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Elk Output 064 Missing


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After using ElkRP to enable the Show checkbox for Elk Output 064, that output shows up fine on the Elk keypad in menu 1,3, and Elk rules can change the value for Output 064. But, I cannot seem to get Output 064 to show up in the ISY's Elk Output screen or to be available to ISY programs. Any other Elk output from 1 to 63 shows up fine in the ISY if the Elk show check box for the output is enabled - only Output 064 seems to be missing in the ISY. With Elk set to Show Outputs 61 thru 66, the ISY's Elk Output table ID shows Outputs 61, 62, 63, 65, and 66, but skips 64. (65 & 66 are phantom outputs)


I've reentered the ISY's ELK M1XEP Access Code and performed a Save - still no Output 064. Selecting Refresh Topology in the ISY's Elk M1EXP screen will show new Elk outputs that are enabled to show using ElkRP - all but output 064.


I've rebooted both the Elk and the ISY, but can't seem to get Output 064 to show up in the ISY.


I've tried unchecking Show for Output 064, rebooting the Elk, and then re-checking Output 064, but that output continues to evade my attempts to get it to be available in the ISY.


ISY v.3.1.16

Elk firmware 5.2.8, M1EXP firmware 1.3.28


Suggestions, please.

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