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Recommended rasberry pi kit?


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4 hours ago, Blackbird said:

For Home Assistant

1.  Which do you recommend, rasberry pi 4 or 5?

2.  Is there a recommended case or complete kit?


I started with a PI 3 (adequate).  Currently running a Canakit PI 4: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08956GVXN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

I do not have experience with the PI 5.  It does appear to have some nice SSD support features.  You will want a SSD at some point.  You can add a USB SSD to the PI 4 but it's not natively supported.  Don't spend a lot of money on a kit with a fancy case and a large SD card as the SSD will obsolete both (most Kit cases will not support a SSD).

Downside is that support for the PI 5 is as of Feb '24.  There will undoubtedly be growing pains and hardware support issues.   https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2024/02/26/home-assistant-os-12-support-for-raspberry-pi-5/


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I'm no expert, but my understanding is that an RPi is not the hot ticket.  Either a "mini-pc" as vbPhil is suggesting, or run HA on a Virtual Machine.  I wouldn't waste my time on an RPi.  If you have one laying around, that would be a different story. If you want to just test the water for free, then go the VM route.  I've been running HA on a VirtualBox VM for a few years now.  Works great.

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Here's my current system wall mounted in the garage. It's in the garage to have the Insteon PLM near to the electrical distribution panel for better Insteon coverage. For a network connection I added a MOCA Ethernet adapter to a coax cable TV connection that was already accessible to the garage through a wall, :).

Yolink, HA Odroid with ZWave stick, Polisy for Insteon.



Edited by vbPhil
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4 hours ago, vbPhil said:

Over a year ago I jumped in with the ODROID-N2+ 4GB/64GB eMMC Enthusiast+ / US 120V/60Hz Home Assistant Bundle. I've never been happier. It runs HA right out of the box with no messy configurations.






There are some nice turn-key options on that site.  I actually like the RPI 5 with Sonoff Zigbee since it would give @Blackbird a working Zigbee solution out of the box.  I'm assuming that Ameridroid integrates the Zigbee dongle - that would be a good question for them.

A SSD could be added at a later date. 

Unfortunately - the RPI 5 is out of stock.

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7 hours ago, IndyMike said:


There are some nice turn-key options on that site.  I actually like the RPI 5 with Sonoff Zigbee since it would give @Blackbird a working Zigbee solution out of the box.  I'm assuming that Ameridroid integrates the Zigbee dongle - that would be a good question for them.

A SSD could be added at a later date. 

Unfortunately - the RPI 5 is out of stock.

So RPI 5 if I want to use the Aqara FP2?

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10 hours ago, Blackbird said:

So RPI 5 if I want to use the Aqara FP2?

Sorry, I thought you were looking at the Aqara FP1 which uses Zigbee.  The RPI 5 + Sonoff Zigbee bundle looks nice for that.

The Aqara FP2 is WiFi based.  Home Assistant can integrate WiFi without any additional hardware.  You could choose any of of the bundles (RPI 5 or ODROID). 

I personally do not use WiFi for automation devices.  That's why assumed you were referring to the Zigbee model. 

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On 6/29/2024 at 9:07 AM, vbPhil said:

Over a year ago I jumped in with the ODROID-N2+ 4GB/64GB eMMC Enthusiast+ / US 120V/60Hz Home Assistant Bundle. I've never been happier. It runs HA right out of the box with no messy configurations.



I second this, it works great with HA.

Edited by PatPend
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44 minutes ago, Blackbird said:

Can home assistant be installed on an Eisy?

Yes. It takes some doing, but it's possible. Take a look at the news release from UD from a few months ago as well as their blog post that has some scripts to run. The third link below has a lot of discussion about it (oddly enough currently found a few lines below your thread)





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4 minutes ago, Geddy said:

Yes. It takes some doing, but it's possible. Take a look at the news release from UD from a few months ago as well as their blog post that has some scripts to run. The third link below has a lot of discussion about it (oddly enough currently found a few lines below your thread)





Interesting thanks.  A follow up question, can HA be installed on an old ISY?

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