptop. I have, just in case, cleared the cache with all 3 boxes checked. I have deleted all instances of start.jnlp before downloading the directed start.jnlp app. I still come up with a "Not Found" after trying the official start.jnlp app. I guess I can forage to find the ISY's IP address, but I don't know it off hand. Maybe I should try my real old laptop with Windows 7 OS, but really??



Here are your options from the UDI Wiki:


ISY Not Found

If ISY Launcher cannot find your ISY:

  1. Most importantly, you need to reinstall the ISY Launcher
  2. VPN software is running on your computer or you're on a VPN network
  3. Unit is not on the same network as your compute. Perhaps you changed routers? If so: follow these instructions
  4. If not #1, please open your router page and see whether or not you see ISY994-EMS (for ISY) or polisy (for Polisy) in the list of LAN clients. If you find the IP address, then, in ISY Finder, click on the Add button and enter
    1. ISY994: (replace with the actual IP of ISY in the router)
    2. Polisy: (replace with the actual IP of Polisy in the router)
  5. If not #2, then perhaps the unit is not powering on:
    1. ISY994: Please make sure the pattern is as outlined here
    2. Polisy: Reboot the unit, all 3 LEDs should get lit and then only the left most is lit. Wait for 30 seconds. You should hear a beep
  6. If not #3, the issue is that you might have firewall/VPN software (especially VPN). Please do #2

Yay!! I looked at my router, found the IP, plugged it in when finder didn't, and viola. It connected. I have no clue why all the information remains in the ISY after a "Factory Reset", but there it is, programs and scenes. Thanks guys. I really wasn't looking forward to the $300 plus investment I thought I was staring at. I am still checking things out, but it looks as though everything is intact. I may have to delete and relink some devices, but that's minor. For all the trouble, it looks like "Geddy" nailed the power supply failure right out of the gate. Thanks, Geddy.

Posted (edited)

The epilog:

My thanks to everyone that came to my rescue: Techman, Geddy, IndyMike. You pushed a LOT of helpful information my way. I am ashamed that I let a little green led on the original power pack snooker me. What a rabbit hole that sent me down. Should have known better is an understatement. But I digress. With the hardware working, I restored a working file and everything seems to be working as well as it ever did. I am so grateful.Please forgive my fat fingers. There was never an ISY99Ir in the mix, always an ISY994Ir, and it's Java, not Jave. But you get the picture. Thanks everyone.

Edited by gschoffstall

@gschoffstall Really glad you got it sorted out and working again!

2 hours ago, gschoffstall said:

Please forgive my fat fingers. There was never an ISY99Ir in the mix

Well you had "99ir" in two posts so figured you were dead set that you had a "99ir" instead of "994", but either way...you're up and working again. Make sure your router has a DHCP reservation for the ISY994ir. Perhaps you didn't and it changed IP and IoX Launcher didn't find it at the new IP until you added it manually. Don't set a static IP on the ISY994 as that could cause a lot of issues if you replace your router and it uses a different DHCP table. The latest recommendation from UDI is to use DHCP reservations rather than static IP setting on the ISY994. 

As for having information after a factory reset...might not have done the reset properly, but then again I can't say I ever tried it to know what the result would be, but restoring a recent backup is a good move. Time to take another backup just to have it more current now!

What's confusing is there's apparently now 2 meanings of "not found" in IoX Launcher. From time to time there's the one that if you're on a different network the title bar will display "not found" because there's not a local IoX instance. Then recently the IoX Launcher (start.jnlp) supplied by UDI had a bug in it that had a pop up box for "Not Found" (I think this is what @IndyMike is referencing). That issue since been resolved by clearing Java cache and downloading a new start.jnlp file.  

22 hours ago, Geddy said:

What's confusing is there's apparently now 2 meanings of "not found" in IoX Launcher. From time to time there's the one that if you're on a different network the title bar will display "not found" because there's not a local IoX instance. Then recently the IoX Launcher (start.jnlp) supplied by UDI had a bug in it that had a pop up box for "Not Found" (I think this is what @IndyMike is referencing). That issue since been resolved by clearing Java cache and downloading a new start.jnlp file.  

Hello Geddy,

You are correct that I was referring to the "new" Pop-up "Not Found" bug.  What is confusing to me is that the bug crept in with no changes on my end.  IoX launcher is from 5/20/23.  ISY994 is the latest (last) V5.7.4 (Firmware and UI dated 7/7/21).

At the moment I view this as yet another nail in the ISY994 coffin.  I plan to keep using it until it gives up on me.

5 hours ago, IndyMike said:

What is confusing to me is that the bug crept in with no changes on my end.

Correct, an error happened in the start.jnlp file and was corrected. That’s why downloading a new copy fixes that error. While you might think what you have is “good enough” when UDI suggests downloading a new “start.jnlp” file to correct the issue it’s probably a good idea to do that. 

Others that had the issue reported it fixed (myself included) with new download.  Not sure why you wouldn’t try it to get rid of the annoyance. 

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