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Two issues: Not Found and Could Not Write Config File


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I have two issues that seem to have popped up.  Disclaimer: I rarely login to my ISY to do anything.  It usually just works fine.  And, to be fair, it's still working for everything it's doing.

Issue 1: As reported here by other users, I get a "Not Found" error when launching start.jnlp.  I've cleared my java cache and redownloaded the start.jnlp from UD.  Still get the error.  Annoying, but probably fine... I thought it was related to issue 2, but it seems like (based on reading here) they're unrelated.

Issues 2: When trying to add a device to a scene, I get a "Could not write config file" error.  I've tried two different devices and get the same error.  What's weird is that the device seems to get added (the process runs in the background - I think the button works as well, but I'm not in front of it right now) but the ISY doesn't seem to know about it.  None of the devices in the scene have any issues i.e. i can go to each one and turn on/off the lights.

Any idea why I'm getting this error?




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I've tried rebooting the computer (mulitple computers), clearing java cache, and rebooting the ISY.  If it's the SD card, it might be time for me to migrate from my ISY994i to my PolISY.  I haven't planned that migration; in fact I have actively avoided it.  I hope it's painless.

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@roopesh more than likely it's a corrupt file. Do you have a recent backup that you could restore from if something goes bad?

If you're comfortable with Telnet you could telnet into the ISY locate the file referenced in your error and delete it. Then reboot the ISY and log in. Make a new backup! Then try adding a device to a scene. 


Help in the wiki:

Telnet to ISY: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Telnet_To_Your_ISY

Replace SD card: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:Replacing/Formatting_an_SD_Card

(Note the ISY994 takes a microSD card - see the note at the top of that link)


48 minutes ago, roopesh said:

If it's the SD card, it might be time for me to migrate from my ISY994i to my PolISY.

Unless you already have the Polisy your option would be better to migrate to the eisy (only because UDI does not sell the Polisy now. 

As for being painless - if you have a good backup and read the migration steps it should be fairly painless. Most that have issues seem to have skipped steps, attempted different steps, or did not read all the steps before attempting and having self-induced problems during the process because of that. Most that post about having issues only post because of issues. Many that have simple/easy migrations aren't posting simply because they don't need to. So you can't judge the possibility of it being difficult just because of the "problem" posts people make. Just gives you clues to watch for as you make your own path of migration.


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Thank you @Geddy!  I am very comfortable with all things command prompt telnet/ssh etc :).  However, I could not figure out what to do in that telnet session.  I could see the file exists, but I can't view or do anything to the file.>mn
CD   - Configure delay between requests
CI   - Configure IR
CL   - Configure max log size
CP   - Configure protocol timeout
CR   - Configure Max Retries
CT   - Configure TCP/IP
CWP  - Configure Webserver Ports
CWT  - Configure Webserver Timeouts
DI   - Disable internet
DT   - Disable telnet
EI   - Enable internet
ET   - Enable telnet
JX   - Show JSON file as XML
LS   - List files
MN   - Menu
RS   - Reboot
SM   - Show memory
SPU  - Set Portal URL
ST   - Show system time
SU   - Show external url
VE   - Display Version
XS   - Exit the shell

I couldn't cat, more, or even rm any files as those commands don't exist.  I couldn't even inspect the contents of the files using the only command that seem reasonably relevant, jx:>jx /CONF/572686.REC>JX /CONF/3EBFE2.REC

I certainly can restore from a pretty recent backup, but I'm not sure that'll fix anything at this point.  I don't know if it's worth it to try to troubleshoot config, SD card, PLM...

The ISY did let me backup this week, too.  Should I use that to restore or an older backup?

Yeah, I bought a Polisy when they first came out and, sadly, it's been collecting dust.  I did buy a couple USB sticks just in case my Serial PLM died and I had to switch to the Polisy.

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12 minutes ago, roopesh said:

Thank you @Geddy!  I am very comfortable with all things command prompt telnet/ssh etc :).  However, I could not figure out what to do in that telnet session.  I could see the file exists, but I can't view or do anything to the file.

Sorry...couldn't tell you anything more than what's in the wiki. I never tried to telnet into the ISY994 when I had it running. I just did a search for issues similar to what you were having and the best option was to telnet into it and remove the file. 

Perhaps replacing the SD card might be the next step if you want to keep running the ISY994. 

Otherwise, as @DennisC mentions, might be time to migrate. Just make sure you update the Polisy before trying to migrate. There have been a lot of software/firmware/OS updates along the way. 

Seems like you might have an early edition Polisy. If you haven't been updating the Polisy along the way you might want to open a ticket with UDI Support to make sure you can update without concern. There were a couple of updates along the way that caused some issues with a small portion of first release shipments. So it might be worth getting some assistance before blindly going into the Polisy experience. 

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Try this from Telnet connection:

RF /CONF/572686.REC


That's just based on what was in another post I found suggesting to delete possible corrupt files.


Another option might be to take the SD card out, put it in a computer and delete the file that way. That's not always good to try though so hopefully that Telnet command works.


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15 hours ago, Geddy said:

@roopesh Just so we know...

What firmware are you running on your ISY994?

5.3.4, which I believe is the last version for the ISY.  

I also went into Event Viewer and see

[FileOpen  ] Open failed for [/LOG/ERRORA.LOG] (a)

I'm really starting to assume the SD card, unfortunately.

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2 hours ago, roopesh said:

I'm really starting to assume the SD card, unfortunately

That’s an “easy” fix. Just make note of the steps linked above as replacing with unformatted card puts a basic firmware on the card. The version you are running needs to be installed before you run a restore of a backup.

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