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Release 2.8.10 (RC6) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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A scene test is the worst case test.

It sets the hop count to one.

I believe three hops is normal.

So a scene test can fail and the scene may still work with normal commands.


The test shows marginal communications that can slow things down or why a module may sometimes miss a command.

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A scene test is the worst case test.

It sets the hop count to one.

I believe three hops is normal.

So a scene test can fail and the scene may still work with normal commands.


The test shows marginal communications that can slow things down or why a module may sometimes miss a command.




I was not aware this was how the scene tests was intended and operates. :?:


This would explain why sometimes a scene would fail when I was doing some testing, yet the activation of the scene operated normally.


I am not sure if this has ever been covered or explained before. But, I would like to thank you once again for all the information and insight. :D


This is why having these discussions are so important . . .

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Brian -


The switches are on different circuits. This problem started when I upgraded to 2.8.10.


After I turn off the current breaker one at a time to each of the three switches the problem still exists. ( The scene intermittently does not work on one of the switches.)

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Hello Moshe,


I have to be clear here since there's absolutely no correlation between 2.8.10 and "some" devices in "some" scenes not responding. ISY does not at all distinguish between sending a command to scene A or scene B.


What you might want to try is to disable all your programs and see if this helps the issue. If it does, then you have a program that is causing a conflict.


With kind regards,


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My Thermostat Adapter displays the set temp value correctly but the Unit of Measure is says Centigrade "©" not Fahrenheit “(F)â€? Is this an error or do I need to configure something different (re-install)? FYI: I don't know why but every few weeks I lose communication with it and I am forced to re-install it???

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I too am having strange Thermostat behavior with 2.8.10.


I'm seeing that sometimes logging into the admin console the Thermostats status screens have no information and manually quering them doesn't refresh the screen. I have to log out of the admin console and log back in.


Is anyone else seeing this?

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I've read through this post and I'm seeing similar issues that Moshe is seeing.


Prior to upgrading to 2.8.10, I was on the last official release and didn't notice any of the random communication issues that I'm seeing now. I posted some of my findings in this post http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=5705


Any ideas on how to track down what could be causing these issues? I've already disabled programs, etc.


If this helps, I did notice that I had to completely remove and add back one of my KPL's in the admin tool, this seemed to have cleaned up communication issues I was see with that one device.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hello bocaray,


Where do you see C instead of F?




If the REST interface becomes slow or stops working that's a known issue. If you have communications errors with one or more of your devices, first we have to figure out whether or not the problem is scene related or device related. i.e. do you have the same problem when you query the devices.


If you do not have status present in the Admin Console, this points to firewall issues. Would you be kind enough to make sure that ISY is in the trusted/white zone of your firewall. Please note that disabling firewall does NOT help this situation.


With kind regards,


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Michel -


I disabled the programs that you suggested, and you are correct. Two of my programs were conflicting with my scene.


When I disable the programs the scene test works perfectly 100% of the time.


I have been using these programs for over 6 months. Why do you think the problem showed up now?


Thanks again

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I'm having a weird problem with one of my motion sensors and/or programs that may coincide with the recent firmware upgrade, or may not. Just looking for direction.


I have a program that sends an e-mail notice to me when a motion sensor is triggered on. I have the motion sensor set for a 30 second timeout and nothing has changed on the sensor side of things. What's happening is that after motion is sensed, I'm getting spammed for about 10-15 minutes (every minute) with an email alert even after all motion has stopped.

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Hi Michel, I think it was just a coincidence. I opened up the motion sensor and found that the battery terminal connection was very loose. I squeezed it tighter, reset and re-linked the device to ISY and now it seems to be operating properly... I'm guessing the cold temperatures in the garage may have made for a loose connection to the battery... I'll keep an eye on it and see what happens.

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