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rename device and affect on programs


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I have scoured the boards and cant seem to find an answer to my question. When I rename a device (right click on device and select rename), it does not seem to update the device name in my programs (the name in the program changes to "not specified")... Am I doing something wrong? Is there a way to rename a device and have it update to the new name in all programs?



Jasson L

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Was a device replaced using Rename?


There is a Replace xxxx with .... function that does all the work of changing references to the new device automatically. The new replacement device is added first. Then the Replace xxxxx with .... is issued against the old device. The Replace function will list the devices with compatible device types that can replace the old device.



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Do the programs still work?


When a program says "not specified" that means the program has no device to control. This is what happens if you remove a device, not rename it.


As Michel said, programs internally reference the device's address. For the ease of viewing, the GUI shows the name you gave to that address, so if you change the name, it will show the new name.


So, in short, something is odd. You should be able to change the name of a device and everywhere the device with that address exists, will display the new name.


I have had one occurance where I replaced a whole bunch of insteon devices with new ones, and a couple came up with "not specified" in programs after I did that. But that was not a rename it was a "replace with" command. And it only happened on a couple devices after I had replaced about 25.

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ok...i think I found the problem. If I rename it was showing not specified in program but if I leave the admin console and log back in then it seems to rename correctly in the program. For some reason it was not updating/refreshing programs on the fly?



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