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Communication Problem

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Dear ISY,

I have an 99i/IR Pro that I purchased from your company a few years ago. Previously I had very few Insteon devices in my configuration. Recently I purchased 4 additional Insteon SwitchLincs and 2 KeypadLincs to replace older non-Insteon models. I planned on using the 99i to slowly take over some of the basic lighting functions I was previously using HomeSeer and X10 devices to do.


However , I am having problems getting the 99i to respond correctly from the Admin Console. The console does not refresh when I make changes. For example, I can add folders, add scenes, or add new devices but I do not see the changes. Likewise, I can rename folders, devices, or scenes but again, I do not see the changes. The Console does prompts me with the correct screens. For example, I can type in the new folder name and click OK when adding a new folder, but the left pane does not update to show the new folder just created. Same is true for most functions.


The strange part is that if I then exit the Admin Console, wait 5-10 seconds, and restart it, the changes will be there. When I add a device, I never see the progress bar. Yet if I exit and restart, the new device may be there. Once over the last two days, the Admin Console reponded correctly and I instantly saw changes when renaming and adding devices. However, once I exited and restarted, it was back to the no refresh problem.


None of the following actions I have tried corrected the issue:

1. I have moved the 99i and PLM from its dedicated location in a whole-house wiring panel located on the wall next to my AC panel to a test bench.

2. I have tried accessing the Admin Console from 2 different computers.

3. I have uninstalled all previous versions of java and reinstalled the latest Java 6, build 20.

4. I have replaced the network cable and RJ45 cable between 99i and PLM.

5. I have turned off (pulled set button out) on all Insteon devices and worked with them one at a time.

6. The 99i would not backup as it failed reading a CONF PTR file. I shut it down and replaced the 512MB SD card with a 2GB SD card, reloaded the firmware, and rebuilt the configuration. (This may have been a separate issue.)

7. I can access and link any device using the ControLinc and configure X10 addresses with no problem.


My configuration consist of:

899i/IR Pro, SN: 006558, Firmware v2.7.15

Static IP:

(2) Access Points (v1.2)

(3) 2476D SwitchLincs 1 = v2.2, 2 = v4.0

(1) 2476DH SwitchLinc v2.1

(1) IOLinc 2450 v1.0

(1) ControLinc v1.4


New Items are:

(3) 2476D SwitchLincs v5.1

(1) 2476DH 1000W SwitchLinc v4.35

(2) 2486DWH8 KeypadLinc v5.2


Thank you ahead of time for any help you can provide.

Emile Victory :D

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Hello Mr. Victory,


First of all, I am so very terribly sorry for a tardy reply.


In the first glance, I would think the problem is firewall related. This said, however, I think it would be best to call our tech support line so that we can remotely login to your system and see what's causing all these issues.


If your ISY is that old, you might want to consider getting a newer version of the PLM as the old ones (versions below 63) all had some bugs which are not present in the newer versions of the PLM. This said, I do not think what you are currently experiencing has anything to do with the PLM.


With kind regards,


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This sounds like a network issue rather than an ISY problem. Or, as Michel suggests, a firewall.


Is the ISY connected directly to your router or is it connected to a switch? We are also seeing some issues when the modem is also a router and thus there are two routers on the network.



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First, I thank all of you for your help. I did not expect an immediate reply since I submitted this over a holiday weekend.


Ya'll were correct in that the problem is being caused by both the Windows Firewall and TrendMicro Worry-Free Business Security (AV, Firewall, etc.). If I turn both of them off and 99i responds as it should. If either is ON, then behavior is as described in this thread.


I wish to add exceptions to both firewalls. Can you tell me what ports and/or what programs to allow through?


Note: I am not interested in exposing the 99i to the Internet, just my local network. My home office network consist of a MS Small Business Server 2003 (a MS domain). I have XP, Vista, and Win7 clients. The SBS allows me to remotely login to the server desktop or any of the client desktops, so to access the 99i from outside, I will simply login to the desktop of one of the machines.


I also notice that even with both firewalls off, the Admin Console will not sdhow me the version of my devices as it shows all devices as v.00. Any ideas as to why this is?


Regarding the PLM, I was thinking of getting the new 2413S dual-band PLM anyway.


Again, thanks for your help.



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Hello Mr. Victory,


I am so very glad to hear that we found the root cause.


Windows Firewall, in and of itself, does not cause any issues. It's actually Trend Micro that is the culprit. Have you tried:



2413S would work fine but please make sure you also ask for a power supply.


With kind regards,


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