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Release 3.1.6 (Beta) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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I have been experiencing an unusually heavy number of isy user interface no responses lately. I am running 3.1.6 and I have not done any restores or backups. As far as I can tell, programs are still running. I usually try to get in with conductor first, then this morning, I tried with firefox. I have been working with brad on a camera problem, but with this too, it seems like a strange coincidence. I have just now been thinking, is there a way that these events could be related?



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Hello Michel,

The problem appears on conductor(wireless lan), and a wired computer. Several times per day, I read email, check forums and activate programs on my recently updated zenithink epad. I had noticed a lack of response sometimes late at night and in the morning. Attempting to investigate, I would check whether a computer would also not be able to connect. Unfortunately, I did not think to see if the ISY would run programs based on powerline activity, but I will remember this in the future. I just noticed that time scheduled programs with in the last few hours had executed. I have been avoiding conductor since I posted the problem and have noticed an improvement, but not one that I can quantify yet.



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Removed elk from ISY seems better but really better when i remove is from the net I do not know what ISY is doing but it seems to clog my router and the elk when i removed ISY form my net all was well and no connection prob at all...to my other devices on my net



very strange



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I was using a remote connection for the first time under 3.1.6 and found my connection to the ISY very unstable. I don't know if I'm reporting a bug or a problem with Best Western's WiFi.


It seems I can connect and log into my home console alright and all device statuses show. But then I get open socket error message and I have to check off the licensing agreement before a time out error kicks me off the connection this morning.


Last evening when I tried, my connection was just a little bit better. I was able to log in and change a device status, but the console would not confirm a change unless I logged off and logged back into the system.



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Hello Michel,

The problem I was having has occured again. Powerline communications are normal. Scheduled programs appear to still be running. No access to the isy from the network. Unplugged the network connector and replugged did not restore network communications. Rebooted isy to restore web page and conductor communications.




Sent from my zt180 using Tapatalk

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Hello bocarob,


Can you do me a favor? Can you please check your router's configuration and see if there are any port forwarding rules to your ELK and ISY? If so, what ports are used for each?


Hi Scott and sanders2222,


I think this problem might be related to our SSL 2048 and Chrome. Would you both be kind enough to send me your Error logs? (support@universal-devices.com)


With kind regards,


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Now that I'm back home, I find I cannot log onto the ISY using the Java desktop application or Browser. So my problems may not have anything to do the motel's WiFi. It appears the programs are executing but I am not receiving any notifications. So something is amiss.


I think if I have to reset the ISY, I won't have an error log to view. Is there another workaround to resetting things?




I get I timeout message using the Broswer and with the Java application, the Insteon Finder window opens, but that's all. I noticed My Lighting does not show up on my network either, so it looks like that connection has been lost. Maybe I should reboot my router to see if that can reconnect things.

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Please do not reset the ISY. There are many posts from UDI indicating the ISY should not be reset as it rarely fixes anything. Clear the Java cache, check that Tools | Diagnostics | PLM Info shows a Connected PLM. A router and ISY reboot would be good things to try. Also there is an issue with the 3.1.6 backup which makes it unusable so recovery after a reset could be difficult.


Again, unless someone from UDI instructs the ISY be reset, please do not reset the ISY.

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A router and ISY reboot would be good things to try.

Do you know if I will loose the error log if I reboot the ISY?


Sorry for my post on resetting the ISY, I meant re-boot, not reset. But I also would like to preserve the log if that is possible. Clearing the Java cache did not restore my ISY network connection.

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Hi LeeG, thanks so very much. You are 100% correct.


sanders2222/scotnor, thanks so very much for the logs. We got them and are going through all of the entries one by one.


bocarob, those ports are pretty common ... please try using port numbers higher than 2000 if you want to customize your port numbers. Also, I am certain you are using 2101 as the port in the Admin Console for ELK Configuration, correct (not 2601)?


Hi elvisimprsntr,


Can you please be a little more specific. Is it all temperature values or some of them. And, if some of them, then which ones?


With kind regards,


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Hi Folks,


I just upgraded to 3.1.6 with no issues and am trying to integrate my ECM1240. I never had this working since the last rev was about a year ago, but it seems as if it should work.


I have the ECM software on a PC - and it is set up to listen on port 8084 (ascii) under "home automation plugin". I then put into the ISY config page, and it seems to take it - ie, doesn't spit out any errors.


I then go to the event viewer, but I never see it actually trying to poll the ECM server. I also don't see any date in the bottom right hand corner - I think this is where it used to try and show up.


Is this a known bug right now with this beta?





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Hello elvisimprsntr,


Thanks so very much. It shall be taken care of.


Hi Scott, thank you; your logs were instrumental in finding the bug.


Hi Matt, 3.1.6 does indeed have an issue with ECM1240: it does not poll!


We should have 3.1.7 out shortly hopefully by the end of the week at the latest.


With kind regards,


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I just want to say the support Michel & staff @ U-D is top shelf! Thanks for the work you are putting into your products.


I don't know that I bumped into another issue in 3.1.6 but linking 2 new Insteon switches (weekend sale at SmartHome) had a minor issue.


When I used the auto Start Linking option, the 2 switches were discovered but could not be identified. Instead of getting a Swtichlinc dimmer icon (2476D), both devices were given the generic 'lightbulb' icon and v.00. I put them in the wall (behind a wall plate) and do not recall what the firmware version is, but I could look for it if that information is needed.


I was able to link one switch manually, selecting 2476D as the type, but it was also identified as v.00. The other one seemed to link, but the 1011 icon persisted. After a couple of attempts, I eventually was able to write the updates to the device and the proper icon shows now. The device is working and reporting correctly but is also identified as v.00.


If this above issue is 'normal', then disregard my findings. But this seems odd & thought perhaps SmartHome has come out with another version of this switch not in your database.


EDIT: There were no error messages with the auto link option. But I had some trouble writing to one of the devices when I manually added them from the pull down list.

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The v.00 is normal when the Device Type field is selected from the pulldown options.


There is a known situation where SmartLabs has begun shipping a variant of the SwitchLinc 2476D with a new Cat/Subcat value. When the Device Type was specified as Auto Discover was a message issued saying something like unknown device:1.48? If so the workaround is to select the SwitchLinc Dimmer device type from the Device Type pulldown. This may be resolved in 2.1.7 if Smartlabs provides information on the new device type in time.



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Hi Michel,


Any word on when 3.1.7 will be up and available?




Hello elvisimprsntr,


Thanks so very much. It shall be taken care of.


Hi Scott, thank you; your logs were instrumental in finding the bug.


Hi Matt, 3.1.6 does indeed have an issue with ECM1240: it does not poll!


We should have 3.1.7 out shortly hopefully by the end of the week at the latest.


With kind regards,


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