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Need help with notifications plugin

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Hello Gents, discovering that the cell phone text notifications no longer work real time, sometimes taking 12 - 24 hours. Not good when it's attached to a home water leak detector. Trying to utilize the Polyglot notifications outlined in the Notifications For Dummies link above. However, the YouTube video referenced in the file doesn't seem to exist anymore (Push Notifications setup from UD Mobile). Also, couldn't seem to find the Notifications Plugin referenced in the Dummies file as well. Maybe it's in the video, but couldn't find it in the Polyglot plugin store. Appreciate the help.

Notifications for Dummies.pdf 1.08 MB · 3 downloads


@Argilos split your post out from another topic so you'd get some help specific to your question/issues. There's been a lot of discussion on the forums over the last several years about the decline in reliability of email to text alerts (entirely due to the carriers filtering/blocking/delaying such efforts). 

Be sure you've read through the UD Mobile wiki: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/UD_Mobile

2 hours ago, Argilos said:

couldn't seem to find the Notifications Plugin

This is in the PG3 web interface on the Polisy or eisy and in the "Plugin Store" area. 

What "ISY" device are you running? Also, what Firmware are you currently running (for reference...please give specific number not just "latest" or "current"). 


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