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Switchlinc loads flashing on traffic and during queries

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I have 4 Switchlinc dimmers in use, all v.37, that are having an annoying problem with flashing the load. These lights have always done this when the entire network is being queried by the ISY, or in my pre-ISY days, when I'd update devices using Houselinc. Since it only happened during those times when I was initiating activity, it wasn't a problem. The last few weeks however, they've begun to flash the load seemingly randomly from full on to full off, then back on. This will repeat a few times. The best I can tell, it's happening at least part of the time when there's Insteon traffic on the wire, because the kitchen light will reliably flash when I open the garage door (which triggers two beeps from keypadlincs throughout the house). I've been unable to find a cause for this definitively and haven't made any changes to the system in this time frame. None of the other modules (keypadlincs, lamplincs, etc) are having an issue, it's just these Switchlincs. I've tried a factory reset, and when restoring through the ISY the Switchlincs, it flashes repeatedly during programming. Then once it's programmed, it now flashes two or three times when I turn it on, then flashes when turned off.


Could this be related to a bad PLM? I had an issue some time ago where the PLM went missing, then came back and seemed to be operating fine since then. I do have a spare, would it be a good first step to replace that?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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It's worth verifying the load on those switches to make sure bulb changes or adding additional loads haven't taken the switches over their rated capacity. If the switch is side-by-side with another dimmer, or if you broke off any part of the mounting plate to install it, be sure to account for the necessary derating.


If you are still within capacity after any necessary derating, I'd check in with tech support on the Insteon Gold support number.

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I would also say talk to the Insteon Gold Line support folks.

There where some Switchlinc Dimmers that where known to flash the loads with power line traffic.


The v.37 you are referencing is the firmware revision reported in the ISY99i screen and not the hardware revision on the paper sticker?

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