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Can we get an update on ELK integration?


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Hi Guys,


Apologies for not providing an update.


ELK integration has not been as trivial as I had anticipated. We have had many false starts (design decisions) which basically caused the delay and on top of that resource constraints.


All I can say - and I know I sound like a broken record - is that we are working on it.


With kind regards,


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Michel - thanks for the update. I do appreciate knowing a bit of what is going on and I totally understand there are some pitfalls here. I am glad to hear you're still working on it.


gatchel - it's helpful to know that Michel is working on it, even without having a firm delivery date, because it helps me gauge how much effort to put into work-arounds and "temporary" solutions.



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simonw/gatchel et. Al,


We started by having a network appliance which would communicate with ISY over the network. While implementing and testing, we realized that this solution would require 3 hardware boxes: ISY, our ELK bridge, and M1XEP and thus not only would increase the cost but also would be a management nightmare especially with dynamic IP addresses.


We then decided to put everything in ISY which works fine but would a) make ISY completely ELK specific and B) it would take up code space otherwise reserved for INSTEON specific functionality and thus jeopardize all those customers who do not have ELK. Unlike other companies, we do not want to force everyone to have to upgrade just to be able to continue using ISY for INSTEON specific features.


At the moment, we are redesigning ELK so that it can stay within the same hardware. This has proven a little challenging but we are certain that this is the right approach.


With kind regards,


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A very good update, indeed. I've been waiting a very long time to hear a detailed breakdown like that. Even though you guys have run into a few speed-bumps, I'm glad to hear that your mistakes have lead you to a more eloquent (pending) solution.


I would have been willing to purchase an Elk bridge if I had to. Since 2 of the 3 hardware requirements will still exist (we'll need the ISY and M1XEP anyway), the extra bridge would have been fine with me.


If the Elk module is being redesigned to stay within the same hardware, are there other compromises that you will need to make rather than taking up Insteon code space? How have you avoided this pitfall? A new SD card or something?

Thanks for keeping the dream alive. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
So, can you estimate? Another week? Month?


When it's done and tested +1 day :evil:


Sorry. I couldn't help myself.


I too am one of the 3 % of the ISY owners who are awaiting the release of an interface that may help with some of the Elk M1's shortcomings with email and other features. (There are few but they do exist).


If I was running a company I wouldn't focus my efforts on such a small percentage of demand.


Let's just hope for the best and when it's here we'll all celebrate, all 3% of us. 8)


I recently upgraded to an ISY99 from a 26 and my serial number is slightly above 9000. So let's assume 10,000 units sold and 300 of them are Elk owners. They'll probably charge $50 per add on (guessing) so that leaves them with $15,000 possible ROI as it stands not counting future sales. It's not really a lot of money when you consider the amount of time to develop such a complex add on. That's only if 100% of Elk /ISY owners purchase te add on...


Be patient.


The ISY product and support alone, on existing features, are unheard of in this day and age.


Remember, when they (UDI) are answering questions here on the forums, they are not programming...get my drift? :D

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I've been off the board for about three months as we moved into a new (to us) house and sold the ISY and Elk with the old house. I just ordered my new IR Pro and Elk from Automated Outlet, and they should arrive late this week. I'm excited to hear the two will be better-integrated soon and am happy to do some testing if needed (just give me a week or two to finish the installs). I can probably devote a little more time to this until sometime in Q1, when I need to be back in full career mode (left old job early this month as part of a mgmt change). So, offer stands if volunteers needed.



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  • 1 month later...

Hi, Michel,


I've not been around the board much for various personal reasons but checked in today to see what the status of Elk integration was.


I see that you've got something tentative for 1q of this year.


I was wondering if, in the meantime, it would be at all possible to get a 'dummies' guide to writing the xml file to integrate the Elk and ISY. I've looked at the xml file which ISY generates and have tried to edit it with little success. If I understood what Elk expects to find in the file it might be possible to manually code the few insteon devices which I truly want to control from the Elk. As it is my installation is far too large for even the possibility of exporting from ISY and importing to Elk.





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  • 4 weeks later...
Hate to ask at the risk of getting pummelled to death, but.... Any updates?




Oh glad someone asked. In all honesty I don't know what to do with myself once it is released. Checking the UD Elk forum every morning over coffee has become a cherished routine.

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  • 3 weeks later...


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