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Thermostat V2.1 communication issues


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I have a 2441V version 2.1 Insteon Thermostat adapter that seems to lose it's ability to communicate with the PLM and my ISY99i from time to time. Right now I can not see it at all, I have already had Smarthome replace my last 2441V that just stopped communicating with the ISY99i after a week or so.


What would be the proper way to trouble shoot this before I go giving Smarthome a call again?


Everything else seems to works fine, I can query devices and change status on all my other devices.



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Hi Joe,


Please review the posts here:

http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... thermostat


There has been some instances of communications errors with the thermostat (thermostat locks up) and SmartHome is investigating it.


I have two here and they've been working fine for almost a year now without any problems. I have an assorted variety of devices here with a dual band PLM and they are all heavily tested on a daily basis.


My speculation is that in the presence of multiple Access Points with overlapping ranges, somehow the signals cause the thermostat dongle to lock up.


What I recommend is to reduce the number of Access Points you have as the first step. Hopefully we'll hear back from SmartHome soon.


With kind regards,


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Thanks for that link Michael.


Yesterday I unplugged the adapter from the thermostat, waited about 5 seconds, and plugged it back in, the ISY saw the thermostat again after that. I only have two APs in my setup, so too many APs should not be a problem. Are there any issues with adding some dual band devices into the mix? I was planning on adding a few of those.


I will monitor that other thread and if I continue to have problems I will post any questions there.




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